Chapter 392: Not offensive

Chapter 392 Not Dislikeable

Dabao and Xiaobao entered the house and called people one by one.

Seeing that the two children were sensible and cute, everyone couldn't help teasing them.

Dabao and Xiaobao are used to being praised by others. They are generous and generous, without any timidity. They answer questions about this and that from time to time. They look very clever.

Everyone praised Su Qingyu for raising his two sons well.

Feng looked straight at Dabao and suddenly felt relieved.

A **** with no blood relationship, the young concubine has raised him like a young master. Look at his style, the clothes on his head, the body, and the shoes on his feet, which are also embroidered with flowers.

At first glance, it is obvious that they have been carefully raised.

Then how can Qingqing treat these blood relatives lightly?

Now that she has an identity, she can’t do anything shameful. Mrs. Feng put away her uneasiness and sat on the chair.

Soon it was time to eat.

Su's father felt very happy when he saw several younger brothers and their children coming to him. After calling several women in the village to help, Lu and others worked in the kitchen for a long time, preparing a large table full of dishes.

There are very few vegetables, all hard vegetables. There is no shortage of vegetables or meat in the mountains. Mountain products that are not available outside are eaten every meal in the mountains. However, there is a shortage of fish, shrimps and aquatic products in the mountains.

Not only in the mountains, but also outside, there is a shortage.

There is not much aquaculture happening these days. If you want to eat a fish or a plate of shrimp, you have to catch it freshly. Sometimes you can catch it, but more often it depends on luck.

But there were a lot of fish and shrimps on the table today, which made the children who were usually tired of eating mountain food couldn't help but drool.

Su Qingyu looked at the dishes on the table. It seemed that her parents had put a lot of thought into this wedding banquet.

Looking at the people who came into the village today, both adults and children were drooling over a table of food. The adults were more restrained, staring but tightening their mouths. But the sound of the child swallowing saliva was heard very clearly.

Su Sanxi felt all kinds of emotions in her heart. It seemed that the eldest brother's family had really improved their lives. Looking at the food on this table, I was afraid that I wouldn't be able to buy it if I didn't have a few taels of silver in the restaurant in Fengting Town.

“Sit down, sit down, sit down. You’ve been so hungry all the way. Let’s eat with open stomachs. This is our own home, so we don’t need to be polite to my eldest brother.”

After speaking, he went to greet the children at the table next to him: "Eat all of them. If you don't have enough, tell your uncle and he will ask the kitchen to cook."

“Thank you, uncle” and “thank you, grandpa.” Several children thanked them and picked up their chopsticks one after another.

Just when Dabao and Xiaobao picked up their chopsticks, they saw that the older and younger children at the same table were already using their chopsticks like flying shadows. In the blink of an eye, the meat was put into their mouths. When they looked again, their chopsticks had already taken the second chopstick and the third chopstick. .

Dabao was stunned while holding his chopsticks.

He has never had a meal with so many children and has never seen such a scene.

Xiaobao was stunned for a moment, then not to be outdone, he also picked up the chopsticks to pick up the meat, then put it into his mouth with a squeal and chewed it hard.

While chewing, he glanced around at the children on the table, and from time to time he imitated their example and quickly put rice into his mouth.

"Xiaobao, eat slowly, don't choke."

Qing Xing saw that he wanted to imitate others in standing up to pick up food, so she quickly put a chopstick into his bowl and gave him a warning.

“Okay, aunt.”

Seeing that he agreed obediently, Qing Xing looked at Dabao again: "Dabao will eat it too."


Dabao wasn’t too interested in the meat that Yougui and the others frequently bought. He picked up a piece of fish and put it into his own bowl. Then he carefully picked out the fish bones and put it into his brother’s bowl.

Xiaobao's mouth was bulging, he could not speak clearly, he tilted his head and smiled sweetly at Dabao.

Dabao taught him a lesson: "Swallow the food before you speak."

Xiaobao's cheeks moved quickly and he nodded his head towards him. Dabao was now satisfied. He picked up another chopstick of shrimp and gave it to his brother and himself, and then started eating slowly.

Lihua looked at her two brothers, resisted the urge to grab the food, and started chewing slowly.

With so many dishes, Lihua will definitely be able to eat enough, so don’t grab them. This is at Grandpa's house. Lihua needs to be sensible and not annoying.

The youngest Qing Zao was very happy because there were so many people eating together and so many dishes, all of which were delicious. Qing Zao liked them all.

Even though she is only three years old, she has already put her own chopsticks on the table, but her hands are too short to pick up the food. Qiu Ju and Xia He sit next to her and help her pick up chopsticks from time to time.

Xia He was unwilling to sit at the same table as Qing Nao and the others. She had to take care of several children, so Su Qing Nao had no choice but to go with her.

Usually there are only three children at home to eat, but so many came all of a sudden, including two younger sisters, Xiaobao was very excited.

Although my mother said that the youngest one is not a sister and should be called aunt, but since he has an aunt, he will not call her aunt.

“Sister, why don’t you eat fish and shrimp? They are delicious, but we don’t get to eat them usually. My mother said that you will be smart if you eat too much fish.”

As soon as Xiaobao called his sister, Lihua and Qingzao both looked at him.

Although the little Qingzao is a little confused, doesn’t he want to call himself aunt like Lihua?

But she didn’t hesitate and said in a soft voice: “The meat is delicious.”

Lihua also nodded: "Yes, the meat is delicious. Fish have spines, and shrimps are also shells."

Seeing that Xiaobao still wanted to speak, Qingxing gave him a pair of chopsticks to pick up the fish bones: "Xiaobao, eat well and play together when you are full."

He then gave Lihua and Qingzao a piece of meat each and said, "Lihua and Qingzao can eat whatever they like. Let's make whatever they want for the next meal."

“Okay, thank you, aunt.”

“Thank you, Sixth Sister.”

Qing Xing didn't react when Qing Zao called her that. She was stunned for a moment and then said: "Qing Zao is so good, you can even eat it by yourself. Tell Sixth Sister what you want to eat."


Su Siquan sat at the men's table. Occasionally he looked up at his little daughter, and saw that all the sisters in the family were taking care of her. She also ate with a greasy mouth, which made her feel relieved.

Liu Caoya, who was sitting at the next table, kept her eyes on her daughter.

She didn't give Wensheng a son, so his bloodline was cut off and she couldn't hold her head up at home.

The presence of mother and daughter in the family is extremely low. Lihua can only walk, so she takes care of the housework. Even before the stove is high, she can sit on the stove and help her light the fire, and hand her things in the kitchen. It's too late.

At the dinner table, she usually eats whatever her mother-in-law arranges. Lihua often doesn't have enough to eat and she grows thin and small.

She thought that Lihua would not be able to survive this journey south.

Unexpectedly, when he met Qingqing, the child would be alive again.

Now there is a large table of food on the table, and no one is sharing it. Everyone takes what they want to eat. She was pulled to sit at the women's table. She was worried that her children would not be able to eat, and she glanced at her from time to time. Unexpectedly, Lihua was well taken care of by Qingxing and others, and no one grabbed her at the table.

Lihua didn’t dare to pick up vegetables at first, but then she let go and even dared to pick up meat for herself.

"Cao Ya, come here, eat this meat. It's fresh. It was delivered from the market town this morning. There is also this bacon. Eat it and see if it tastes good."

Seeing that she only ate the vegetables in front of her, Su’s mother put vegetables into Liu Caoya’s bowl. After a while, her bowl was piled up like a mountain.

Liu Caoya blinked twice and smiled sincerely at Su's mother: "Thank you, auntie. The meat is delicious."

(End of this chapter)

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