Chapter 998: After the book

Biquge, the fastest bride and the bride ran away! latest chapter!

This grand post-book ceremony will be held in front of the temple of the West Chu Kingdom.

For hundreds of years since the founding of the West Chu, almost every emperor will repair the ancestral temple extensively, and this royal ancestral temple will be repaired more beautifully than the imperial palace.

Mo Chuan led the civil and military officials to stand in front of the ancestral temple, and waited for the queen to arrive.

From the imperial city to the Zongmiao, the red carpet paved the way, and the Yulin Army's fresh-clothed fury armour was guarded on both sides of the road, like a red long dragon.

The people can only watch from a distance, not close at all.

A bright yellow peony flying phoenix luan sedan appeared far away in the sight of everyone, so that everyone's spirits were revitalized. This is the luan instrument exclusively for the queen.

In front of the Feifeng Luan sedan chair, there are the Yulin Army and Luanyiwei with their bright armor, and their armor shone in the sun.

Finally, Yu Linjun and Luan Yiwei escorted the luan sedan at the foot of the temple.

The ministers all stared breathlessly, staring intently at the luan sedan.

They are all curious about what the queen empress's newly married lady looks like.

According to people who have seen her, she is ugly and ugly, and she is still a lame person. They had witnessed her on the day of the big wedding, but how bad was she?

The curtain of the car slowly rose, and a slim figure dressed in a purple-gold broad-leaved peony and phoenix robe stepped off the luan sedan.

Because of the distance, the ministers only saw a noble and graceful figure, but could not see her face clearly.

Mochuan, however, saw her eyes flashing for a moment, and her spirit became flying, standing on the high jade steps and standing against the wind.

With the help of Gongren, the bright and graceful figure stepped on the red carpet and stepped up to the high platform step by step.

Everyone was at the top, and she could only see her dark hair fluttering in the wind, and a simple and solemn hair bun with only a seven-treasure phoenix head stepped on it, and a round pearl in the phoenix mouth, glorious and flowing Brilliance.

Shen Ning slowly walked up to the high platform, her chin lifted slightly, her face was solemn, a pair of clear spring-like eyes looking straight ahead, the breeze blowing, the clothes and the wind as the wind, like a fairy like Lingbo, bright and colorful.

The civil and military officials looked at her blankly, all with shocking expressions on their faces.

In front of the ancestral temple of hundreds of people, there was no sound, and the quiet needles could be heard.

For a while, there was a sudden sound of breathing air, and a trance dialogue.

"Who is she?"

«Вы запутались, конечно, она наша королева-императрица!»

«Я была ошеломлена и неправильно понята? Я действительно считала Королеву-мать принцессой Динъюань?»

«Глаза мои устали, невозможно, это невозможно…»

«Ага, ноги у нее не вялые, она… кто она?»

«Разве она на самом деле не принцесса Динъюань?»

«Не правда ли, разве принцесса Динъюань уже не вышла замуж за Восточного Цинь Го как за наследного принца?»

«Будут ли в этом мире два одинаковых человека?»

«Это еще более невозможно! Такую девушку, как она, которая выглядит и выглядит как я, я видел только ее в своей жизни!»

Группа служителей была настолько потрясена, что не могла не шептаться перед торжественным родовым храмом и перешептываться.

Внутренняя сила Мо Чуаня настолько глубока, что он все время слышит в своих ушах голоса министров, но он как будто и не слышит их.

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