Глава 2028: Репродукция малых костей

Фигура, убитая прямо с вершины острова, открыла множество глубинных образований, как боги, но и принесла давно потерянный звездный свет.

Это очень шокирует, и еще более удивительно для Лин Хана то, что этот человек действительно знает его.

Маленькие кости, кости, которые должны были остаться в древнем мире!

Лин Хань приоткрыл рот, я был очень удивлен.

Когда он впервые открыл дверь в волшебную страну, он пригласил кости вместе, но маленькие кости настаивали на том, чтобы остаться в древнем мире, как будто у них был еще не выполненный долг. Сейчас я снова увидел здесь кости, естественно, совершенно неожиданно.

Более того, сила мелких костей теперь настолько сильна, что Лин Хань не может понять!

"Ага!" — закричал Сяо Бяо, — столько лет прошло, а он до сих пор не сильно изменился. Он говорит как младенец, но его сила сильна, и он пользуется большим успехом, и он властный.

И Че Юаньхуа, и Лань Тяньян были потрясены. Они не ожидали, что в это время вдруг кто-то придет, и быстро расстреляли и поздоровались с косточками.


В середине удара маленькие кости тряслись вверх, а у Че Юаньхуа и Лань Тяньяна все были короткими, потому что их ноги оказались в ловушке под землей.

Необходимо знать, что земля здесь металлизирована зеленым золотом Цяньюань, и она чрезвычайно тверда. Сила этой атаки фактически заставляет их обоих попасть в ловушку. Очевидно, насколько высокомерна маленькая кость.

"Да, убей! Убей! Убей!" Сяобяо закричал, вид и внешний вид не имели незначительных отличий в древнем мире и не изменились из-за стремительного роста силы.

Он снова упал с неба, все так же пробивая, и указатели проспектов расцвели, как цветы.

Че Юаньхуа и Лань Тяньян смотрят друг на друга и видят шок и непонимание в глазах друг друга.

Их острова защищены формацией, и они невидимы. Пока они не возьмут на себя инициативу вывести построение, короли низшего ранга не смогут его обнаружить. Это также основная причина, по которой этот остров может оставаться загадочным. То, что слишком мало, трудно найти.

Strong people can't find it at all, but weak people... don't want to leave when you come. Even if you can leave, it is completely turned into a "self".

But this mysterious powerhouse is obviously just a source of the source. How could it be found on the island?

"Can't let him go." Lan Tian said.

"Well!" Che Yuanhua nodded, and they couldn't see this, so as long as they are not theirs, they must kill.

The two strong men are no longer passive defenses, but they are exhibiting secret laws and rushing toward the small bones.

It can be seen that their laws are indeed in the same vein. Although they have changed slightly, they are not changing from their ancestors. The lotus petals on the forehead are opened, and each time they open one more, their combat power can be stronger.

The small bone is an enemy, but it does not fall into the wind. There is a bone in his body that glows, and a symbol of the avenue is created, giving him endless power.

How can the strength of the dead bones improve so fast?

The rise of Ling Han's self-deprecating realm has been considered to be fast, but he is too far away from the small bones.

The bone of the little bone is definitely the remains of the king. Otherwise, how can it be so ferocious, even the source of the source can match?

However, taking advantage of this opportunity, it is just a collection of green gold.

Ling Han quietly appeared, and then did not work in the classics, like a blooming flower, attracted to the bees to pick.

They want to stop the cold, but the bones are fierce, and they are blocked.

But they immediately let go of their hearts, even if they want to "receive" the origin of the world to borrow the power of the Faerie, then how can a division of the soul be successful? The little bone is an absolute enemy. It must be done with all its strength. It must be killed first.

"Ling, cold!" The little bone said in a stuttering voice, full of surprises.

Ling Han just nodded. Now he has no mood to say hello to Xiao Bone. There are not many opportunities to collect the origin of the world. He must concentrate on it.

Hey! Hey! Hey!

There is a boulevard symbol on Ling Han's body, which flickers and flickers. This is beyond the scope of the soul, and there will be a relationship that is not the active operation of Ling Han, but the immortality of Tian and the origin of the world.

The green gold of the Qianyuan is also shining, and it is still trembled. On the surface, there is also a boulevard symbol.

The two are intertwining.

Seeing this scene, both Che Yuanhua and Lan Tianyang were shocked. This little bit of the soul of the soul actually had the ability to collect the green gold of the Yuan, which was really beyond their expectations.

"Car brother, you went to kill the kid." Lan Tianyang said, "I will stop this person."

It is a big thing to teach to collect this source of the heavens and the earth. Otherwise, he will not live here for millions of years. Therefore, it is absolutely impossible for him to let Ling Han collect the Qianjin Green Gold, otherwise he will be severely punished by the canon.

"Good!" Che Yuanhua should have a voice, then he turned to kill Ling Han.

He only needs one trick to get enough.

"Yeah!" The small bones blocked the shot and stopped Che Yuanhua.

"Damn!" Lan Tianyang cursed, the strength of the small bone is higher than him, and the defense is super strong, but a note is like nothing. He hurriedly rallied and launched a fierce attack on the small bones. How to block the small bones.

boom! boom! boom!

The three strong men fought, one wants to get rid of the battle group to solve the cold, and the other to stop, the third person wants to stop the second one, come and go, go and come.

Ling Han did not have the slightest distraction. He trusted the little bones and believed that the other party could definitely stop the two people.

Is it a good thing to collect the source of the world?

One day, two days, three days, the little bones did not live up to the expectations of the cold, he will hold the car Yuanhua two firmly, did not let them even attack an attack with Ling Han.

Hey, the frequency of the tremors of the green gold is getting higher and higher, and there are countless runes on the surface, which alternate and are too fast to describe. Obviously, that is the most precious golden avenue between the heavens and the earth. In the spread, no one can capture it.

When reaching an extreme point, Qianyuan Green Gold flew out and slammed toward Ling Han.

"Not good!" Che Yuanhua and Lan Tianyang were all shocked, and the green gold of Qianyuan was taken away by Ling Han.

"Hey!" Che Yuanhua screamed and screamed at the little bones. He finally got a chance and took a shot to Ling Han.

This palm is a bit biased, after all, it is still interfered by the small bones, but the edge is still scratching a bit cold.

Equivalent to the level of the source of the source, how terrible is the power of this attack? Even if it is only brought up by the palm of your hand, this lethality is terrible.

Hey, Ling Han was suddenly shocked into a **** rain, a bang, a flame of fire, burning, and the green gold of the squad also flew, and did not enter the flames of this group.

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