Глава 571: Пощечина, лучший семейный сбор [ещё 1]

Глава 571. Пощечина, лучшее семейное собрание [ещё 1]

Все оглянулись.

Патриарх Фу не пришел, но пришел один из дядей Фу Чена.

Как только он оглянулся, его глаза расширились, а ноги начали трястись.

Фу Си не носил ничего похожего на маску, настолько его лицо было открыто для всеобщего обозрения.

Просто никто больше не видел Фу Си.

Медлительный дядя видел только портрет.

Перед ним появился реальный человек, удар был слишком сильным.

В следующую секунду он «плюхнулся» и опустился на колени.

Фу Шэнь увидел девушку с первого взгляда и подсознательно открыл рот: «Мастер…»

Лин Цзыцзинь взглянула на него.

Фу Шен вовремя проглотил титул.

Другие не знают Фуси, но знают Фучэня.

Заместитель лидера сказал: «Мастер Фу Шэнь, кто это?»

«Старые, старые предки». Дядя Фу Шэня, наконец, вздохнул с облегчением и дрожащим голосом сказал: «Древние предки, зачем вы здесь?»

Зная, что он не придет на собрание, на сердце у него уже было плохо.

Это ужасно испугало.

«Что касается злого доктора, я, конечно, приду». Фу Си слегка взглянул: «Это труп?»

Весь зал молчал.

Все были потрясены.

Предок семьи Фу?

Разве предок семьи Фу не Фуси, тот, кто основал семью Фу? !

Выражение лица Мэн Патриарха мгновенно изменилось.

Родоначальник семьи Мэн не прожил так долго, как Фу Си. Тот, кто основал семью, давно умер.

На данный момент семья Мэн не может сравниться с семьей Фу.

«Старший Фуси, дело не в том, что вы не пригласили вас, но такие пустяки не должны вас беспокоить». Заместитель руководителя вытер пот: «Вы были в уединении, где вы можете уделить время такому пустяку?»

Фуси только что сказал: «Я сам проведу вскрытие».

Никто не осмеливается пошевелиться.

Древний врач, проводивший вскрытие, с трепетом передал стерилизованную серебряную иглу.

Минуту спустя Фу Си положил серебряную иглу и слабым голосом сказал: «Лекарство, которое он принял, способно вывести токсины, но его настроение слишком сильно колеблется, и он не успел подавить лекарство. Кроме того, его внутренняя энергия расстроена, и пульс его сердца лопнул».

Мастер Зала Ли: "..."

Я был действительно поражен им. Он повесил трубку из-за волнения?

Прекрасный способ умереть.

Фуси тихо вздохнул.

Мастер остается Мастером.

Patriarch Xu really died because his heart burst, and the medicine did make up for it.

But if one of the medicinal materials is a little less in grams, this effect will not be achieved.

The expression of the four elders stagnated: "Is it really a tonic?"

"The evil doctor, the ancient medical world must eradicate it, but you can't slander anyone." Fu Xi's voice turned cold, "All the geniuses of the ancient medical world will be treated as evil doctors. Are you killing yourself?"

Meng Patriarch's face flushed, and he had to lower his head: "Senior taught that."

Fu Xi Leng Leng: "Since I am not an evil doctor, I apologize to her now."

Fu Xi said so, no one else could sit still.

Including Meng Paizhu, also apologized to Ying Zijin.

Patriarch Meng took a deep breath, only to feel that he couldn't hold back.

Who would have thought that Fu Xi would come out and intervene?

Fuxi stared at these people and apologized before leaving.

The lobby was also quickly empty.

Only the four elders were still sitting in their place, muttering: "It's not an evil doctor, it's gone again, hahahaha, it's gone again!"

After laughing wildly, the whole person became sluggish again, sitting on the stone steps, looking at the sky woodenly.

The light in his eyes went out little by little.

Fu Shen surprised: "What's wrong with him? Crazy?"

"Where, it's not crazy, he was too miserable." Hall Master Li waved his hand, "You don't know, his family was all healed by evil, and the bones found in the end were incomplete."

Ying Zijin's eyes narrowed: "Did you get caught for refining medicine?"

The only evil doctor she had met was Shi Fengyi.

Shi Fengyi likes to refine the medicine that affects the nerves of people.

But there is more than one evil doctor.

