Chapter 576: What is bullying of juniors, we are more than [2]

Chapter 576 What is bullying of juniors, we are more than [2]

Meng Qingxue has lived for twenty-four years, and has never suffered such grievances and injuries.

The jewel held by Mengjia, can be bullied by outsiders like this?

But it was indeed on the playing field, and there were so many people watching.

What's more, Meng Qingxue will lose, really not because Ying Zijin deliberately refined her deadly poison.

Everything was because she ignored the blind spot that Ying Zijin had changed the order of the medicinal materials, and the antidote was wrong.

Because her body can't stand the cold, the cold Huajin Pill hurts a lot.

Mengjia knows this truth, but no one in Mengjia can swallow this breath.

Meng Qingxue also grew up watching Meng Wan.

Mrs. Meng unfortunately met the evil doctor when she was carrying dreams and Qingxue, but she was not caught in the end, but her body was damaged.

Meng Qingxue was very thin when she was born, and her parents felt very distressed, and she carefully took photos of the present.

"No comparison." Meng Wan knocked on the table, put a medicine on the table, faintly, "You have taken this medicine, hold it for three minutes, and I will give you the antidote."

嬴子衿 slowly turned his head.

The girl has a beautiful face, and her eyes are cold and sparse.

The phoenix eyes that were slightly raised, but brought out a bit of beauty.

The beauty is thrilling.

Mengwan gave her gaze.

She also knew that Meng Qingxue liked Fu Yunshen, and now she has to admit that Ying Zijin does have a good skin.

"Senior Mengwan, you are too much." Hall Master Li's expression changed, "What's wrong with Miss Ying, why should I take this medicine?"

If he read it right, this medicine is a heart-biting pill.

How long will it hurt if I eat it?

"I didn't say that she was wrong. On the contrary, I really appreciate her ability in refining medicine." Meng Wan casually said, "But Qingxue is suffering because of her, I can't get used to it, can't it?"

Talking, she looked at the girl again and smiled: "Of course, you have elders to support you, and I welcome it, but the question is, do you have one?"

Mengwan is 120 years old, and Dan League’s oldest elder is only 80.

Can you compare medical skills with her?

嬴子衿 rolled up his sleeves and said faintly: "My parents are not as shameless as you."

Mengwan's face suddenly sank.

She has always been respected and respected, and the younger generations respect her. Who dares to talk to her like this?

Mengwan was about to reprimand, but was interrupted.

"Meng Wan, I am really shameless when I grow old." There was a laughter, mixed with a bit of sarcasm, "You are over a hundred years old, you are about to fall into the soil, and now you want to compare medical skills with a little girl?"

"What is bullying juniors, why don't we come to compare?"

Mengwan frowned, raised her head and looked over.

It was a woman in her early thirties, with a kind face and beautiful eyes.

Hall Master Li was pleasantly surprised, and immediately bowed down: "Leader of the League!"

The leader of the Dan League, Qiu Man, is also 120 years old this year.

She is a seventh-level pharmacist, and also represents the pinnacle of Pill League's medical skills!

There are not many ancient doctors who have lived a hundred years old, and the total number of ancient medicine circles does not exceed one hundred.

Mengwan's expression changed, her voice squeezed from her teeth: "You are still alive."

The leader of the Dan League hasn’t appeared in a few years, and the Dan League said it was a retreat from the leader.

"You are not dead yet, how could I die?" Qiu Man glanced at Meng Wan faintly, "Isn't it better than refining medicine? Come on! Compare now!"

"Let everyone take a look. Compared with people of the same level, do you dare to be arrogant!"

Qiu Man came back, the elder regiment and deputy leader also followed.

Being onlookers by so many people, Meng Wan's old face was flushed, and her face was hot and painful.

She couldn't stay any longer, and left with a sullen face.

"Hey, it's just a heart-biting pill? I think it's a great medicine." Qiu Man chuckled, "If you come to the Meng Family again, you will say that I am back, and they will come."

Ying Zijin is a member of the Dan League, and the Dan League has always lacked a genius.

Although Lin Qingjia is also a member of the Dan League, she still belongs to the Lin family after all.

Ling Zijin, Dan League is going to be covered.

Qiu Man personally asked Ying Zijin to fetch the medicine from the medicinal material library, and then asked: "You took more than a month of leave, what are you doing?"

Ling Zijian's words are concise and concise: "Watching TV shows."

She took a step back and nodded slightly: "I'm leaving now."

Qiu Man nodded, and then was at a loss for a moment: "What is a TV series?"

Hall Master Li took out his mobile phone tangledly: "This is it."

Qiu Man frowned: "How did this man get in?"

Hall Master Li said hurriedly: "No, no, no, leader of the league, this is a video, high-tech outside."

