Chapter 2753: promise

"Then what do you mean?"

"I'll talk about that cooperation later, but the girl will at least have to be rescued, President, is this the truth?"

"I'm not free right now." Chen Ye is still having headaches for his family.

Where are you free to rescue strangers like princesses?

"President, is there anything more important than saving a princess whose life is threatened?"

"Fari and the child are being monitored, and I have no clue at the moment. Do you think I have time to go out and stroll around at this time? Also, the daughter in charge is not a princess."

"..." West was silent for a moment. "Okay."

"If you have that girl's contact information, just call her and ask her to come to me. Under my eyes, it's easy for me to protect her, but I want to find people from all over the country, then I There is really no time. "


"No contact? Nor do the elders contact you?"

"Neither of them."

"That's the missing population? Then forget it, it is estimated that this time has been cut off the grass, Huaxia's Zongmen battles are all cruel, and the Jiuzu tribe is the basic operation."

"Surely not dead, that's what the elders said."

"The elders can't even find them personally. They just vowed to trick you into the game and pull you into the water? Did you just promise so?"

"I don't think they are bad people."

"West, I see that you are a very savvy person. Why do you have to participate in such a bad thing? What happens when people are rescued? That gate has changed the facade of the gate. Although the alliance mutual aid has been invalidated, but also Do n’t avenge it. It ’s really troublesome. ”

"Chairman, I think you have a problem. You are not afraid in the sky on weekdays. Why are you more persuaded than me now?"

"I don't care about this anyway, you have to manage it yourself."

"A group of foreigners went to Huaxia, and the plane would be spotted as soon as we were flying. We were too dazzling and couldn't do anything at all. President, you are a Huaxia, it is convenient for you. Otherwise, I will protect Fuli and the children You are responsible for saving people. "

"You save it."

Chen Ye now doesn't know what is the origin of the people monitoring Fali and his children.

If the weakness is okay to say, but in this realm of Chinese spirit, any demon is possible.

A rare horror that has never been encountered abroad, Chen Kun has done three in this month.

By the way, plus that blood ancestor, he is half.

The strength of the Paranormal Society is, and it is considered to be medium to high.

But this international does not include the Huaxia Spiritual Realm.

Just a little bit from the Occult Society, and threw it into the Huaxia Lingering Circle.

Not even a spray can be lifted.

If the Paranormal Society is fighting locally.

Relying on the field of Constance Moss at the headquarters, basically no enemy is afraid.

Even the superpowers can block for at least half an hour.

At that time Chen Ye will be able to catch it.

But in Huaxia, from the moment they set foot on this land, it is estimated that dozens of pairs of eyes were staring at them.

The Paranormal Society dared to deal with the air on the old American side.

Fart here is afraid of misunderstanding.

"President, I beg you."

"Is that girl your illegitimate daughter? As for?"

"No, promises to others must be done. If the chairman does not agree, then I will come here myself, and I will not bring anyone else, just come alone."

What does he mean?

Didn't he just say that he was going to die generously?

"Xing Xing Xing, you said, what kind of door, I will give you some way, you will leave me in Los Angeles, nowhere to go." Chen Yi looked uneasy, thinking that he would die after returning This pharaoh bastard.

"That gate is called lianshenzong."

"What the hell?" Chen Yan couldn't understand West's authentic American Pinyin translation Mandarin.

"It's the sect that gave the gods a refining, refining the sect." West straightened his tongue as much as he could, and said it again.

I also attached my own understanding by the way.

Refined all the spirits, this sect is powerful enough.

West was also fooled by the name of the refining god.

I think this gate must be very powerful.

"Oh, that's Lian Shenzong, isn't it?" Chen Ye roughly understood: "I'll ask Zhang Tianyi to understand the situation, and I'll contact you when I have news."

"Well, it's best to ask Zhang Tianshi for help," West said quickly.

If Zhang Tianshi can intervene in this matter.

Then at least that girl has a very high chance of survival.

"Hey, Zhang."

"Say, what do you need to do?"

"What's your attitude? I cried and pleaded with me. Now that things are over, I'm going to turn my face and don't recognize anyone? Are you pretending to be an uncle?"

"Haha ... I must have a begging attitude when I ask for help. I wasn't arrogant in front of you, did you? If you called, there must be something for me."

"I'm not begging you. I'm going to buy a few stores in Longxia Mountain Town. I'm going to clean up some priests who cheated there. You give me guidance."

Zhang Tianyi chewed a little on his cheek: "That place is a super-class scenic spot. Do you think you can buy it if you have money?"

«Хе-хе… Я могу купить его, если у меня есть деньги. Я сейчас позвоню своему помощнику и свяжусь с местным правительством города. Я голосую за 100 миллионов долларов США. Одного миллиарда долларов недостаточно. Одного миллиарда долларов недостаточно. .Всего за 10 миллиардов долларов США будут приняты только даосские священники Лунхушань. Хорошее гостеприимство и жестокое гостеприимство, все даосские священники из других мест будут изгнаны".

— Хорм, есть о чем поговорить, есть ли кто-нибудь вроде тебя?

«Нет необходимости в моем отношении?»

«Разве я не шучу?»

«Ой... я вообще-то тоже с тобой шучу».

«Ладно, скажем, что, черт возьми, происходит».

«Есть ли в Китае кто-нибудь, кто намерен причинить вред мне или моей семье?»

Чжан Тянь резко фыркнул: «Чэнь Юнь, ты шутишь?»

"Что вы думаете?"

«Я никогда о таком не слышал…»

«Это близкий друг Чжан Дина? Я почитал его дома».

— Ты забыл, что тебя организовал твой убийца?

— Вы имеете в виду организацию убийц?

«Хо-хо, нет».

"Ты шутишь, что ли?"

«Я просто напоминаю вам, что, хотя босс организации убийц был убит вами, кое-какая рыба все еще пропала».

«Тогда как вы можете быть уверены, что кто-то, кто не является группой убийц, отомстил мне?»

«Вы думаете, они больше любят свою организацию? Вы думаете, они будут больше говорить о моральном духе? ​​Вы уничтожаете организацию-убийцу, а им просто приходится менять другую организацию. Не обязательно менять другую работу. Почему это против вас? "

«Правда ли, что организация убийц не является такой? Другими словами, именно Чжан Дин планирует обвинить меня и мою семью».

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