"Who knows? Because I can't find it." Hall Master Li sighed and said, "That was also a long time ago. Twenty years ago, he had just been promoted to an elder. After he had real power, he was going to take his son I took it from my hometown with my daughter-in-law."

"His daughter-in-law gave birth to a pair of dragon and phoenix fetuses. That year, his grandson and granddaughter were also three years old. They were talented and already knew how to identify medicinal materials."

Хозяин Ли снова сказал: «Мисс Ин, вы знаете, Лига Дан была основана за 223 года, не так легко расти и стареть».

Ин Ин Цзыцзинь кивнул: «Ну, я знаю».

Старейшины Лиги Дан должны быть членами седьмого уровня, но члены седьмого уровня не могут стать старейшинами.

Чтобы получить звание старейшины, требуется много оценок.

Но стать старейшиной Лиги Дан означает, что он занимает прочное положение в древнем медицинском мире.

"The ancient medical world is no better than the ancient martial arts world. They can't kill each other. After all, most ancient medical practitioners are weak, and those who are good are ordinary people. At most they have self-defense skills. Therefore, the ancient medical world is relatively safer." Hall Master Li also said, "Their home is not far from the Dan League Headquarters, only half a day away. Who knew that cruel things would happen on the road?"

After the four elders discovered that something was wrong, they hurried over, only to find that there was no one in the family.

The bones were found only a month later.

The scene is terrible.

The evil doctors are so cruel that they have not let the children go.

The four elders collapsed at that time.

After running for twenty years, he did not find a murderer.

"He has been tracking down the whereabouts of the evil doctor over the years," Hall Master Li shook his head. "Even if it is a trace, he is not willing to let it go. Previously he thought he thought you were an evil doctor and only wanted to find the whole thing through you. Evil doctor power."

嬴子衿 indifferently: "I can understand the human nature."

"Miss Ying, you shouldn't have known about the existence of evil doctors. It will inevitably cause panic." Hall Master Li looked upright, "But since you know now, you must be more careful. A genius like you is also an evil. The doctor focuses on the target to be killed."

嬴子衿 slightly twist his eyebrows.

She can be sure now that the fake first poisoner that Rita Bevan found at the time should be a wicked doctor.

The fourth elder walked in at this time, his eyes were still red: "Miss Ying, how offended just now, I heard this kid say that you need medicinal materials more, I will allocate my share to you, anyway..."

"No, I don't lack those." Ying Zijin raised her head and glanced at him, "You are unsatisfied, depressed and turned into fire, and your liver is damaged. If you have time, take some medicine to relieve depression."

Four elders stunned: "Miss Ying, you..."

Ying Zijin took a sip of tea: "I can see a little bit."

"Oh oh." The fourth elder nodded, "No wonder."

Ancient doctors want to see, smell, and inquire, basically they will look at their faces.

This kind of face is different from fortune-telling.

With their face, they can tell where the patient is sick.

After all, many symptoms can be reflected on the face, even if it is just an acne on the chin.


the other side.


Meng Qingxue listened to what happened at the meeting, and she was stunned: "Old ancestor of the Fu family? She is Senior Fuxi's apprentice?"

Otherwise, why did Fu Xi come out specifically?

Meng Qingxue pinch her fingers tightly.

If it is Fu Xi’s apprentice, no one of the same age can compare with Ying Zijin.

Even the down-and-coming generation has been suppressed a lot.

Patriarch Meng suddenly smiled: "Qingxue, you think too much, who is the ancestor of the Fu family? She hasn't escaped the world for many years? So she got her teaching."

«Сколько лет Инцзицзину? Ему почти девятнадцать, а он все еще дальний родственник небольшой древней семьи боевых искусств из семьи Е, которая даже не может прикасаться к семье Фу».

Мэн Цинсюэ нахмурилась: «Но…»

«Предок семьи Фу вышел сегодня, потому что случайно услышал о злом докторе от Фу Чена». Патриарх Мэн покачал головой: «Все знают, как сильно предок семьи Фу ненавидит злых врачей. В конце концов, у нее тоже есть ученик. Умерла от рук злых врачей».

«Злой доктор, которого семья Гу Улина послала к Фу в прошлый раз, разве Фу Си тоже не вышел?»

"In addition, this Yingzijin is indeed very talented in refining medicine. Although the ancestor of the Fu family hates evil doctors, it is impossible to see a genius refining medicine being slandered as an evil doctor. think too much."

Meng Qingxue's heart is slightly loose.

