Chapter 1357: can not tell you

That night, Si Kong hosted a banquet to thank Sima Youyue and Mo San for failing to find them.

I thought that Doman would attend, but Sikong said Doman was too tired and accumulated a lot of government affairs to deal with, so he did not come.

That night, several people drank a lot, and they didn't disperse until daybreak.

Mo San drank a lot, because many people came to toast him. By the time he was at the table, he was drunk.

Wu Lingyu helped him, took him to the yard where Sima Youyue lived, and found a room and threw him in.

"It's really rude." Sima Youyue leaned against the door, embracing her hands on her chest, and when she saw him threw him into the bed, she laughed softly.

"It's pretty good not to throw it on the ground." Wu Lingyu didn't like to contact other people. If it wasn't because he was Youyue's friend, if it wasn't because she didn't help herself, she would help, he wouldn't do it!

Si Yue came out from behind Sima Youyue, looked at the two men in the room, and asked, "Mo San, is he okay?"

"It's okay, I'm drunk. I gave him a sober elixir, and I just fell asleep." Sima Youyue said.

"Oh." Si Yue looked at the people on the bed, worried for the first time because others were drunk.

"How are you?" Sima Youyue asked her.

"What?" Siyue returned to her thoughts, thinking of her asking herself how she was now, and she said, "Of course I'm fine. I'm drinking your fruit wine and it's not intoxicating."

"If you are okay, let's go to the Domanman." Sima Youyue said.

"Okay, I know you're in a hurry, let's go to Aunt Man's house now." Si Yue said, "However, is it really OK to put Mo San here?"

"It's okay, I just have to look back at Di Wu and Mousse." Sima Youyue said, "Besides, it's in your house, don't you worry?"

"Also. Let's go." Si Yue smiled, ignoring Sima Youyue's teasing.

Beman's mansion is not far away from the Si family. They arrived after more than an hour.

The guard saw Siyue and saluted her. They didn't need to report to let them in.

Soon after the three entered the house, they saw a scholar dressed as a person approaching him, saw them, and stepped forward to salute, saying, "Miss Yueer, why are you here?"

"I'm looking for Aunt Man, is she there?" Si Yue asked.

"Master is resting. But she said, if you come with a woman, you can go to her. She is waiting for you in the room."

Does this mean she and Sima Youyue will come?

"I know. I can go with my little sister. Go for it."

"Okay. You guys please."

Si Yue took Sima Youyue and Wu Lingyu to Beman's yard, where she has visited countless times and is already familiar with light traffic.

Originally, she thought that it was not good for a man to go to Beman's yard, and she wanted Wu Lingyu to wait outside, but it was estimated that she was unwilling to see the guy's posture.

There were two maids guarding the gate of Beman's yard. When they saw them, they said, "No man can go in."

"Ling Yu, why don't you wait for me outside for a while." Sima Youyue said to Wu Lingyu, "We should be out soon."

Si Yue didn't expect Wu Lingyu to agree so easily. Before, he followed Sima Youyue like a fart, and then went to the toilet and didn't follow him!

"My son, please use tea in the living room," said a maid.

"No need, I'll wait here." Wu Lingyu said.

"This is still to follow." Si Yue secretly said, she said, how could he have sex! But it was because of listening to Sima Youyue's words, and this was a female courtyard, otherwise I must definitely follow it.

"Miss Yueer, please follow me."

The maidservant took them into the yard. As soon as Sima Youyue entered, she found that Doman really likes red, the flowers in the yard are red, the house is dark red, and even the decoration in the room is mainly red.

The maid brought them to the small living room in the yard and said, "The two are here, wait, the master will come right away."

Then she went out.

Soon after she left, Doman entered and Siyue and Sima Youyue stood up quickly.

"Aunt Man."

"Don't worry about it."

Do not come to the main seat and sit down, saying, "I said in the forbidden area, just call me Aunt Man like Yueer."

"Yes, Aunt Man." Sima Youyue responded.

"Aunt Man, we are here to find you something." Si Yue said.

"I expected it." Don't sigh. "That day, he told me to find her mother for the child. I didn't expect to see his child in person for decades."

"You mean ... my father?" Sima Youyue asked.

"Yes, your father, Sima Liuxuan." Doman fanned it all at once. "I guessed when I heard your name. You must be looking for your father."

"Aunt Man, can you tell me where my father is?" Sima Youyue asked urgently.

"I do know where your father is, but I can't tell you."

"Why?" Sima Youyue was puzzled. She could see that Be Man was affectionate when she mentioned her father. Why didn't she want to save her father?

«Это место слишком опасно. Если я скажу вам, вы обязательно спасете его, несмотря на опасность. И когда вы отправитесь туда, там не может быть девяти смертей. Даже если я скажу вам, это бесполезно». — сказал Дон Мэн.

«Но на этот раз я здесь, чтобы спасти своего отца. Как бы это ни было опасно, я пойду туда. Я спасу своего отца!» — твердо сказал Сима Ююэ. «Тетя Мэн, пожалуйста, скажите мне, где мой отец».

— Я ходил туда, где был твой отец. Беман не ответил на ее просьбу, но вспомнил однажды: «Я видел его, и он сопротивлялся по-своему. что-то ему пообещать».

— Тетя Мэн, что вы ему пообещали? — спросил Си Юэ.

«Он сказал, что однажды сюда придет кто-то, может быть, его жена или его дочь. Но кто бы это ни был, я остановлю вас и не хочу, чтобы вы были рядом с этим местом. его положение».

Сердце Сима Ююэ было ошеломлено, а его отец не позволял людям сообщать ему его местонахождение, объясняя, насколько опасно это место! Мысль о карте жизни со шрамами заставила ее сердце сжаться.

Отец не отпустил их к себе, не хотел подвергать их опасности, но она не могла больше позволить отцу страдать!

«Отец...» Она была очень огорчена при мысли об отце. Когда она увидела, что Беман не сказал отцу о ее местонахождении, она встала, подошла к Беману и протянула перед собой руку...

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