Chapter 748: Zhao Ping’er went to the stall to help

Zhao Yuner stared at Zhao Ping'er, her stern eyes made Zhao Ping'er panic.

Zhao Ping'er was a little frightened, and turned to Zhao Wenhua and Liang Jinqiao, "Father, mother, look at it, Zhao Yun'er is too much! Isn't it just eating a dog? As for stripping my skin?"

Zhao Wenhua and Liang Jinqiao sighed, and persuaded Zhao Ping'er a few words, "Ping'er, what do you think you can't do with a dog? Xiao Hei is actually pretty good..."

"Mother, why is it so good! Look, it's good if I bite my clothes! You shouldn't bring it back!"

"Hey, Ping'er..." Liang Jinqiao was also a little helpless. Zhao Yun'er left. She couldn't let Xiao Hei starve to death, so she brought it back for feeding. This Xiao Hei is also interesting. It is good to the rest of the family, but it is aimed at Zhao Ping'er.

"I don't care! I must pay for my clothes today! Zhao Yun'er, or you will lose my clothes, or you will stew the dog."

Zhao Yuner coldly hooked the corner of her mouth, "If I remember correctly, I paid for your clothes. What happened to my little black?"

Liang Jinqiao looked at the small hole in the clothes that was torn. It was actually not big, and it was enough to make up. So he said to Zhao Ping'er, "Ping'er, mother will make up for you with needles and threads, so I can't see it. Now Yun'er is back. Then Xiao Hei will be taken back, and he will definitely not bite anything in the future."

Zhao Ping'er thought for a moment and curled her lips. She wanted to make trouble. Zhao Yun'er was not easy to deal with. Her parents turned to Zhao Yun'er again. What can she do.

"Mother, please go back and make up for me. It's best not to let me see this dead dog again, otherwise I will definitely be unable to help but continue to clean it up."

Zhao Ping'er had already made a concession by saying this, and Liang Jinqiao hurriedly responded, for fear that the two sisters would quarrel again.

"Mother, I'll go back first!" Zhao Yuner said.

Zhao Yun'er nodded.

If there is a happy event in this country's relatives' family, they will always give gifts and money in advance. At any rate, Zhao Ping'er is the niece of her eldest uncle and the second uncle, who is about to get married. If such relatives can't come, they will be left behind.

Even if Lao Liang's family despised Zhao Yun'er and his family, this kind of superficial thing would still be maintained.

Now that they are here, Zhao Yuner's family has to treat them well, whatever they say.

"Well, I see, mother, tomorrow we will go to the town to buy more food and come back."

"Yun'er, don't go to the stall tomorrow morning, just rest."

"That won't work, mother, you and Mulan's sister-in-law have been busy these two days. Since I'm back, we have to sell them together."

Speaking of this, Liang Jinqiao smiled, "Yun'er, in fact, there are enough people. Ping'er is helping out these days, but she's diligent."

Zhao Yun'er listened and frowned, Zhao Ping'er help? Did you make a mistake?

Seeing Zhao Yun'er's surprised look, Liang Jinqiao continued, "Ping'er is still not the same as before. Now she is diligent, Yun'er, let her help. You can also rest and take a good rest. "

Where did Zhao Yun'er believe that Zhao Ping'er would come to help well, guessing that Zhao Ping'er must have calculated something in her heart.

So he asked, "Mother, Sister Ping'er will help in the past, but there is nothing to do? Work for us for nothing?"

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