Chapter 601: What if i don’t know him

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"I know!" Jiang Yao scratched his head anxiously and quickly took out his mobile phone from his pocket to call for help!

Can take a look! Oh shit! No signal!

Jiang Yao couldn't help bursting a sloppy sentence and had to cut off the idea of asking for help!

She threw the phone back into the car anxiously and quickly moved the things out of the back seat of the car.

She had prepared before departure, in addition to buying some food, she also bought tools such as special ropes and inflatable kayaks. She just saw the river so urgent, she wanted to call for help first, just in case One.

But now it seems that she can only do it by herself.

"Mo! Take the pump! Charge up the kayak! Hurry up!" Jiang Yao threw things to Mo, and then leaned against the rainstorm and bent to tie one end of the two ropes to the car. On wheels.

At this moment, she was really grateful, and when Lu Xing stopped in the army, he had nothing to do and taught her how to tie a special knot. At this moment, it was actually used.

Now Jiang Yao is no longer the delicate and charming Jiang Yao when she graduated from high school. When she lifted a big rock of fifty or sixty kilograms from the roadside, she didn't feel any effort at all!

This is one of the benefits that physical strength and force value can bring to her.

"Jiang Yao, are you going to go fishing yourself? Stupid humans, are you crazy?" After quietly inflating the inflatable kayak, he retracted his big claws and changed back to the soft palm of his little milk cat. Jiang Yao took the kayak and picked up two ropes, one tied to the kayak and the other tied to her own waist.

"No signal on the phone! I can't go, I can't do it! I can't watch him exhausted and washed away by the water? In that case, all my efforts this afternoon and night were in vain! I I rushed all night and kept searching, and there was only one purpose, that is to save him! Right now, others are right in front of me. If I don’t save, you say, why am I here? It’s hard to make it to send him the last trip?"

"You're crazy! You're crazy! You haven't even seen that soldier! He's not Lu Xingzhi, nor your husband! If he dies, what does it have to do with you? Isn't your father not your mother? Not your younger brother! Not who your family is! You have to fight to be yourself?"

Mo Zhen couldn't wait to show his paws and cut Jiang Yao's kayak and pull her back into the car.

This woman can now be said to be irrational!

But silently did not understand, that person is not Jiang Yao, why is she so anxious?

«Да! Мо, ты прав, этот воин не мой Цзянъяо! Но, говорю тебе, это воин, который коснулся меня! так что, если я ничего не сделаю, чтобы попытаться спасти его жизнь, я расстроюсь! Он не большое зло, поэтому я не могу смотреть, как он умирает! Даже если я его не знаю!"

Цзян Яо зарычал хриплым голосом: «Он такой же, как Лу Синчжи, солдат! Он покровитель этой страны, он защищает эту страну и людей, он не должен быть таким брошенным, он не должен быть таким отчаянная и несчастная, чтобы умереть, я нашла его, даже если бы я знала, что это может быть опасно, но я также хотела попробовать!Потому что я также думала, что если однажды мой Лу Синчжи окажется в опасности, кто-то может быть таким, как я , Иди, сражайся и спаси его!"

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