Chapter 2966: Cooperation

"Is the person you fancy drinking too much?"

If the other party did not meet so many requests in advance.

This request was made after the other party joined the Supernatural Society.

Then they are bound to agree.

But the other party seemed to regard himself as an uncle.

Such a request will only increase disgust.

Rouen Fashimoto was also helpless.

"This man still forgets that there is nothing short of genius in this world."

Rouen Fazi nodded his head, he also knew that this kind of guy was really not suitable for joining the supernatural society.

Or that even if it fits, no one can agree to his request.

Chen Luo glanced at the workshop of Rouen Fashimoto.

"What potions are these?"

Rouen Fabimoto explained one by one.

He was also quite speechless to this chairman.

Good or bad, Chen Zhao dared to stuff his mouth.

And the suggestions made are not very reliable.

"Can you add a little strawberry flavor?"

"President, I am quite busy now."

"Oh, you are busy with you, I won't disturb you."

Rouen Fashimoto took the risk of being beaten by Chen Zhang and said, "President, you will bother me here."

"Okay, okay, I just leave."

Chen Luo left the workshop of Rouen.

The phone rang, it was Bader.

"Mr. Chen, shall we meet?"

"Do we still need to meet?"

"Mr. Chen, I am sincere, and there will be no loss when you meet. Are you right?"

"Okay, where do you meet?"

In fact, Chen Yao had already been psychologically prepared to meet Badr again.

Less than a week later, Badr really called again.

Badelyo Chen met at a restaurant on a coastline.

The view here is better than the restaurant at the top of the building last time.

When Chen arrived, Badr had already arrived.

"Is this also your restaurant?"

"Yes, to be precise, I bought it only after I sold that restaurant."

"Why? That restaurant's turnover shouldn't be low?"

Badr smiled and didn't answer Chen's question.

Chen Zhao suddenly thought of something and couldn't help laughing.

Badr is afraid that he will retaliate.

"Mr. Chen, I came here in good faith this time. How did you think about the last request?"

"Not very good, and the reason for your rejection makes me very strange, so I have to doubt that you have ulterior motives."

Badr sighed: "Okay, let me tell you the truth. In fact, I was bragging last time. Odin's treasure house is not as honest as you think."

"Are you kidding me? That's the treasure house of the King of Gods. I'm afraid the world can't find anything more valuable than his treasure house."

Paddington paused and said: "And... just like you don't trust me, I don't necessarily have absolute trust in you."

Chen Luo shrugged, but he did not deny it.

Anyway, everyone is wary of each other.

This is everyone's consensus and there is no need to explain anything.

"This cooperation, I have great sincerity, and there are risks." Badr said: "If you are alone, even if I can't overcome, at least I have the ability to kill you, but if you add Some of your friends may not kill me, but they must have a way to seal me."

Badr said the sentence is reasonable.

But this does not convince Chen Luo.

As Badr himself said.

He did not trust Chen Luo.

Similarly, Chen Zhao did not trust him.

In a battle, if there is no reliable teammate around, it is very dangerous.

This means that in the face of the enemy, you can't exert your full strength, and you need to retain some of your power at all times to guard your teammates.

And Badr asked himself to deal with not a cat or a dog.

That is the king of gods in Nordic mythology.

Even according to Badr, the King of Gods now has only one remnant.

But who dares to despise the king of the gods, who will die very miserable and ugly.

"Well, I can promise you that after the event is completed, give five opportunities to choose loot." Badr said.

Chen Zhao still shook his head, no matter what kind of promise Badr made now.

None can change Chen Zhao's intentions.

Seeing that Chen Luo was still unmoved, Badr secretly worried.

"I can give you a treasure in advance." Badr said, and at the same time took out a bottle of potion.

"what is this?"

"The blood of the gods can directly transform a larval spirit into a mature body. I think your friend should need this very much."

Chen Zuo was undecided, and he still did not accept or refuse.

Badr sighed and gave in again, saying, "I can give you a quota, and you can bring a friend you can trust."

"Badell, if there is nothing else, I will go first." Chen Luo said, getting up.

"Wait..." Badr stopped Chen Luo again.

"Is there anything else you want? Lord God of Light."

"Two, you bring two people, whether it is to help you fight, or to prevent me, it should be enough." Badr said with a sullen face.

"No, three." Chen Luo said firmly: "And I want ten opportunities to pick loot."

"Your request is too much."

"You know there are more than a dozen treasures left in that treasure trove, but now you are asking for a big half, and you are too greedy."

"I'm curious, what do you need is the treasure house of Odin? Or Asgard? If you want the treasure house of Odin, I am afraid I am not a good partner, as you said, I It’s so greedy, if you want Asgard, then you should be prepared to pay instead of bargaining with me here."

Badr's face hesitated for a while.

Chen Zuo was drinking alcohol in a hurry.

It's not because Chen Luo asked for nothing.

But because Badr had already decided.

If he wants to refuse, he has already refused, rather than hesitating here.

Still in that sentence, Chen Luo did not trust Badr.

Including his every move, a look, an action, and even his indecision.

Finally, Battier sighed and looked up at Chen Luo.

"Okay, I hope you and your companions can abide by our agreement. I don't want to fight you. Believe me. Although I may not be able to beat you, but I can definitely cause disaster. You must not want me to do that."

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