"But starting today, her position in the ancient medical world has basically been determined." The Meng Patriarch added, "Although you are not as good as Qingxue, you can still squeeze into this top circle."

Patriarch Meng said as he spoke, he suddenly reacted to an incident at the meeting and was stunned.

This Yingzijin seems to know acupuncture?

Otherwise, how can you still understand autopsy?

His expression changed, his eyes darkened a bit.


Before the new year, there was a winter hunt in ancient medicine.

Будут приглашены только три высшие аристократические семьи, а также основные члены Тяньимэнь и Данмэн.

Когда 嬴子衿 получила приглашение, она также получила WeChat от Shen Shen.

[Усыпляя рыбу]: Хозяин, ты тоже вручил тебе сюда пригласительный билет? Ты идешь?

[Усыпляя рыбу]: Если ты пойдешь, я тоже пойду. Спать на охотничьих угодьях не невозможно. Мастер, вы так прекрасны. Даже если я сплю, моя внутренняя сила действительно может возрасти!

Это благо для Фу Чена.

Ин Цзиань поднял брови.

Хотя говорят, что она принесла Гуву на землю, до Гуву боевые искусства кунг-фу изначально существовали в древнем Китае, и на самом деле существовала акупунктура светового гонга.

But this kind of martial arts can not develop the human body's potential, so it can't extend the life span or let people have the speed and strength beyond ordinary people.

Guwu is her practice method of the spiritual world, combined with the actual situation of the earth, plus ancient Kung Fu martial arts, and finally integrated.

This method of cultivating inner strength while sleeping is something she learned from her good friend, but it was rewritten into a secret book of ancient martial arts.

【Ying Ziying】: Go, have fun.

The imperial capital has an inch of gold, and there is not such a large area for horse racing.

Fu Yun squeezed the invitation card on the table and raised his eyebrows: "Like horses?"

"It's OK." Ying Ziying thought for a while, "As long as it's not for me to ride by myself."

The ancient martial arts have reached the level of fifty years or more, and they can already use their internal energy to lift the body and "float" away. It is much better than the light power in the martial arts drama.

So for ancient warriors, even for long distances, walking is easier than riding a horse.

In ancient martial arts, children can ride horseback riding.

However, the ancient medical world is different. The ancient medical practitioners basically cannot practice ancient martial arts, so the family members will train their family members to train equestrian, archery and other physical exercises from an early age.

"Well, I'll take you to ride." Fu Yun touched her head deeply and chuckled, "It just so happens that Yunshan will catch a few poultry during winter hunting and roast them for you."

The air quality in ancient medicine is high, and the meat of animals raised is also better.

She really likes to eat.

Ying Ziying nodded slightly: "Take a few of them, and bring them back to Dad. Can they be made into bacon?"


"Okay, also send some bags to Xiaolan and Adele."

Fu Yunshen took the tablet and said, "Yaoyao, Imperial Capital University is officially closed, and your grades have come out. Would you like to watch it?"

Ying Ziying closed her eyes: "No, there is no suspense."

Fu Yunshen looked at a row of full marks and full points: "..."

There is indeed no suspense.


After staying at Ji's house for four days, Ying Zijin and Fu Yunshen returned to the ancient medical world.

The hunting started in the afternoon. At eleven o'clock, a lot of people came scattered on the racecourse.

Fu Yunshen went to get the riding outfit for hunting.

Ling Zijin wears a baseball cap, holds a bottle of Coke in his hand, and is watching a horse.

She glanced over, looked quickly, and didn't stop until the end.

嬴子衿 raised his head, phoenix eyes narrowed slightly.

This is a pure black horse with bright mane, windy hooves and a healthy body.

The steed was firmly tied to the railing, and when they saw someone coming, they let out a warning neigh.

alarmed other people watching the horse.

The dressing of the girl is different from that of people in ancient medicine, and many people looked at it curiously.

嬴子衿 lifted his hand and was about to grab the reins of the steed.

"Miss Ying!" Meng Qingxue saw it, frowning, "The end you look at is a fierce horse. It hasn't been tamed. You can't ride it. Don't move it."

Today, I was chatting with a friend who hadn’t talked for a long time, and talked about my memory and concentration impairment due to physical reasons.

Him: Then it’s an honor for you to remember me

I’m just forgetful, not amnesia:)

Speaking of riding a horse, it’s true, but my **** hurts, just like it’s broken

(End of this chapter)

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