Chapter 1655: 1 I didn’t believe it at first, but after that, I believed…

Aside, on hearing this, the original kamikaze wind, Jin Feng, who was very interested, had no interest at all, and his brow furrowed.

As the Lord of Kamikaze, Feng Jinrong needs to consider the safety and stability of the entire Kamikaze Principality.

Hearing the description of Feng Zhi at this moment, he felt that this warrior called clothes had threatened the safety and stability of the Principality of Kamikaze!

Because the strength of the clothes is too strong, it has surpassed the top combat power possessed by the Principality of Kamikaze. Such a existence, he cannot control it.

Such an existence, if they do anything extraordinary, they can't stop it!

For Feng Jinrong, such existence is a factor of instability and a huge time bomb!

As long as one accidentally angers such an existence, or the other party is on impulse, the entire Kamikaze Principality may be destroyed!

This is no joke, don't underestimate the strength of a strong man!

A saint-level warrior is fully capable of destroying a principality!

Moreover, it is easy to wave between.

Therefore, at the beginning, Feng Jinrong was extremely interested in clothes. If he felt it was possible, he would not hesitate to recruit the clothes into the Kamikaze Palace for reuse.

However, when he heard Feng Zhi's description of the emperor of clothes, Jin Feng, the master of the Kamikaze Kingdom, dared not dare!

He dared not bring such unrest into the palace, let alone reuse it!

The emergence of such an unstable factor is in the Principality of Kamikaze, and the main wind of Kamikaze is simply worried.

Even at this moment, he is already thinking about how to solve this unrest.

Seeing the presence of the Shenfeng Observatory on the platform, everyone was talking about it, and it seemed that they had misunderstood something. Feng Zhi said again: "Everyone may have misunderstood. This warrior called clothes is not a warrior beyond the level of the Holy Emperor."


After hearing the words, the eldest prince Feng Jiarong was a little stunned, and asked something unclearly: "What does this mean?"

"His Royal Highness is like this. His subordinates said that he is one level above me, not about rank, but strength! He is one level above strength, not one level above himself. His rank is still Saint. The level, moreover, is only the Samsung Holy Emperor level." Feng Zhi explained.



"I don't believe it, is it too exaggerated? Feng Zhi Sheng Huang, you said he was only Samsung Sheng Huang, but what evidence?"

"Fengzhi Shenghuang, if you say he is a seven-star or eight-star holy emperor, I would like to believe that, although the leapfrog challenge rarely occurs, it is not impossible. The more one or two levels, this It is still possible to get it. But you said that he is only the Samsung Holy Emperor level, which I absolutely don’t believe. The Samsung Saint Emperor crossed the sixth level to you, who is a nine-star God Emperor, and still defeated with such a strong attitude, how is this possible? ."

"Yes, if he is a Samsung Emperor, let's not say that he defeated Feng Zhi Sheng Emperor who is a nine-star Saint Emperor, then he said he defeated Tuoba Xuehai who was an eight-star Emperor. It’s exaggerated. The three-star Saint Emperor can defeat Tuoba Xuehai with one arrow? It’s so ridiculous to be able to defeat an eight-star Saint Emperor with this crushing attitude."


Hearing Feng Zhi's words, the eldest prince and the **** of wind and wind hadn't said anything, and all the big brothers immediately expressed their opinions and began to question.

Ying Tianlei of the Yingtian Gang also said: "Wind stops Saint Emperor, I really don't understand, why would you say he is a Samsung Saint Emperor Warrior. Don't you think this is outrageous? The Samsung Saint Emperor Warrior defeated the Nine Star Saints like you Imperial Warrior? As a nine-star Holy Imperial Warrior, don't you think such a thing is nonsense? How could you still believe such a lie."

"Yes, this is not realistic. How could he be a samurai of the Samsung Emperor's rank, let alone all of us present did not believe it, and no one could believe it. The Samsung Emperor crushed the Nine Star Emperor? How is this possible? It is not below the level of the Holy Emperor. You said that a Samsung Warrior Warrior defeated the Nine Stars to defeat the Warrior. I believe that after all, it is not uncommon for lower-level warriors to have such a leapfrog challenge victory. But you say Samsung Holy Emperor The sixth level defeated you, the nine-star holy emperor, and I don’t believe it! The holy emperor level, each level is heavenly, and the Samsung holy emperor wants to beat the nine-star holy emperor over six levels, which is simply impossible, unless he is Avatar."

Xuan Fengzong's boss Zhao Haodang also said.

"Feng Zhi Sheng Huang, have you made a mistake? Or, this warrior called clothes is lying to you?"

Shen Feng, the master of the Kamikaze Kingdom, also said.

After the great prince Feng Jiarong was slightly shocked, he immediately asked, "What the **** is going on? What are you talking about?"

Although Feng Zhi also has doubts, he knows and trusts Feng Zhi more than others, so he does not feel that Feng Zhi is lying.

Moreover, Feng Zhi does not need to lie.

After all, describing the other party as a Samsung emperor, is it even more embarrassing if the wind stops?

Nine Star Saint Emperor lost some shame to a Samsung Saint Emperor, or lost to a warrior beyond the level of the Saint Emperor?

Don't think about it, it must be the former.

So, as long as you are not stupid, no one will be willing to spread such a panic to make yourself No, he will not lie to me, and he does not need to lie to me with his strength. Do you think a person who can crush my existence with his strength will lie to me by saying such low-level lies? What does this mean? In order to show yourself that the leapfrogging challenge is very powerful? This is completely unnecessary! His strength has completely crushed me, and there is no need to show such vanity. "

"In addition, although he felt pressure on him, I didn’t feel the high-level warrior’s coercion against the low-level warrior, only his strength and strength, only these two points gave me a huge Pressure. That is to say, his level is below me. It is just that his strength is higher than my strength and stronger than me, so it puts pressure on me. It is not a suppression on the level."

"Another point, if he is really a warrior beyond the level of the Holy Emperor, he will also come to the Kamikaze battlefield to participate in the competition of the Holy Emperor level? They have already exceeded the Holy Emperor level, there is no need to bully the lower level warrior? What is the sense of accomplishment? As a strong man, his self-esteem will not allow him to do so. Therefore, he cannot wait for me to be higher."

"So, when he said that he was a Samsung Holy Warrior, at first, I didn't believe it like everyone else, but after that, I believed it."

The wind said slowly.

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