Chapter 571: Can’t live, can’t die

"When did you start planning? And how did you know that the Eighth Prince's eyes hide the map of Penglai Xianshan? And who gave you an internal response in the palace." Ye Qianning didn't beat around the bush.

Qin Huai shrank his body, as if he didn't intend to speak.

Ye Qianning winked at Yingge.

Yingge was shocked when he heard a series of things, but quickly realized that he stepped forward and grabbed him by the hair, dragged him over, and kicked him on the knee.


Qin Huai screamed.

"Say." Yingge stepped hard.

Qin Huai's painful forehead was dripping with sweat: "I...I am...I am Dongyi's son-in-law... How dare you do that..."

"I dare to kill Princess Dongyi, let alone you, a mere son-in-law." Ye Qianning sneered.

Qin Huai's eyes widened and he was extremely shocked: "You...really killed the princess...?"

He vaguely guessed it in his heart, but he was still shocked when he heard it with his own ears.

"And died a terrible death."

"You... if my Dongyi monarch knew that you dared to kill the princess, you would... definitely..." Qin Huai panted.

"We didn't kill Princess Dongyi." Ye Qianning interrupted him.

Qin Huai stared at her.

"She was burned to death by the fire, it seems that your internal response is not very loyal to you." Ye Qianning sarcastically.

"What did you say?"

"The fire in the mountain burned everything. The person who set the fire didn't want to go down the mountain, nor did he want the Eighth Prince to go down the mountain. Who do you think started the fire?" Ye Qianning kindly gave him some advice.

Even if Dongyi got the Penglai map in the eyes of the eighth prince, he would not be able to reach the mountain.

If she didn't get it, the Eighth Prince would not be able to go down the mountain, and would not be able to threaten her status.

"For such an alliance, the son-in-law doesn't want her to pay the price?" Ye Qianning's cold voice sounded again.

Qin Huai raised his head and squeezed out a few words: "Don't lie to me."

"It's fine if you don't believe me, who in the palace has really found a good ally, and will desperately want to keep her secret, since that's the case..."

"Kill me if you have the ability, I won't say anything." Qin Huai knew that if he said it, he would definitely die, and if he didn't say it, he might save his life.

"It doesn't matter if you don't say anything, just tell me what you want to say." After Ye Qianning finished speaking, he took out a pill from the space and handed it to Yingge.

Yingge took it, opened Qin Huai's mouth and threw it in.

Qin Huai wanted to vomit

Yingge pressed his mouth and kicked him in the chest.

Qin Huai let out a muffled snort, and the pill passed down his throat and entered his stomach. He was deeply panicked: "What did you give me?"

"Whenever you want to say something, remember to wave your hand." Ye Qianning smiled and narrowed his eyes.

Before Qin Huai could react, a bone-piercing pain swept through his body, and he immediately curled up in pain, followed by a heart-piercing scream.


The cry instantly spread throughout the cave.

Qian Fanji and his group are 'facing the wall'. Although their hearing is blocked by internal forces, they still heard the roar in this lifetime, and couldn't help turning their heads.

Not far away, Qin Huai rolled on the ground in pain and screamed continuously, the man lost his strength after rolling a few times, and the rest was just screaming.

"I...I...killed me..." With piercing pain, he opened his eyes as if seeing a ghost coming towards him.

Fear occupied his eyes, and his body kept surging, followed by another miserable cry.

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