Chapter 1413: But he saved my life.

Chapter 1413, but he saved my life.

Chapter 1416, but he saved my life.

"Not yet."

"I will come." The cloud painting said, let Qin Hao bring her mobile phone.

Qi Ziheng’s parents are slightly equal to none, Qi Ziheng’s affairs can only be explained to Qi’s grandfather.

Cloud painting dialed the phone: "Qi grandpa, it is me, cloud painting... Well, yes, there was some traffic jam last time. I used to go back to rest in the past, um, I will visit you... I will give you today. There is something to tell you about calling, you don’t worry too much, it’s related to Qi Ziheng...”

After struggling to say the situation, the cloud painting hung up and sighed.

There are still a thousand 10,000 puzzles in her mind.

"Qin Xi, I ask you, that position, I sat there for a long time, the gangsters did not act, why did Qi Ziheng pass, he started?" This is the most incomprehensible cloud painting.

Even, based on past experiences, she has doubts about the alignment of Ziheng.

Qin Lan said coldly: "When you are sitting, the table tennis table next to it, the basketball stand in front, blocks all angles. Later you stand up, Qin ink blocks most of your angle. Qi Ziheng comes over to talk to you. At that time, you took a step back and the attacker had a short-lived vision. He seized the opportunity..."

A short 0.1 second chance.

For ordinary people, this is an opportunity that does not exist at all, but for the gangsters...

This opportunity is precious to the extreme.

"Yes." Qin Hao nodded. "Isn't it, our people can see it at a glance, and his equipment, although it is a hybrid assembly, is very professional."

Cloud painting pinches the phone, and some hesitates. "Qin Wei, the level of this gangster is definitely not low. A high-level gangster... After killing me, I managed to commit suicide. Why?"

Qin Yu’s gaze is very serious: “Because he knows that he can’t run. The bodyguards hidden in the dark that you have arranged for you have radiated as much as possible of all the dangers around you. The gangster is not sure. Finding the opportunity to kill you, this opportunity is an accident, he grasped it, but because of Qi Ziheng, his work failed. He knew from the beginning that he only had one chance to kill you, as long as he started, his position It will be locked in the person who secretly protects you... He will have no chance to shoot, and he will not escape..."

Cloud painting has some headaches. "Okay, I know. I still have a problem."

"You said."

Cloud painting hesitated, "If he doesn't throw me down..."

"..." Qin Yu also hesitated, but in the end, he still chose to say, "80% probability, will pass through your heart; and 20% of the possibility, from your knees."

Cloud paintings licked his lips and his eyes were stunned. "Since it is a professional gangster, usually, the gangsters will not miss, and no one can escape... Qi Ziheng, how can he react and fall over me?"

Qin Xiao looked at the cloud painting with a slight surprise. He was puzzled. His eyes were also a little weird.

“What's wrong?” Cloud painting frowned. “Is this question difficult to answer?”

Qin Lan shook his head gently: "It's not too difficult to answer, but... why do I have a feeling."

"What do you feel?" asked the cloud painting.

Qin blinked. "Why do I feel that you seem to have some doubts... Qi Ziheng?"

Cloud painting looks up.

(End of this chapter)

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