Chapter 1029: Difficult to write

Ling Han grabbed Guo Xiuwen, and he was stunned by Ling Han’s seven killings of the soul. He hasn’t woken up yet.

This sorcerer has a stronger natural lethal effect on people with lower strength, and it is easy to directly kill the small pole.

He was awake and stunned and couldn’t help but be shocked.

What is this place? How long has he been in a coma before he left the heart of the island and appeared in such a strange environment?

"You, you, you, you--" He saw the cold, could not help but be terrified, because there was nothing in the cold.

Didn't he open the bottle?

No, there are pieces of the bottle in the distance, it is definitely open.

"I am very disappointed?" Ling Han smiled. "Talk about it, is there any reason for me not to kill you?"

"I, I, I, I am also a victim, I am forced to be forced!" Guo Xiuwen trembled, pushing all responsibility to the body.

Ling Han shook his head: "Maybe you were forced at first, but now I can't see you have a trace of regret, you are no different from Yu Ji."

"Little Emperor, kill him!"

The Shura Emperor immediately entered the tiger and raised the tiger's head. He said: "Follow, Master!"

Guo Xiuwen was shocked and puzzled. This tiger was built by him personally, and he was always sitting by him. It can be said that he knows the roots. But now, this donkey actually spoke and almost scared him to death.

Since he had memories, he has never left the island, and he knows what the underworld is all about.

"You, you are also a teacher!" He thought he understood, and the other party must be a master who was many times more brilliant than him. In order to easily take away his embarrassment, now let you speak. It’s so smart that it’s like a savvy tiger.

The Shura demon rushed over. As soon as he went down, Guo Xiuwen was bitten off his neck, and under the impact of devastating power, his soul was also strangled and instantly died.

"Follow me, don't shoot at will." Ling Han told.

The Shura Emperor is overjoyed. Is this the master who wants to let himself go out?

Too touched!

When Ling Han waved his hand, two people and one tiger appeared in the workshop.

"This is...the gods!" The Shura Emperor said with shock, although he knew that Ling Han had the ultimate repair in the mountain river. He has already guessed that Ling Han must have entered the realm of the gods, and he was very surprised when he personally experienced the completely different rules of the world and the aura of the gods.

Only a few years ago, Ling Han stepped into the realm of the gods, and even took the opportunity to take out the great carrier of the mountain river, so that he was shocked to burst.

"Open the road ahead." Ling Han told.

"Yes, master!" Shura the emperor nodded quickly, now is the opportunity to show, let the owner know how loyal he is.

He immediately opened the door. Go out first.

"Search every room." Ling Han said.


The Shura Emperor smashed the door of the room next door. Apart from the tools and materials that were filled around, there was an empty platform in the middle, and there was nothing on it. There is no one inside.

They retired and the Shura Emperor smashed another room.

The layout here is no different from the previous two. All around it are tools and materials, and there is also a platform in the middle. But on this platform, there is a body that has been unloaded.

It is Fan Yong.

He has not been made awkward, so his face maintains his fear of life. People will shudder after watching it.

Ling Han even suspected that the other party was still alive when he was unloaded.

This is a fear of seeing that he was separated, smashed out of the internal organs, and drained every drop of blood. What kind of fear? No wonder the expression on his face will be so distorted.

"This bunch of animals!" Shui Yanyu replied on the side.

Ling Han moved the flame of the gods, burning Fan Yong's body into ashes, although he had a hatred with the other side, but people died.


The Shura demon squatted openly. He knew that his master’s mood was very unpleasant, and his voice was cold, as if it was from the ice cave. Although this seems to him to be sparse and ordinary, it is not a corpse. The underworld is more than a hundred times and a thousand times more cruel.

Hey, he crashed into the fourth room.

Here... there are living people!

"You, how did you come in? Hey, this is the brother of the master, how can you be with you?" The person in the room is Dong Yulong, who is busy, because he was disturbed and turned around.

On the table behind him, there was a corpse being processed, and the blood flowed all over the table. I saw that it was a female corpse, the slender legs and arms were separated from the torso, and the body was cut open. The internal organs are being dug up.

This woman is Liu Ying.

She still hadn't swallowed her last breath, her eyes turned slightly, looking at Ling Han, her lips moved a few times, but she couldn't make a small sound.

But Ling Han can guess what she wants to say - kill the animals here! Also, kill her and let her get rid of it.

"Kill!" Ling said coldly.

The Shura Modi suddenly saved and killed Dong Yilong.

"Ang!" A wolf appeared, and the Shura Emperor was blocked. This is also a great level of embarrassment, and the combat power is not lost to the Shura.

Ling Han took a few steps, and the gods opened open like a net. Hey, the wolf disappeared.


Dong Yulong’s expression is the same as that of the previous Guo Xiuwen. The eyes are smashed out and the tongue is old, but the Shura’s emperor is already rushing, and a paw is shot. Hey, his whole head is smashed, headless. The body suddenly fell down.

Ling Han’s sword flew out, and Liu Ying’s only life was annihilated. The other side was grateful to him and slowly closed his eyes. He waved his hand and burned Liu Ying’s body.

They entered the fifth room and found a victim here.

Yang Tiecheng!

This big man was also dismembered. Every part was soaked in a silver liquid, but there was no such thing as Liu Ying, but he died for a while.

It should be today's business, because Ling Han has seen him in the morning.

For Luo Wu and Fan Yong, Ling Han only kills the machine. For Liu Ying, Ling Han does not have any good feelings, because the other party is to chase him after all. But he is very admired for Yang Tiecheng. After all, he can let go of his likes and dislikes, and there are not many people who insist on principles.

What's more, they also fought side by side and once handed the back to each other.

"Yang brother, you can rest assured that I will kill all the animals and let you rest in Jiuquan." Ling Han said abruptly, then turned around and said, "Go back, maybe you can save others!" "(To be continued.)

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