Chapter 1662: The 4 arrogant warriors

The warriors of the four major counties, now blushing and white, are ashamed.

They are, at any rate, warriors of the level of the priest. Although they are not good in the Principality of Kamikaze, they are also the top strong level in the major counties.

However, he just flew to the air in this way, and then fell to the ground. This was ashamed and lost to the grandma's house, and the dignity of the strong was gone.

They don’t want to!

Just because I can't control the body!

After they fell to the ground, their bodies were completely out of control and they could not stand up if they wanted to stand up.

It's like being punched by a person, and you can't move.

Can only stare at their target, Tang Yi of the Tianwu Kingdom left from before them.

And watched Tang Yi walking into Budo House.

It wasn't until Tang Yi's back completely disappeared at the gate of Budo Prefecture that they regained control of their bodies!

After the restoration of control, the warriors of the four major counties climbed up from the ground, looking at the gate of Budo Prefecture, and their faces were inexplicably strange.

"What's going on? What just happened?"

"How did I fly inexplicably just now?"

"Even if you fly, I just lost control of my body, as if my body is not my own."

"Me too, I can't shout, I can't move, so I watched Tang Yi's boy enter the Budo House."

"It's shameful to lose face this time! But fortunately, there are no people around except Tang Yi of Tianwu Kingdom. No one saw the embarrassment we just had."

"It doesn't matter if you lose face, it's just that the kid Tang Yi ran away. After a while, he has already entered Budo House. After entering Budo House, if we want to trouble him again, it will be impossible."

"It's really weird, how can we fly inexplicably? How can we inexplicably lose control of the body? And that day when Tang Yi of the Wu Kingdom entered the Budo House, we suddenly regained control. This also It's so strange."

"If I remember correctly, we just had to walk towards that Tang Yiwei, and then flew up. You said, will this matter be a ghost of Tang Yi?"

"How is it possible, how could Tang Yi of the Tianwu Kingdom have such a skill! It is impossible that he did it."

"Yeah, the warriors of the Jiupin County, I can destroy them with just one finger. Just like him, can we fly more than forty people without knowing it? Also let us Losing control of the body? This is completely impossible."

"Then what are you talking about?"

"Although I don't know what's going on, it's definitely not that Tang Yi did it."

"I think so."

"Then what to do now? Tang Yi of the Tianwu Kingdom has already entered the Budo House."

"What else can I do? Cold mix. The Kamikaze royal family does not allow contestants to compete in private and enter the Budo Palace. Even if we have a big grudge, we can't do it."

"Huh, this is the cheap guy."

The warriors of the four major counties talked about it.

Everyone is very dumbfounded.

However, no matter how intimidating, no matter how confused, they do not believe that Tang Yi did just that thing.

After all, in the eyes of the warriors of the four major counties, Tang Yi is also a warrior of the Jiupin County. Even if the warriors of the Jiupin County are no longer geniuses, they cannot be more talented than them.

This is due to geographical advantages. The Jiupin County is only a barren land, lacking aura, lacking cultivation resources, and all kinds of scarcity. Even if it is a genius, its strength will not be stronger than that of these high-ranking warriors.

Therefore, the warriors of the four major counties despise the warriors of the Jiupin County and do not believe that the warriors of the Jiupin County will have that ability.

Without the hand out, can you let the forty saints of the martial arts level fly up? And lose control of the body?

Not to mention that the warriors of the four prefectures present did not believe that even if it was spread, no one would believe it.

If it is true, this is too exaggerated.

Therefore, although the people in the four major counties are puzzled, no one thinks that Tang Yi did it.

"Brother Tang, what do you think of this?"

Zhang Liangji, the leader of Jiuyuan County, asked Tang Boyuan, the leader of Tianyi County.

"I think things are awkward. Everyone present is a warrior of the level of a priest, and his strength is not low. If we want to deal with us without knowing it, we must have extremely strong strength. And such strength, at least It’s a holy king level, maybe higher. Otherwise, more than forty of us won’t fly up at the same time and lose control of our body. We won’t even realize it.”

Tang Boyuan, the leader of Tianyi County, thought about it and analyzed it.

"Then... Brother Tang, do you think this matter was done by Tang Yi of the Tianwu Kingdom? After all, this weird situation that happened only when we blocked him. And he also wants to break through our Entering Budo House in the encirclement, except for his presence, he has no reason to shoot at us."

Zhang Liangji, the leader of Jiuyuan County, also analyzed.

"I don't think so. I just said that I want God to deal with us without knowing it, and also let us forty people toss away and lose control of the body, which requires at least the strength of the Holy King level. . And that Tang Yi, how could it not have the strength of the Holy King level? He is just a contestant of the county, and, from the Jiupin County, how can he have the strength of the Holy King level? "

Tang Boyuan denied.

"In other words, he is just a warrior in the Jiupin County, and he can't be so strong. He doesn't look like a warrior of the Holy King level. Then you say, will there be any strong men hidden in the dark, Secretly shot us?"

Zhang Liangji guessed.

Wen Tang Boyuan turned his head and looked at the surrounding microcosm, then lowered his voice and said: "It is possible!"

"Maybe this strong man secretly protected Tang Yi of the Tianwu Kingdom, and saw that we shot against him, so he only used the means to knock us down, and then let us lose control of the body."

Zhang Liangji guessed again.

"Secretly protect the strong man of Tang Yi? Is this impossible? The Tianwu Kingdom is just a district of Jiupin County. Where can I find such a strong man? And, how can such a strong man protect a warrior of the priest level? This It is unreasonable to think about it," Tang Boyuan questioned.

Zhang Liangji thought about it and said to Tang Boyuan: "Brother Tang, did you notice that we all just fell down inexplicably, but Tang Yi of the Heavenly Wu Kingdom kept stopping, not looking at it? At first glance, it seems that it is not strange at all, as if knowing it will be so. Don’t you think it is strange?

"It's really weird to say that!" Tang Boyuan suddenly said.

(End of this chapter)

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