Chapter 1067: Raising a child (the first one, asking for a monthly pass)

"My mother gave birth to me, and Adam." Helice said lightly, "Of course, he is a failure."

Helice's tone was full of murmurs: "For this project, she found two different men to have children, and then left me and Adam in different families to grow up. I did n’t know before I was ten I have an older brother, and one day, I was attacked. "

"Is he attacking you?" Chen Yan asked.

"That's right, it's him." Helice nodded.

"He broke into my life unreasonably, and then killed my adoptive parents in a cruel way." Helice said, "Then I wanted to devour my magic, but he lost, and at that time he Tell me, he said he was forced, and I let him go. "

"and after?"

"Later, I got more information and met more siblings."

"More siblings?"

"Yes, that woman had a lot of children for this project. Adam and I were just one of them. I was the youngest. She let us kill each other until the last survivor."

Chen Ye's face changed, and he could not understand this brutal and cruel way of thinking.

What kind of pleasure can such a woman get from treating her own child as a puppet?

Is that so-called plan really that important?

"Then every sibling came to me and attacked me."

"Then you all won?"

"Then each of them met Adam after being defeated by me. What did the Chinese say?"

"The mantis catches the cicada, the cardinal bird."

"Well, Adam is not the best one, but he is definitely the most cunning one, a total of eleven brothers and sisters, all swallowed by him."

"Eighth eleven brothers and sisters, so he should be strong, right?"

"not enough."


"Not enough, I'm not strong enough, and I'm not good enough for Helis to be able to resist that woman," Adam said.

Upon hearing Adam's words, Greenland's scalp was numb: "You want to be the enemy of that woman? I won't help you."

"I don't need your help," Adam said calmly, "I can do it alone."

Adam looked around, and the crew on the White Herald had been killed.

"It's almost time we shot," Greenland said. "These guys are amazing, they're not hurt."

"Go ahead." Adam had little interest in Kaos and others.

In his eyes, Kaos and others are just ordinary people.

He felt that he should save his strength against Helis.

Although there was so much understatement in his description of Halith.

But after all, he had suffered several losses on Helice.

So he dare not neglect.

However, Halith's performance this time is completely different from the panic when they met in the past.

Today's Helice has remained calm from beginning to end.

Does she think she is in control?

Or has resistance been abandoned?

This may be the first time Chen Yan has been so despised.

Standing for so long with Helis, Adam always regarded Chen Kun as a soy sauce.

Greenland is already active: "Shall I deal with these guys?"

"Of course, don't you expect me to shoot?"

Greenland turned around and looked at Kaos and others who had shown siege.

The crew on Greenland were average.

Compared with the elites like Kaos, I don't know how many times.

What's more, they are a group of strengthened elites.

Greenland turned to look at Kaos and others.

"Did you know that you have angered me?" Greenland was arrogant from beginning to end.

Kaos pointed his pistol at Greenland, and with a bang, Greenland's shoulder blew a blood flower.

Greenland took a step and glanced at the blood on his shoulder.

"I'm going to kill you." Greenland was full of anger.

But at this moment, he ushered in more intense gunfire.

All six machine guns fired at Greenland.

Kaos and others know exactly where their weaknesses are.

In the face of the psychic, their only chance was to speak out.

Kill the opponent first ... or kill him directly.

Not long after, Greenland's body was already full of holes.

Greenland's body crumbled at this moment, as if he was about to fall to the ground the next moment.

But he did not fall down, and bullets were expelled from him.

"What magic is this?" Kaos was a little surprised.

Chen Ye on the deck opposite was also surprised.

"what is this?"

"It is rumored that there is a special kind of magical constitution. They reject any foreign matter, and all substances that do not belong to their body will be rejected by them." Arras said, "and their bodies have muscle memory, no matter what Twisted, even burned, they can recover. "

"I'm going, is this immortal?"

At this moment, Greenland was so mad that he looked at Kaos and others with a grimace.

"Are you ready for despair?" Greenland shouted.

Kaos and others looked at each other with confidence on their faces: "If you can do it, come on."

Greenland suddenly accelerated towards Kaos.

Kaos didn't want to approach Greenland, so he wasn't sure what magic Greenland had.

So he stepped back quickly, holding two guns in both hands, and constantly firing at Greenland.

Greenland was fast, but Kaos was not slow.

Greenland's attempt to catch Kaos didn't seem so easy.

Greenland chose a different target and turned to another Lightning Squad member.

However, the player's reaction speed was also super fast, and he immediately opened up the distance.

Anyway, no matter who Greenland approached, whoever retreated, the others shot.

This is a cat-and-mouse game. Although Greenland cannot be killed, he also cannot approach Kaos and others.

And Kaos had learned, although firearms couldn't kill Greenland, they could stop him.

Especially shooting through his legs, Greenland's actions will be greatly affected, and the recovery speed will be very slow.

Гренландия пробовала любой метод, и любой, кто хотел приблизиться к Отряду Молний, ​​заканчивал неудачей.

Эти ребята настолько хитры, что вообще не дают Гренландии шанса приблизиться.

Чэнь Янь посмотрел на игривого Гренландия: «Этот парень смешной?»

Все взглянули на Чэнь Хуаня, и в его сердце все враги были забавными.

Но Чэнь Е также должен был признать, что Гренландия действительно в некотором смысле невероятна.

Даже если бы он был убит выстрелом в голову, его невозможно было бы убить.

Однако продолжающееся наблюдение Чэнь Е показалось подозрительным.

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