Chapter 798: Reason for failure

Lin Wenwen feels that after the end of the world, she is a woman of a gender and loves men. But now her love rival is not a woman, but a man?

And now it seems that the other party is still a person who obviously likes to use some intrigue.

No one noticed just now what happened to Lu Tong and the man, but Lin Wenwen saw it. Because before Yuan Tianxing appeared, she had been watching the Lu Tong quietly.

She saw that the two were originally standing under the shelf, and when Yuan Tianxing and Chen Yuting appeared far away, they immediately climbed onto the shelf. Then I made an appointment, one pretending to fall out, and one holding the other's hand tightly. The play is quite enough. If you didn't stare at the two at the beginning, you really don't know it was pretending.

In the end, Lu Tong fainted like a monster, although he did not faint directly into Yuan Tianxing's arms. But it was enough to attract Yuan Tianxing's attention, and also made Yuan Tianxing remember his face!

It took so much effort to play such a performance, but just to give Yuan Tianxing a good impression, and then remember him?

Lin Wenwen rubbed his chin and thought, a flash of light flashed in his eyes.

It seems that this Lu Tong is not in a hurry, and the first step is considered a success. It depends on how he will take the second step and the third step, and then how to get Yuan Tianxing to bed.

Although Lin Wenwen knew Lu Tong's attempt, she couldn't tell Yuan Tianxing clearly. Because such a move, Yuan Tianxing would only think she was suspicious. Until there is no solid evidence, she may be treated as unreasonable.

On the one hand, he didn't want Yuan Tianxing to have a disgust on himself, on the other hand, he wanted to know what kind of ghost Lu Tong was going to engage in. Lin Wenwen decided to keep watching the Lu Tong secretly.

Until she has enough evidence, Lin Wenwen will not act lightly. Of course, for Yuan Tianxing's virginity ... she must stare at this Lu Tong.

And that picture, Lin Wenwen already had some uncertain thoughts. Although it is now known that Lu Tong has a bad attempt on Yuan Tianxing, but thinking of that picture, Lin Wenwen couldn't believe that Yuan Tianxing would be easily fainted by Lu Tong in the strange little room.

So while staring at the landing boy, she also had to verify her idea.

Did she ... awaken another power?

On the other side of the Huaxia base, Lin Qiao continued to watch the excitement after returning to the Huaxia base.

After the three of them returned, Si Kong had a rest overnight, and immediately held a meeting in the command room the next day.

When they returned last night, the crowd received news that the three of them had not destroyed the Zombie Emperor.

Three level eight abilities can't kill a level eight zombie emperor? Is something wrong? Or is it true that the eighth-level zombie emperor is so powerful?

So at the meeting the next day, everyone looked curiously and looked forward to the three of Si Kongchen.

The faces of Si Kongchen and Gao Haoyun were very gloomy. Wu Chengyue's gentle and handsome face still had a constant smile on it, making people not see what he was thinking.

"Tell me what's the matter? How strong is the Zombie Emperor? The three of you haven't cleaned each other up for a long time." The crowd didn't say anything, but Lan Lu was already curiously watching Si Kongchen's cold face Asked.

As a result, he asked, Si Kongchen's expression on the cold and severe face became even more gloomy. He pursed his lips, his eyes flashing and he didn't speak.

Gao Haoyun's face and lips were a little pale next to him, and his expression was hard to read. There was a hint of forbearance on his face, but he was hidden under his face expressionlessly.

Seeing that Si Kongchen didn't speak, he said, "I have to ask the leader of Haicheng Wu."

Said he looked at Wu Chengyue very dissatisfied. Because Wu Chengyue's behavior similar to touching a fish and paddling beside him made him so embarrassed by the zombie emperor. If Wu Chengyue can suppress the thunder and lightning in the sky, he won't end up where he is now. He was even scratched by the Zombie Emperor!

Gao Haoyun did not sleep the night after returning last night. He immediately went to find a virus research technician here at Huaxia Base, hiding his identity and threatening the other party with a powerful strength to develop an antidote to unlock the virus on him. .

Because after the experimental zombie macuy killed that group of experienced researchers, the technical level of these latter people has dropped significantly.

If an antidote to the virus could be developed, it would have been researched long ago. Don't wait until now!

So in order to suppress the virus in his body with his power, Gao Haoyun didn't sleep all night. Not to mention that he didn't sleep last night, he won't have to sleep anymore. Because he must be sober to suppress the virus in his body. If he falls asleep, the control of the ability to suppress the virus is slightly loosened, this overbearing zombie virus can immediately erupt and spread quickly to every corner of his body.

Although Gao Haoyun, who had not rested for one night, did not have any unusual performance at this time, except that his face was pale and his lips were bloodless, everything was normal.

Except for Lin Qiao, no one knew he had a zombie virus in his body.

Wu Chengyue didn't respond to Gao Haoyun's muzzle aimed at himself, but smiled and said, "I can't help it, it's a natural thundercloud. It wasn't made by the Zombie Emperor, I only It can temporarily suppress the operation of thunder and lightning energy on the thundercloud. But you can also see that the more I suppress, the more energy the thunder and lightning accumulates at last. Anyway, I was tempted by the zombie emperor, and I can't help it! "

"Then why don't you cut off the connection point between Zombie Emperor and Lei Yun directly? If you cut off this point, won't Zombie Emperor be able to detonate the thunder and lightning on Thunder Cloud?" Gao Haoyun stared at Wu Chengyue with a grim expression. Looking at the other person's boundless face, he felt more and more annoying.

"You have the ability, then you can go. Anyway, I do not have this ability. Although I am also a thunder system, but my energy is weaker than the Zombie Emperor. And you also saw the state of the Zombie Emperor at that time, the other party was going crazy The zombie emperor who initiated the madness was so explosive that if I rushed directly to cut off the link between him and Lei Yun, I would only be back shocked. Besides, I also suppressed most of the power of thunder and lightning at the time. Now, you two can't bother a Zombie Emperor to me? "Wu Chengyue smiled slightly, then shrugged and spread his hands.

Wu Chengyue, of course, cannot accept Gao Haoyun's claim that he wants to put responsibility on himself. Besides, he did his best at that time, although the way did seem to be a bit paddling beside. But if he did not suppress the energy operation on the thundercloud, they would not be able to deal with the Zombie Emperor so easily.

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