Chapter 1985: reconciliation?

"By the way, what's the alarm call in Mexico? Is it also 9..11?"

"No, it's 066, Mr. Chen, do you want to call the police? What trouble have you encountered? I can help you to contact some local gangs ... send them, maybe they can help, of course, for a fee."

"No, I just want to find out, I'm prepared." Chen Yan said calmly, and at the same time gave Ella Gonzalez a hundred dollars: "Will you buy me an ice cream?"

"Are there any change?"

"No, the rest is your errand fee."


It's noon, it's the hottest time of the day, and the temperature in the desert is as high as 30 degrees or more.

Ham and others have been buried in the soil for a long time.

Everyone is dehydrated, and some people have developed heat stroke symptoms.

They had no energy to speak, and everyone was dying.

It's not a pleasant experience for anyone.

Even the harshest tests they've ever had, there is no such super-special experience.

Just when they thought they were going to die here.

The sound of a police car came from a distance.

Soon the police came.

A total of fifteen people were rescued.

"Sir, I want to know how do you know I'm here?"

"We received an anonymous call saying that you were buried here." The policeman said, "Do you know who did it? Or is there anyone suspected?"

Everyone was silent.

Everyone knows who did it.

After taking notes, everyone dragged their tired bodies back to the hotel.

When Ham opened the door of his room, he heard a sound in the room, and immediately reached out to touch his gun, but felt empty.

Then he remembered that his gun was not on him.

Ham walked cautiously against the wall.

He saw Chen Yan sitting on the sofa in the room with a book in his hand.

After seeing Ham enter the room, Chen Shu put down his book with a smile.

"Hi, Ham."

"What are you doing in my room? How did you get into my room?"

"How was the experience today?" Chen Yan looked at Ham with a smile.

"Sure enough you did it, you bastard."

Chen Yan stood up: "What about my things, would you like to return them to me now?"

"Don't think about it!"

"So ..."

"I inspected Mexicali today, and I found that there is a crocodile pool in the Mexicali Zoo, where there are hundreds of crocodiles, and I will put my things back before my dinner.

Chen Yan walked to Ham: "After all, the crocodile may not give you time to consider."

Ham felt at this moment an unprecedented shame and shame.

During Chen Ye's dinner, Ham came to the hotel restaurant.

"Mr. Chen, I think we should talk."

Chen Zheng put down the tableware, looked at Ham, and the two men who followed him.

"Okay, you say, I listen."

"We shouldn't be enemies," Ham said.

"From the beginning to the end, you provoked unilaterally." Chen Huan leaned on the chair, arms folded in his arms, and was very indifferent.

"I understand that I made the wrong choice, but at least things haven't reached the worst yet, have they?"

Chen Yan still has the same attitude, without any expression of stand.

In addition to the tablet, I also took a few more valuable things.

For example, the men's perfumes Chen Chenping uses daily.

"Mr. Chen, I came to talk to you with sincerity."

Chen Yan touched his brow: "I probably know what you mean, let's stop here."

"Mr. Chen, I hope we can cooperate sincerely in this operation."

"Ham, you know, it's impossible. We have no trust in each other. Remember to notify me when you act ..." Chen Yan said calmly, "Do you want to continue sitting here? The cost of this restaurant is not You can afford it. "

Ham took a deep breath and turned away.

"Captain, do we give in like this?" Daniel whispered.

His tone was full of resentment, and for anyone else, he would not be happy when he was buried in the desert for a long time.

"There is still a chance, when we act, we are all equipped with our own weapons, and then we will give him a small accident." Hamm growled.

They don't have enough weapons now, they need to connect with arms dealers.

And all the conversations that they consider private fall in Chen Ye's ears.

Chen Yun found that those who like to fight for power and gain profits always like to constantly try on the verge of danger.

In contrast, Chen Yun prefers the Paranormal Society and prefers West.

He would never do any temptation.

West is smarter than them.

Because West knew that he only had to test it once.

It was when Chen Kun left.

Of course, Chen Yan will do nothing.

Even if Ham and others furiously die.

After returning to the room, Chen Yun started talking to his home.

Then Lily Li, then West on the African savannah.


"West, who are you talking to?" West was patted on the shoulder.

West looked back at the tall black man beside him: "My boss."

"I thought you were the boss."

"I'm just the person in charge of the team. I can't surrender these demons."

"Have a chance to introduce me."

"You won't like to see him." West smiled, looking at the black man with a little more meaning.

"Hehe ..." The black man smiled brightly.

Terry Boye, a member of the management team dispatched by the manager.

Outstanding and almost almighty mage.

Long range magic attack, melee physical attack, almost no weakness.

No less powerful than any member of the association.

Even his strength is far more than that, because he did not really show his strength in every battle.

To be honest, in the first few battles, West was really shocked to see Terry's battle and strength.

Gradually, West discovered some problems.

Teri's strength is indeed powerful and heinous.

But his identity is not simple.

Terry Boyle, the last name is the same as the guardian of nature.

So West suspected that Terry Boye was the guardian of nature, the poisonous dragon who never revealed his true body.

West didn't know why Terry Boye would take the initiative to enter their team.

And doesn't it mean that the Guardian of Nature is seriously injured now?

That's why West said that Terry wouldn't like to see Chen Yan.

Because Chen Kun is a professional dragon slaughterhouse, there may be no more professional people in this world than Chen Kun.

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