Venerated Venomous Consort Chapter 2037: Seeing people

What is the murderous thing? Actually, there was no trace left in this place, and there was no breath.

Gu Xizhen continued to search with Lu Wu and gradually walked into the depths of the jungle.

The depths of the jungle are not so good. There are spikes like thorns everywhere, puncturing the needle-like pain.

During the line, there was a voice coming from the front, and I was greeted with a slight meal.

This is really a narrow road, and met the children!

The people in front are Guan Jinhua, they seem to be arguing about something, the voice is not small, so that Gu Xizhen, who does not want to listen to the corner of the people, also listened to it really.

From their conversation, Gu Xiyu learned the following two messages.

The secret of God’s rebellion to the teacher’s door is still the secret inside the ten sects. Most people do not know.

The ten sects of the sects did not give up on God, and they wanted to pull him back from the ‘evil road’. After all, they are all friends of God, and they can't watch the son of the old man slipping farther and farther on the evil road and can't look back. Therefore, they are now trying by all parties to try to make God read a stranger. ’.

Second, several of them have heard that there are some recent visions of this day. According to the masters of the elephants, there will be fairy beasts on the peaks of these days, so they come to try their luck.

Of course, in the course of their discussion, they greeted the ‘Gu Xixi’s demon girl’ and guessed if she had already hanged up. She said that even if she didn’t die, she should be half dead and lie in bed...

In their mouths, they cherished the glory of the glory from the ‘devil’ level to the ‘devil’s level.

And the old tune replayed a few times, the old cow Xiao thought of the indignation of the tender grass, no new ideas.

Gu Xi's lip line is lightly ticked, as an old man, she does not want to have a general knowledge with juniors.

So she generously ignores the fact that they are talking about her behind the scenes, but they should not let her hear it. Since she heard it, her old family is not happy!

I want them to understand what it means to be old and young!

So she licked her lips and simply moved directly over the past -

The five people talked about being happy, and suddenly they heard a bang in the top of their heads.

They suddenly attacked and were shocked. They hurriedly raised their hands and fought against each other.

"Hey! Hey! Hey... Ah, ah..." After a strange noise, the five people have not seen who is attacking them. The sword in their hands is directly broken, and the palms are also shaken by the blood.

This is not the most terrible thing. What is fatal is that the clothes on them are cut by the fire stalkers...

They wandered back a full dozen feet, only to avoid the intensive attacks of the ‘fire gold’ storm.



"Who is there!"

Several people were shocked and asked loudly. After all the dust settled, they saw that the ‘fire gold weapon’ that attacked them was nothing else, but the leaves everywhere here...

These leaves are as soft and smooth as silk, but I did not expect such a powerful power!

Five people were scared, and the subconscious back and forth together, looking around and looking for the culprit.

Someone on the big tree at the top of the head chuckled: "Your Master has not told you that the short person behind him is going to blow the tongue to hell?"

The sound is crisp as Yu Ling, drifting in the wind.

Five people suddenly became stiff, this voice is too familiar!

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