Chapter 1990: Letter from Liu Qinghan

At a glance, I saw a general in the front of the queue, riding a high-headed horse, wearing armor, looking very brave, and Xiao Yu spurred the horse to walk beside him. When he saw us here, his face suddenly showed a reassuring smile.

I had no time to nod to him. The general had turned over and dismounted, and quickly walked to kneel in front of Pei Yuanzhang: "General Cao Che, meet the emperor, long live long live my king!"

The expression on Pei Yuanzhang's face eased a little when he saw him.

He stepped forward and asked, "What about your father?"

Cao Che knelt at his feet and replied: "My father guarded Tongguan and failed to come to meet him. The Emperor Wangwang forgave him."

I just remembered that when I was in Xi'an, I had heard that Tongguanshou would be a general named Cao Ji. At that time he lost Tongguan, and even when Gao Tianzhang was angry, he would report to the court to cut him. However, because he actively dispatched troops later, Tongguan was eventually taken back from the army of Shanxi, so he should still stay at Tongguan with guilt.

And this Cao Che is his son.

It was a battle of father and son.

At this time, Pei Yuanzhang naturally did not account. Compared with Cao Ji, he did not come to meet the driver himself. After asking clearly, he nodded: "Be flat."

"Xie Xie."

Cao Che stood up from the ground and glanced around, apparently observing the situation and didn't speak immediately, but after Xiao Yusheng dismounted, he walked towards us immediately, saluted to Qinghan, and then whispered. "Elder Brother, Miss, is there something wrong?"

At this time, my whole body was still slightly convulsed because of the relationship that was just too shocked, and I didn't have the strength to speak. Qing Han was silent for a long while, and finally spit out two words: "It's all right."

He seemed to have no energy.

Cao Che waited until our words were finished, and then said to Pei Yuan: "The end will rescue the emperor and look forward to the emperor's forgiveness. This place is barren and the emperor should not stay for a long time. There is a post station in front of you to rest and wait until tomorrow to support your spirit Tongguan, I don't know what the emperor likes. "

Pei Yuanzhang didn't insist any more this time, only nodding her head: "Okay."

Cao Che is not very old, but he did things neatly. Two or three sentences solved the situation, but I think it was not him who solved the situation, but the team he brought with him. Pei Yuanzhang had almost started working with Qing Han just now and was unwilling to stay. When Cao Che showed up with the horse, he agreed to go to the station to rest, that is, he was waiting for the reinforcements to come and join him. .

As long as this group of people arrives, even if the light cold ones catch up, he doesn't care.

He didn't want to let the light cold men and women surround themselves too much, and didn't want his schedule and safety to be controlled by others.

And light cold ...

I hardly had the strength to look back at him again. When Cao Che greeted the people around him to get on the horse, get on the car, and everyone hurried forward, he didn't say a word, and turned his head, silent. He walked towards his carriage, and the generals followed him back.

The sentence just now was like a thunder, but it did n’t leave nothing after it sounded. I clearly saw those people around me, with more or less surprises on their faces. I could n’t believe it. Many people looked at his back secretly.

I also looked at his back, seeing Chabeixing beside me, looking at me, as if trying to say something.

His face also looked a little heavy in the twilight, but the people around him were urging us, he just sighed, and turned away.

I was silent for a moment, and then I was going back to my carriage.

But when he was about to go, Pei Yuanzhang bowed his head and explained to Chang Qing, and Chang Qing came and pulled me and said, "Lightness, the next way, let the palace go with the wonderful words."

Pei Yuanzhang asked her to change with me.

Of course, there is something to ask me.

I nodded my head silently, glanced back, and the wonderful words were still lying by the window, looking at us pale, I just nodded to her, and turned and walked forward. Father Jade waited at the roadside, Immediately after I walked by, a little **** came over to help me get into the carriage.

There was a loud order from Cao Che in front of us. After a sound of horseshoes, our team began to move forward slowly.

I sat in Pei Yuanzhang's carriage and didn't know what to say.

The queen's car was naturally more gorgeous and more comfortable than the carriage we were sitting in. I even smelled the faint scent from the thick and soft mattress under my body, but this smell It's inevitable that people smell a bit dizzy after smelling more. Just like now, I just sat in for a while, and I felt so bored that I was out of breath.

The person sitting on the other side of the carriage was still exhaling suffocating pressure.

I almost couldn't help but tilt my head to open the curtain to breathe, but as soon as I moved, he opened his eyes: "Now, are you satisfied?"


I froze and looked back at him: "Your Majesty, what do you say?"

"I said, are you satisfied now?"


"Liu Qinghan now has his prestige and his fame is about to sit down. When he reaches Xichuan, he won't be able to take him anymore. By that time, what will he want?

My face paled slightly, and said, "Your Majesty's words are heavy."

"Heavy words?" He narrowed his eyes slightly, and a pinpoint of light came out of his eyes. "So you still have to say, these things are just imaginary?"

That kind of pressure is getting stronger, I can hardly breathe, holding one's cuff with one hand and breathing slightly.

He sneered: "Do you really think I don't know, how did that song spread in the city?"


"If it wasn't for someone secretly indulging, or even indulging, how could an anti-song come from Beijing so quickly? Do you think he tuned several teams to Shanxi, it was really just for the sake of the uncle and the rescue of you. He asked the team in Taiyuan to drive here here at night and night, is it really just that simple to join him? "

After that, he took something out of his sleeve and threw it **** me.

I froze, looked down, and it was a letter.

I recognized it at a glance. It was the letter written by Qing Han, the letter he gave to his attendants to let those people pass to the team in Taiyuan, urging them to come!

This letter is actually here with the emperor. Could it be said that-Pei Yuanzhang secretly sent someone to rob him?

For a moment, my whole body became cold.

Pei Yuanzhang's cold voice sounded in his ear.

"Don't you want to see, what did he write in the letter?"

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