Qiu Man waved his hand: "Trouble, I went to the refining room."


After Liao Zijin got the medicinal materials and met with Fu Yunshen, she went to find the tea saint.

I was happy after seeing the girl: "Come on, Ying girl, sit down."

pointed to another place and said to Fu Yunshen: "Go over there."

Fu Yun raised his eyebrows deeply: "Okay, you can always treat her well."

The old lady snorted: "Nonsense."

The status of Tea Sage is different from that of general ancient medicine.

To put it simply, although the ancient genius doctor was highly accomplished in Guimen 13 needles, he was also a genius doctor at the level of the ancestor of the heavenly doctor.

But he is gone. After a few years, there will still be a second genius doctor, even more powerful than him.

However, the tea saint is gone. Let alone a few years, even decades or hundreds of years, there will not necessarily be another genius who has reached the extreme in the cultivation of medicinal materials.

Tea Sage does not have many ancient martial arts, not even ten years.

However, neither the ancient warrior nor the evil doctor will harm the tea saint half.

Because some medicinal materials are really only she can grow.

The old lady is safe here.

嬴子衿 was in there to see the old lady, Fu Yunshen and Xiao Yaotong were guarding in the yard.

After 嬴子衿 gave the old lady a needle, he wrote a prescription: "Take the medicine on time, and it will be fine in seven days."

The old lady took it, saying: "Okay, good."

Ying Ziyan nodded: "What is the mother-in-law's heart disease?

"It's not a big deal." The old lady was silent for a moment, and slowly, "My husband, who died by the evil doctor 80 years ago, also had an incomplete bone and was taken to concoct medicine."

Ying Zijin's eyes narrowed slightly.

is another evil doctor.

Fuxi also told her that the evil doctor was very arrogant in that period a few decades ago, and there was one dead and the second, and they were not cleaned up.

"Big brother, you are so amazing." On the other hand, the little medicine boy was happy, "My game has finally been successfully cleared."

"Children, they all say they are extremely clever." Fu Yun tapped his bald head and curled his lips. "You don't have any hair, why are you so stupid?"

The little medicine boy squatted in the corner and cried sadly.

Fu Yun tilted his head deeply, peachy eyes curled up, and smiled: "Yaoyao."

Ying Ziying turned her head: "Huh?"

Fu Yun slowly said, "Let’s have a daughter."

Ying Ziyan raised eyebrows: "Why do you think so far? And, why did your son provoke you?"

"My son, I might be tempted to bully him. It won't be good to cry."


This reason is so strange that people cannot refute it.


the other side.


An Ling came to find Fu Shen.

Fu Shen threw the work of refining medicine at him again, lying on the rocking chair by himself, preparing to sleep.

An Ling said: "Just before I came, I saw Meng's family sending someone out."

Fu Shen absent-mindedly: "What's the matter?"

"Meng's family lacks medicine, Tea Sage came out of the mountain, and the elders went to the mountain to ask for medicine." An Ling replied, "The elders personally ask for it. Tea Sage will still sell his face,"

Tea Sage is not that she does not sell medicine, but her temper is really uncertain.

When I am happy, I will set up a stall at the entrance of Danmeng to have a big sale at the price of jumping off the property.

This time the Tea Sage came out of the mountain, many people were indeed lining up to beg for a meeting.

"Oh, yes, I saw the tea saint at Winter Hunting that day." When Fu Chen mentioned this matter, he remembered, "The old lady is quite greedy, no, she should be able to eat it."

That night, Yunshan and Yunwu beat a pig and a whole sheep, as well as many chickens and rabbits.

Fu pondered how he could get a roasted rabbit leg, but in the end all these fat and tender places were taken away by the old lady.

The little light head beside the old lady is also very edible.

Fu Shen finally ate seven or eight spicy rabbit heads, and his mouth was numb.

"Did you see?" An Ling was taken aback first, and then became excited, "Where did you meet? Is it possible that the Lin family led you?"

He just heard that Lin Qingjia and Tea Sage knew each other.

Ke Anling changed her mind, but felt wrong.

Winter Hunting in the ancient medical world, although it was an invitation to Lin Qingjia, Lin Qingjia did not come.

Think about it, too.

Lin Qingjia, an ancient warrior, conservatively estimates that her cultivation base has been more than fifty years.

The captain of the medium-sized family guard team also had this cultivation base, but these guard captains were all seventy years old.

Winter Hunting is too simple for her, and there is no challenge.

As soon as she came, the whole audience was crushed.

Fu Shen raised his spirits and yawned again and again: "No, it was Miss Ying who took me to see me. She and the Tea Saint had a new year relationship."

Come to my aunt, I really want to die every minute, and live on with a smile:)

ask for monthly ticket, evaluation ticket, ask for everything=3=

(End of this chapter)

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