Chapter 2554: Crazy boss

Amyra also got a reply quickly.

Negotiations officially started.

The US dollar is the gold standard currency.

So the old American bank has a lot of gold.

The value of gold is not just reflected in the market for more than forty dollars a gram.

When gold reaches a certain level, it is possible to control and control the level of currency.

This is especially true for top banks like Citibank.

Three hundred tons of gold is not just a question of more than $ 10 billion.

The value it can create is far more than that.

Citibank may not even bother if it is replaced with other living things of equal value.

But gold is different, especially three hundred tons of gold.

You can even leverage the ups and downs of the dollar.

And Citibank can even use this method of currency control to obtain several times the value of gold itself.

Therefore, the initiative of this negotiation is actually in Chen Ye's hands.

Although Chen Yan also wants to sell gold.

But the other party didn't know Chen's bottom line.

Of course, this kind of negotiations involving tens of billions of dollars is not something that can be decided in a few words.

What's more, even banks can't directly pay 10 billion US dollars.

They also need to raise cash and even mobilize reserve savings.

All negotiations for the deal have been handed over to Alex.

Chen Ye only needs to sign it.

Andrews said hello to Chen Yi more frequently these two days.

After all, he is Chen Yong's financial steward, which means that he can mobilize more funds.


"Ms. Zhang, is it convenient to talk now?"

"Um ... convenient."

In fact, the studio is now in a meeting, and a creative meeting is underway.

But Chen Huan was their gold owner. Before their work had created economic benefits, Chen Huan was their parents.

So even if it's not convenient, make it convenient.

"Given your efforts, I plan to give you a bonus," Chen said.

"Um ... boss, we've only been working for you for less than a week."

"Although it's only been a week, I'm still happy, so I still have to pay a bonus."

Zhang Ting was really crazy, and from the beginning she felt that the boss's brain was abnormal.

Now she is more certain of her thoughts.

Whose boss pays bonuses when he's idle?

Your ICBC 6222xxxx ... received two million RMB.

"Boss, how much do you plan to send?"

"Don't you receive two million?"

"Ah? All hair?"

"Yeah, is there a problem?"

"Our studio is only fifteen."

"As the manager of the studio, your hard work is worthy of recognition, so you get 500,000 and other employees get 100,000."

"Boss ... there are two cleaning aunts and guards ..."

"What's wrong with Auntie Cleaning and the doorman, aren't they human, aren't they the employees of our studio? They are all sent."

"..." Zhang Ting was speechless: "Boss, tell me the truth, are you too much money?"

"Yeah," Chen Yan replied calmly, "I have recently made a fortune."

"Boss, wouldn't you be doing illegal trading ... need ... need our studio to wash ... money, right?"

"What do you want, I just want to show the care for employees. If you don't want to ask for a bonus, it's so uncomfortable to say."

"Okay ... boss, I was wrong."

"I plan to invite you to come to Los Angeles for a week to play, all inclusive."

"Boss, now the studio is reorganizing, there is still a lot of work, and it is still recruiting new employees ..."

"Boss, can't you go?"

"No," Chen Yan said firmly.

"What about new hires?"

"It also brings, not bad for those few money."

Zhang Ting would have expected Chen Yan to answer like this.

What can she say? Since Chen Yi took over the studio, he has basically never done business.

Chen Yanran is like a casual boy.

Give them money.

This is logically a good thing.

But Zhang Ting was uneasy.

After all, she did n’t do anything, so she accepted Chen ’s ‘bonus’ all day.

"Boss ... when do you plan to go out?"

"The sooner the better, I will help you open the hotel."

"What are you so anxious for?"

"Because I'm passionate."

Zhang Ting wants to swear.

Go to your sister's passion.


After three days--

Zhang Tinghe's studio staff walked out of the machine with different looks.

She is finally going to meet the legendary upstart boss.

Most of the studio's employees have never gone abroad.

And this time it was not just new employees, but even Auntie and the guards followed.

Zhang Ting originally thought they might not have passports.

As a result, Zhang Ting found that her worry was completely superfluous.

"Hey, here and here." Zhang Ting had already seen Chen Ye beckoning at the pick-up.

There was a foreign woman beside Chen Kun.

"Hello, boss." Zhang Ting came over to say hello: "This is it?"

"I'll carry you luggage." Chen Yan said casually: "Let's go, I've arranged a special car for you, and go to the hotel to settle down."

Chen Yun took Zhang Ting and his team directly to the hotels of Dell and Risfal.

He has booked a dozen premium rooms here.

When Zhang Ting and others arrived at the hotel entrance, they were scared by the luxury of this hotel.

"Boss ... how much is this hotel for one night?"

"I and the hotel owner are friends and have discounts."

Chen Yan said, walked to the front desk and helped Zhang Ting and others to complete the check-in formalities.

Zhang Ting has always felt that Chen Yi is not only an upstart, but also crazy, thinking about it is one.

When Chen Yan took them to the room, they were scared again.

Чжан Тин только что посмотрел на выписку со счета.

У них такой люкс стоит 3600 долларов за ночь.

Босс планирует их продать, так?

И все еще в растерянности.

Потому что Чжан Тин считает, что даже если их продадут, этого не хватит на их расходы.

«Днем вы делаете перерыв, а вечером ужинаете вместе». Закончив говорить, Чэнь Юнь ушел.

Вечером Чэнь Вэй привел их в ресторан отеля.

Глядя на пустой ресторан, Чжан Тин поняла, что ее чувства осуществились.

Чэнь Е снова «заплатил» за них.

Столкнувшись с этим богатым боссом, все ведут себя несколько сдержанно.

«Пойдем, мы все выпьем с боссом, я желаю боссу описание бизнеса, богатые финансовые ресурсы». — инициативно сказал Чжан Тин.

«Ладно, выпьем вместе, а я выпью сок. Я хочу водить машину. Я не хочу напиваться».

Здесь никто не смел заставлять его пить.

Выпив сок, Чэнь Янь закашлялся, встал и сказал: «На этот раз я приглашаю тебя на свидание. Есть небольшая просьба, о которой я говорил тебе в прошлый раз, и дай мне подвигаться».

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