Chapter 1007: : There are too many opportunities, the fox demon survives, here is a battle


Madman Chu is practicing in retreat in a cave.

In this cave, tens of thousands of miles have been banned by him to prevent others from breaking in.

Not only that, the Tushan fox demon knew that this was his retreat, so there were not many who would easily step into it, and would even take the initiative to protect him.

After all, this is the one who saved their queen.

It even promoted the alliance between Qingqiu and Tushan, which played a huge role in the new era of fox demon.

Inside the cave.

The aura on Madman Chu's body changed uncertainly.

His breath is very strange.

Although it was a human race, it was a pure demon spirit that even immortal ancient fierce beasts could not match.

Not only that, this evil spirit is also changing.

Sometimes it is Qiongqi's evil spirit, sometimes it is 杌杌, sometimes it is the white tiger, sometimes it is the golden crow...

The breath of these monsters was almost simulated by him.

If there are other demons here, they will definitely be shocked.

The current Madman of Chu is not so much a human being, as it is a very weird collection of monsters, with almost all kinds of monster physiques, strange and strange.

This is an incredible thing for everyone.

"Qingqi, Taotie, Yinglu and other fierce beasts have almost resolved the essence and blood."

Suddenly, a light flashed in the eyes of Madman Chu.

The demonic energy on his body gradually receded, and was replaced by an otherworldly fairy energy.

"The next step is to integrate these ten thousand monsters physique into the changes of ten thousand demon gods and perfect this cultivation method."

"In addition to this, I will refine the Ten Thousand Demon Seals, refine the Scarlet Blood Sword and Scarlet Armor, and condense the human luck, and practice the emperor's true dragon."

Madman Chu whispered.

After going to the Heavenly Demon Cave, he felt that he was going to be busy again.

"Hey, in addition to these, there are other opportunities, such as some immortal medicines to be absorbed and refined. By the way, there are also the extinct black lotus and various magic crystal mines obtained by the clone in the Demon Dao Ancestral Land. I even have to study how to master the full power of Fusang."

"There are too many opportunities, and there are a lot of people to be busy."

Madman Chu was a little annoyed.

take it easy.


Just when the Madman Chu was in retreat.

outside world.

The six big beast king races jointly besieging Qingqiu Tushan Mountain has caused a stir, shaking the entire 100,000 Dashan Mountain.

Countless demons were shocked.

For a time, all forces are paying attention to this battle.

As for the fuse of this battle, they are also very clear.

"Qingqiu, Tushan, can have today's experience, all this is because of the Chu Madman."

"Yes, if it wasn't for the madman Chu's actions in the ancient cave of the sky demon that caused the anger of the public, how could this situation be caused?"

"It makes sense. This Madman of Chu is just a troublemaker. Basically, wherever he goes, he is unlucky."

Many demons are talking about it.

In Tushan, many senior executives also gathered together to discuss countermeasures.

The reason why they all gathered in Tushan was because the six beast king races came together, and the goal was directed at Tushan!

They have even released the news.

Kill the mountain first, then destroy the Qingqiu!

Therefore, the fox monsters of Qingqiu also came to Tushan, planning to concentrate their strength here to resist the coalition forces.

But after comparing the strength of the two sides, they found that the gap is a bit big.

The demon kings of the six beast king races all exist in the realm of Daluo Jinxian, and the Qingqiu Fox King and Tushan Queen are also Daluo Jinxian, but they must deal with the six Daluo Jinxian with their power. A very difficult, even unrealistic thing.

"Daluo Jinxian will not make a move easily. Once Daluo makes a move, it will push the situation to the most extreme. Moreover, the fluctuations caused by Daluo’s fight are really too great, and it is easy to cause irreversible risks. The key to this battle is Jinxian, Zhenxian and other backbone forces."

Qingqiu Fox King said.

Daluo shot, it must be shocking.

One move, one move, even the most common immortal method, under the blessing of Da Luoyi, will burst out with unimaginable power.

Один удар Да Луо мог даже уничтожить расу великих монстров и серьезно повредить расу гигантских монстров.

Если бы такое существование представляло собой наглый бой со всей силой, то было бы невообразимым для окружающей среды и уничтожения как врага, так и врага.

Поэтому в любой крупномасштабной битве существование царства Да Ло и выше не будет легко застрелено.

Кроме того, в приложении для чтения, которым я недавно пользуюсь, [\\mi\\mi\\read\\app\\\\] есть много источников книг, полные книги и быстрые обновления!

В битве за фрагментацию сказочного мира давным-давно очень вероятно, что было много больших Луо, и даже существование большого Луо попало на поле битвы, так что сказочный мир был разрушен.

«Но даже если это основа боевой мощи, наши Цинцю Тушань намного уступают друг другу».

«Да, шесть рас царей зверей, даже если они уберут только часть своего происхождения, число истинных бессмертных и золотых бессмертных достигает сотен или даже тысяч. Общее количество истинных бессмертных в моем Цинцю Тушане меньше. чем 300, что касается золотых бессмертных. Есть лишь горстка из двадцати или тридцати, намного уступающих шести расам царей зверей».

Обеспокоенно сказал Старейшина Лис Демон.

«Можете ли вы попросить даоса Чу помочь? У него есть линия богов и демонов, и сотни академий. Если он готов помочь нам, возможно, шанс еще есть».

Старейшина демонов-лис предложил, но Король Лис Цинцю покачал головой: «Не забывайте, это сто тысяч гор, территория клана демонов. Это гражданская война клана демонов. вмешаться».


"Then what to do? After all, this battle was also caused by Madman Chu. Doesn't he need to bear any responsibility?"

A fox demon said dissatisfiedly.

Qingqiu Fox King heard the words, glanced at him, and said indifferently: "Nine Elders, please speak carefully."

"Yes, Qingjun and I were able to recover, all relying on the help of fellow Chu Daoist. If it weren't for him, the two of us are still asleep and the other crazy. This kind of grace is so great, even if we do everything. It's not too much to pay back. Besides, did Fellow Daoist Chu do anything wrong this time."

Queen Tushan also spoke for Madman Chu.

"It's me who made a mistake."

The Ninth Elder said, with a look of guilt on his face.

As the Queen of Tushan said, most of the fox demon in Tushan and Qingqiu were grateful to Madman Chu.

If it were not for each other, their two kings would be difficult to return.

"Now let's think of a way to resist King Crow and the others."

Everyone continued to discuss countermeasures.

A series of defensive measures were quickly deployed.

The entire Tushan Mountain seemed to have turned into a war machine, and various formations and restrictions were quickly operating.

Every fox demon is on high alert, waiting for the arrival of the enemy.

this day.

Outside of Tushan, a demon spirit swept across, like a black storm, spreading towards Tushan.

The horror of this demon spirit caused every fox demon's mind to sink and his face was dignified.

Some fox monsters with weaker cultivation bases could not help shaking.

"The fox demon survives, in this battle!"

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