Chapter 794: Dark Emperor 61

Bei Yu Yan waved at him. "Go, go."

Tomorrow, if you let my mother see it, he will come out of his room, and it will really be impossible to wash into the Yellow River.

In the room next door, Hughes was lying on the bed, only feeling empty, but his heart was still satisfied when she thought of her. It was only when the hand touched the side of the vacancy, he not only sighed.

It seems that I have to step up and let her be her wife.

The only thing I think about in someone’s mind before going to sleep is this.

This night, Xiusi did not sneak back, the north rain squinted, habitual silent side position, the tentacles of the cold, let her come back.

I can't help but laugh a little, and it turns out that the habit is terrible.

Bei Yuyu got up and thought before going out. Someone who wants dissatisfaction, sleeps last night. As soon as I left the room, the north rain rang the door next door, and no one responded.

She opened the door and there was no one inside.

When the rain went to the living room, he saw his mother busy breakfast in the kitchen. She did not see Xiusi and his father.

"Mom, Dad and Hughes?" asked North Rain.

The voice of the North Mother came out of the kitchen. "Your father took Hughes out for morning exercise. This time has not come back yet, it is estimated that it is still there."

As soon as the North Mother’s words were finished, there was movement at the door.

The North Father was happy to lead his son-in-law, and with a smile on his face, he knew that he would go out and earn enough face. The North Father looked at the eyes of Hughes, the name was shining, and his son and daughter did not have that treatment.

This is a careful thought, ushered in the contempt of the Northern Rain and the North Mother.

The North Father did not care, and he went out with the Hughes. They went out to play chess, and the North Mother took the Northern Rain to go out to buy food. On the way, the North Mother began her horrifying and sharp words.

"Rain, you tell Mom, when you and him do something, do you take measures?"

Bei Yuyu just took a sip of milk tea and slammed it as soon as he heard the words of the North Mother.

The North Mother snorted and snorted while stroking her back. "You said that you are such a big person, you can still drink something. You are all a mother." What can I do if I have a baby in the future?"

Saying, I saw the eyes of the North Mother licking her stomach, and she was just like her granddaughter in her stomach.

After the rain in the north, I looked at her old man with tears and tears. "Mom, my mother. I have to be very, very, very tell you, I haven’t been with him yet, really."

The unbelief of Beimu’s face, squinting at her, the contemptuous eyes should not be too obvious.

"Your mother is still not confused to believe that the cotton quilt is purely chatting."

The north rains are speechless.

"Since you are all sleeping on a bed, I have no objection. However, what is the date of this marriage is still settled early. If you have it in your stomach, it will not be easy to pass it out."

Said, her old man’s eyes squatted on her stomach.

Looking at her in the north rain.

I am so damn, I can't talk this day.

She felt that she should accompany the old beans to play chess.

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