Chapter 355: Fishing bait (1)

Several flying boats fell in the middle of the huge camp.

There was a cloud of rain in the heart of the tent, and it was still mixed with the family girl. For the arrival of Wu Tie, no one would inform him that he would not care about the arrival of Wu Tie.

Ren Shanwen, Ren Du and his father and son, both face tangled in front of Wu Tie.

"Hey?" Ren Shanwen carried his hands and gritted his teeth and stared at Wu Tie.

Everyone is an indigenous person in the flower worm city. How can Ren Shanwen not know ‘Huo Xiong’?

After years of military service, after joining the Shenwu Army, relying on the military power accumulated by the Huo’s generations of old people, and taking a little luck, they did not die in the battlefields of the Three Kingdoms. Instead, they practiced the life pool and the ranks reached eight products. School.

Among the military households in Huancheng City, ‘Huo Xiong’ is a top-notch figure.

As the owner of the tyrannical family of the flower worm city, after the ‘Huo Xiong’ was promoted to the school of the Shenwu Army, the news was sent back to the flower worm city. Ren Shanwen also sent a steward to send a gift to the Huo family.

Just looking at the ‘Huo Xiong’ in front of him, Ren Shanwen has a feeling of feeding the dog with a thick gift.

"Huo school, this mountain outside the flower worm city is thousands of miles... 莽莽山林, countless places can hide gangsters, it is better, you turn around, the camp gate is over there, you go outside to find?"

Ren Shanwen was very rude, and he was extremely slick and slobbered toward Wu.

Wu Tie smiled very brightly: "Is the family owner not welcome this?"

Ren Shanwen stared straight at the eyes of Wu Tie: "Yes."

Wu Tie stepped forward and a face almost reached the face of Ren Shanwen. He whispered to him: "You, there is a ghost in your heart?"

On the side of the side of the forehead, the blue veins jumped a few times, and a palm pushed over the shoulders of Wu Tie: "Bold!"

Wu Tie smiled, and let him go alone on his shoulder, and then he was 'weakly windy', squatting back a dozen steps, the incomparable one fell to the ground, and even rolled back seven or eight. One by one, one hit a heavy-duty trailer that dragged the survey equipment.

"Oh... Ren Shaoye, do you dare to attack the incumbent officers of the Shenwu army? Although you are a wealthy family, you are the genius of the flower worm city, but don't forget... you are just the people." Wu Tie slowly stood up and also Regardless of the gray soil on his body, he looked at him with a gloomy face.

"You have money at home, some people, there are masters, there are a lot of high-school children in the dark. But you must always remember that you are just a household." Wu Tie coldly said: "I am an official, you are Min, can you try me again?"

Ren Shanwen and his lonely face became extremely ugly.

In the Dajin Kingdom, the royal family, the nobility, the military, and the civilians are strict in class and the precepts are extremely strict.

For example, if you participate in the Shenwu Army and the military-born Huo Xiong, under the same circumstances, he will be promoted at a much faster speed than the children of the family. He is also convenient in the military. It is much more convenient than any of your children.

Even in the military fighting and fighting, everyone is wrong in the same situation, if the soldiers who are born in the households want to smash 100 soldiers, then the soldiers who are from the military will only marry the 20th stick.

Even the crime of committing a decapitation of some civilians in the military, placed on the soldiers who were born in the military, may be a heavy responsibility.

For example, in the practice of cultivation, the Shenwu army performed the martial arts martial arts, and the three-turning martial arts of 'Huo Xiong' practiced great restraint on the households, even the Haoxiong family like Renjia. power.

The officers of the Shenwu Army who practiced the military exercises in the first place can easily kill the peaks of the life of the cultivating family, and even pass the tricks of Ren Jiachu’s masters.

All the households in the Dajin Kingdom, no matter how big the mighty family, their ancestral exercises, have been backed up in the Dajin Shenguo Military Department. The exercises of the major military corps of the Dajin Kingdom have special secrets designed to deal with these households.

The identity of the military squad gave the ‘Huo Xiong’ great enthusiasm, and let him be a small martial arts martial artist. He had the courage to be a good man.

Even if it is not Wu Tie, but the ‘Huo Xiong’ deity is here, he is also emboldened and Ren Shanwen speaks face to face.

Wu Tie recalled that the information about the Dajin Kingdom was very easy to pat the dust on the clothes.

"I know that Ren Jia and Ren Shaoye have a anger in their hearts... squatting, don't attack, scream."

Wu Tie smiled very splendidly: "If you are not convinced, you can make a decision, let the family turn into a military family... However, it can be troublesome. Once you turn into a military, all the men in the family are To enter the military service... Hey, the sword and the sword, the blood of the corpse, the jewels, the extravagance and enjoyment, you can't live?"

"Not only that, military bans are strictly forbidden to **** private guards. Military bans are strictly forbidden to conduct business. Military civics are strictly forbidden to open fields. Military officers are strictly forbidden to leave the inner city of the military to walk outside. In short, all the food and shelter of military households are in accordance with the military. The standard is issued on a monthly basis... you can't help it."

Wu Tie smiled and said something, then he slammed his foot hard and pointed to the ground under his feet. "So, this is going to clear the gangsters in this camp, to appease the place... You, have opinions? ”

"There are opinions, but also give me a sigh, hold back!" Wu Tie smiled very comfortably: "Or, you find a rank higher than me, do you have a good family to press me? As long as he orders, I have no opinion, I will turn and leave, I will not care about the things here!"

Ren Shanwen and Ren alone pouted, and his lips were white, but there was no way to speak.

Ren Shanwen took a deep breath and pointed at the witch iron. Then he turned and left. As he walked, his body continued to have a strong fog rising, and soon Ren Wenwen disappeared in the mist. No trace.

When he was alone, he glared at Wu Tie, biting his teeth, rubbing his feet, and walked over the tent where the heart of the flower was.

Wu Tie smiled and patted his hands. He pointed at the Shenwu Sergeant behind him and said with a smile: "Hey, we are coming to the Qing dynasty, but also to...protecting the heart and mind of the young master. The tent of the young master is good. Several tents in the vicinity are all expropriated."

A group of soldiers responded with a strange smile to the big tents.

Just the Witch iron hard 怼 善 善 善 善 善 善 善 善 善 善 善 善 善 善 善 善 善 善 善 善 善 善 善 善 善 善 善 善 善 善 善 善 善 善

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