Chapter 810: Conditions are simple

After Mo Yan disappeared, when the zombies and Si Kongchen who were present reacted, the woman in the white dress also disappeared.

After Wu Chengyue's crackling and thundering, he calmed down, and Si Kongchen over there had lost his target. He stopped abruptly, looking at the position where Mo Yan was still a little bit blank.

"Well? Where is the Zombie Emperor?" Wu Chengyue, who was about to recruit another group of thunder, suddenly looked in the direction of Si Kongchen.

"Roar--" Not only was Si Kongchen and Wu Chengyue strange, the zombies suddenly stopped at this moment. Looking at the position of the Zombie Emperor silently for a few seconds, then violently threw off the attacks of Wu Chengyue and Lan Lu and rushed there.

"Willn't it ... the space department? Is there still a space department for the zombie emperor? It was originally waiting! I said why he hadn't resisted before!" Lan Lu's eyes flashed, and suddenly he realized that .

When Lan Lu saw the Zombie Emperor and Zombie suddenly disappeared out of thin air, he immediately thought of the space department. Only the ability of the space department can make this disappearing effect. So he thought it might be another hidden skill of the Zombie Emperor, which is another hidden ability.

No wonder the Zombie Emperor is now in a very dangerous situation, but his expression is not panic. Instead, he just kept calm and dodged the attack. That must be a trick!

So this is his last move!

Except for Wu Chengyue, no one knew that a female zombie could be invisible in addition to space.

So after hearing Lan Lu's words, Wu Chengyue glanced at Lan Lu with a strange look, but his expression remained unchanged along his words: "It does look like this, although he only cares about dodging, but it looks very Calm. Not in a hurry! "

The disappearance of Mo Yan made all the zombies present messed up.

"Don't let these second-level kings also run away!" Si Kongchen quickly responded at this moment, the Zombie Emperor ran away, and there were still many prey in front of him. He immediately switched targets and rushed towards the nearest second-level king next to him.

"That's right!" Wu Chengyue nodded, turning his head and chopping a few mines towards another second-level king.

"Roar--" The zombies were now angry when they saw the zombie emperor disappeared with her female zombies. At the time of being irritable, the humans who saw Si Kongchen actually attacked them, so the anger of the zombie emperor's escape immediately transferred them to these humans.

So the battle here continues.

Mo Yan, who was thrown into the space woods by Lin Qiao, was relieved at this time.

"Huh? What do you mean by this expression? You seem relieved. Did you think I would appear?" Lin Qiao looked at Mo Yan with a look of surprise.

"Roar--" Seeing Lin Qiao, the female zombie next to Mo Yan flashed in front of Mo Yan and stared at her alertly.

Mo Yan raised her hand behind her and held her shoulder to calm her down.

He stepped out from behind the female zombies and looked at Lin Qiao with a calm expression. The black lines on his face and the black eyes made it impossible to see his face clearly.

Mo Yan stared at Lin Qiao in silence. He was just betting before. Bet this female zombie leader will save him. He knew she was around, because he could sense her subtle breath that others couldn't. It was just that he couldn't guess whether the female zombie leader would save him, but he was sure she would not take the opportunity to kill him.

Mo Yan knew that in this situation, if the female zombie leader shot and rescued him, it must be required. It is impossible for the other party to rescue him for no good reason.

Without waiting for Lin Qiao to speak, there was a sudden whistle of wind beside him, and then a figure rushed past the middle position between Lin Qiao and Mo Yan.

Lin Qiao preparing to speak: "..."

Mo Yan and the female zombies reacted after the figure flashed. The two looked tight, and immediately became fully alert.

Lin Qiao's face froze for half a second and immediately returned to normal. When he was ready to speak again, a strange bark came from the side.

"Wang Wang Wang Wang Wang Wang ~~~~" With a gust of wind, the black giant dog rushed past Lin Qiao and Mo Yan without any fear.

Lin Qiao, who just opened his mouth to speak, "..."

Feeling inexplicably inexplicable Mo Yan: "..."

A blank female zombie: "... ????"

Lin Qiao took a deep breath and pressed the rage on his forehead back. This time, he did not speak to Mo Yan, but turned to look at the direction that the two just ran over.

Sure enough, when he turned his head, he saw a huge black snake rushing forward, ignoring Lin Qiao and Mo Yan three standing zombies.

Lin Qiao, Mo Yan, and the female zombies stepped back silently, letting the angry black snake rush past before speaking.

"It seems that you just bet on me whether I will come to your rescue, right?" Lin Qiao looked at the snake body in front of him and said to Mo Yan.

Mo Yan looked at her eyes and blinked, then nodded slowly.

Lin Qiao's mouth angled and said: "Okay, now that you have thought of it. Then you will surely guess what I will say later, will you agree?"

Mo Yan did not nod this time, but stared at Lin Qiao for a few seconds before he said sharply: "Roar--"


Lin Qiao nodded, and continued to look at him with a smile: "Okay, since you promised. The conditions are simple, that is, you follow me and follow my rules in the future."

Mo Yan narrowed his eyes, and his whole body breath became agitated for a moment.

«Рев…» Мо Ян еще не произнес ни слова, но женщины-зомби позади него неодобрительно посмотрели на Линь Цяо.

Что заставило ее императора делать свою работу! Она король второго уровня, а уровень ниже императора!

Улыбка Линь Цяо не изменилась, он посмотрел на женщин-зомби и сказал: «Позвольте мне спасти ему жизнь на этот раз, иначе он думает, как долго он сможет выжить в сломанном ядре трупа?»

По ее словам, женщины-зомби сразу затихли.

Мо Янь выглядел бесстрастным, тупо глядя на Линь Цяо.

Линь Цяо снова посмотрел ему в глаза и сказал: «Тебе не интересно, почему твою силу нельзя использовать? Ядро твоего трупа не может хранить энергию, потому что энергия, которую ты вложил в него ранее, превышает толерантность ядра твоего трупа, и оно треснул. Ты еще не знаешь?»

Услышав эту новость, глаза Мо Яня слегка расширились, и он с удивлением посмотрел на Линь Цяо, и потребовалось несколько секунд, чтобы понять, что имел в виду Линь Цяо. Затем выражение его лица сразу же помрачнело, и черные линии были повсюду, что сделало его еще более мрачным.

«Будьте уверены, ядро ​​вашего трупа только что треснуло. Оно еще не сломано. У вас достаточно времени, чтобы совершенствоваться и исцеляться, к тому же, разве она все еще не рядом с вами? Действительно, нет, я постараюсь помочь вам поправиться» Линь Цяо - сказал ему, затем повернулся и вышел из леса.

«Ха…» «Ван Ван 嗷 Ван…»

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