Venerated Venomous Consort Chapter 2039: Where am I old?

In her hand, she turned a cold knife and turned it in the palm of her hand: "Reliably, the old body cuts the tongue and is very good at hand. It will be cut off at once, and it will not make you very painful. How? One kind!"

These five people have changed their faces. Both of them are extremely insulting, but the first one is the face, the second is to make them disabled...

The five people still want to say something, and Gu Xiyi once again said: "The patience is limited. You only have these two conditions to choose from. If you don't make a choice, then you will do the second thing directly! ,two three four……"

Her number is very fast, and it is fatal. The five people still don't want to become disabled, and they choose the first one.

Therefore, under the supervision of Gu Xizhen, the five people took a hundred mouths and smoked the whole face like purple eggplant, which could not be seen. After the pumping, they each made an oath, and they took it to me.

Lu Wu is looking at the side, but it has opinions: "Master, why don't you kill them?"

Gu Xizhen touched his pretty face: "Is the old man so cruel?"

The few people said that she had a few bad words behind her. The sin was not dead. Besides, they were the apprentices of the popular masters. Although the Emperor’s clothes no longer recognized the popular masters, they still had some incense. Yes, she really killed them, so that after the emperor's clothes are not good to be a man, so give them some big lessons will be over.

Lu Wu: "..."

It spits: "Master, others don't know, I know, you are full of more than two hundred and thirty years old. In this world, your age is actually a tender flower, where is it old?! Don't claim to be old, you claim to be Old man, that big sister who lived for thousands of years, isn’t it to be called the old man?”

She is now slim and graceful, her face is even a little tender, and looks like eighteen, just the age of a flower.

The fairy of this world is still thousands of years old.

Do not say anything else, that is, the ten masters who are mourning the strangers, all of whom are thousands of years old and old, and those who have already been out of the division have already had many thousands of years old. When they walked outside, they were also called A teenager or a young son.

How did she get here, only two hundred years old was regarded as an old witch -


"I am sorry, you are only two hundred years old... If you don't say it, you really can't believe it!" A voice suddenly came out from a big stone not far away.

Gu Xi slammed a meal and looked at the small human figure behind the big stone: "The cloud is gone! You are here too..."

After the big stone, the small stone shook, and a flash of light flashed. Xiaoshi became a young man wearing a light-colored robes. The eyebrows were handsome and elegant.

He strode over and covered the spring breeze: "Where life does not meet, oh, we meet again."

I didn't expect to meet old friends here, but I also stretched my eyebrows: "This is really a coincidence, Your Highness, how are you here?"

The two chatted for a while, the original cloud smoke is also heard that this place is going to be the top fairy.

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