Chapter 190: Love Xie Shao

As the granddaughter of the Shen family, she can be able to withstand the wind and rain, especially her brother Shen Zhengyao has been spoiling her. What kind of man she has not seen, the young masters have always pursued her a lot.

She has always known that she is excellent, poetry and music, etiquette business, etc. She is not bad at all, so she has always been high.

But the time of the explosion, she saw him, this Xie Shao seemed to fall from the sky, the shock that gave her at that moment was beyond description.

He is absolutely gorgeous and noble, cold and elegant, scorching charm, and powerful and domineering.

So she was tempted, she was shocked, she forgot her brother's death, only remember Xie Shao.

She is extremely envious of Yun Bixue. Why and why can she get the same treatment as Xie Limo. Yun Bixue has some, she has all, Yun Bixue does not, she even has it, she can give it.

Why good things are on Yun Bixue, she is jealous, she has a crazy infatuation with Xie Limo, learn that he wants to see herself, she is not afraid, or even faintly expecting.

Such a man, who doesn’t love, she just stood and looked at Xie Limo, her eyelashes flickered, her expression slightly moved, her mouth raised at a 45-degree angle, she trained in the mirror, she was charming, there are many The young masters have said that she can crisp the man's heart.

Xie Limo is also a man, she doesn't believe him and doesn't mind.

After a long while, she did not see Shen Jingcui's movements, Xie Limo looked up, glanced at Shen Jingcui, his eyes cold, as if looking at a piece of wood, "Why not sign, you know, you can live only if you sign these."

She looked at the contract information on the table and her face was pale. Wasn't this her brother Shen Zhengyao's assets that finally fell under her name?

My brother didn’t know how to get the mastership from his grandfather, but before the explosion, he transferred all the assets to his own name. Now Xie Limo asked her to sign these, which are all transfer agreements or even the things that the Shen family has done over the years. All the sizes are there. Once exposed, the Shen family has no room to turn over.

Will be scolded by everyone.

No, no, she can't sign, "Xie Shao, please, let the Shen family go, OK?"

Xie Shaoyou coldly said: "Shen Jingcui, why do you think that I want to let go of the Shen family, you beg me, you are not qualified to ask me, and the Shen family once wanted to harm me and Bi Xue, I just let you sign, already very It's worthy of the Shen family." If he didn't want to stabilize the hearts of other giants, he wouldn't solve things so "gently".

Да, нежный. Если бы это было раньше, Се Лимо уже искоренил бы семью Шэня, но поскольку теперь он является лидером города Нинань, он должен учитывать политическую ситуацию и общественный имидж.

Шэнь Цзинцуй выслушала пугающие слова Се Лимо и пожала ей руку, изо всех сил стараясь: «Се Шао, ты можешь позволить мне делать все, что ты хочешь, просто умоляю тебя пройти мимо семьи Шэнь». В словах было плохое вибрато, даже намекающее на то, что…

Губы Се Лимо иронично изогнулись: «Мисс Шен думает, что она имеет какую-то ценность?»

Сердце Шэнь Цзинцуя неудержимо подпрыгнуло, затем посмотрел на себя, некоторое время колебался, а затем посмотрел на Се Лимо на противоположной стороне. Ему было только холодно, а еще он горел, как демон, и двигался.

Поэтому, как только она стиснула зубы, она стянула юбку со своего тела, обнажая белую кожу.

Как богатая бабушка: любимая жена Се Шао, пожалуйста, заберите: ( Богатая бабушка: Литературные обновления любимой жены Се Шао самые быстрые.

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