Chapter 2012: The Longyun Duchy

At this time, Zijin, the king of Zijin, swept away the previous decadence and became proud.

Seeing the appearance of Zi Wuji, Tianshui King Shui Tianwu reluctantly smiled and said: "Your Zijin's Longyun Principality is indeed good. It should be ranked first at the moment, but... our team of many Principalities in Tianshui has not yet tested results Well. Waiting for them to check their achievements, your achievements in the Principality of Longyun are simply not enough."

"Really? Then I will wait and see!"

Zi Wuji was extremely proud at this time. He didn't believe Shui Tianwu's words at all, nor did he believe that there was a Principality team, and his performance would be better than that of Longyun Principality.

After all, forty-nine eternal crystals are equivalent to killing forty-nine monster monsters.

It is still not easy to kill forty-nine holy emperor monsters within seven days.

Therefore, Zi Wuji determined at this time that the achievements of the Longyun Principality must not be surpassed.

The Principality of Longyun must also be the first name in this battle of the Principality.

However, Zi Wuji did not know that he was too happy and too proud.

Under the high stage, hearing the achievements of the Principality of Longyun, the fighters of the Principality who had not seen the world, also suddenly had a lot of discussion.

"Where did this Longyun Principality come out? That's amazing."

"Forty-nine crystals of eternity, my obedient, is too strong? Our Principality killed a few monsters and obtained a few crystals of eternity. But I got forty-nine eternal crystals, which is too great."

"Forty-nine eternal crystals, this is simply unimaginable."

"Before the seed Principality team, they also obtained more than 20 eternal crystals. However, the Longyun Principality actually obtained forty-nine, how did they do it?"


In front of the test bench.

The leader of the Longyun Principality, Longyun Mocheng, tested the accomplishments and felt the surprised eyes of everyone, suddenly showing a smug look.

I saw him raising his head and raising his chest. Under the watch of everyone, he left the inspection stand proudly.


After leaving the inspection stand, he did not directly return to the location of his Principality, but deliberately came to the location of the Principality of Kamikaze.

I saw that he walked around the warriors of the Principality of Kamikaze, proudly, and seemed to be demonstrating toward the warriors of Kamikaze, as if he was showing off, and more like mocking the warriors of Kamikaze.

In short, the warriors who went to the disgusting Kamikaze Principality.

However, in this respect, not only did the people of Kamikaze not feel angry, but on the contrary, they wanted to laugh.

They felt that Longyun Mocheng was completely a fool, and their brains were completely broken.

Their kamikaze, but won the team of millions of eternal crystals.

Longyun Mocheng actually showed off its forty-nine eternal crystals in front of the team that got a million eternal crystals?

This is not a fool?

This is like a poor man, after earning a hundred dollars, showing off in front of a millionaire.

But Longyun Mocheng didn't know about it. After showing off a wave of the location of the gods, he only returned to the location of the Longyun Principality.

As for the eyes of the gods of the Principality of Kamikaze, which seemed to look like a fool, he was angry and jealous when they were all people of the Principality of Kamikaze.

Seeing the eyes of everyone like Shenfeng, the uninformed Longyun Mocheng was even more proud, and felt angry at the success of everyone.

And thought, the Principality of Kamikaze is really a second-rate Principality. I can't stand it with a little excitement.

In addition, Longyun Mocheng is very satisfied with the results of this Principality War.

In his view, if there is no accident, this time the battle of the Principality, the first place is their Longyun Principality team.

Under normal circumstances, it is very difficult to obtain more than forty crystals.

Forty-nine holy emperor monsters are not so easy to kill.

Even the Principality of Seeds cannot get so many eternal crystals.

Therefore, Longyun Mocheng felt that this time in the battle of the Principality, their Longyun Principality is very likely to achieve the top results.

However, just thinking about Longyun Mocheng, a sound that shocked the audience was heard on the inspection platform.

"The Principality of East Korea, 53 Eternal Crystals!"

This Principality of East Korea is a seed Principality team from the Kingdom of Tianshui!

In this battle of the Principality, they won a total of 53 eternal crystals, which is four more than the Zijin Longyun Principality.

In an instant, their ranking rushed to the first place, squeezing the long-ranked Principality of Longyun into the second place.

Hearing the achievements of the Principality of East Korea, the Lord Zijin, the leader of the Longyun Principality, Longyun Mocheng, and the people present were all slightly stunned.

The ranks of the Principality under the high stage were shocked.

However, they haven't waited for them to say anything or wait for them to react.

I saw on the right, another Principality team came to the inspection desk.

Under the quick test of the strong person responsible for the test, the results were quickly obtained.

"The Principality of South Vietnam, fifty-nine eternal crystals."

The Principality of South Vietnam is also the seed Principality team of the Kingdom of Tianshui!

In this battle of the Principality, they won fifty-nine seed Principality teams!

Compared with the Principality of Longyun, there are ten more eternal crystals!

In an instant, they surpassed the Principality of East Korea, rushed to the first throne, and squeezed the Principality of East Korea to the second.

The Longyun Principality, which originally occupied the first position, was instantly squeezed to the third!

But this is not over yet!

The Principality of Seed Kingdom of the Tianshui Kingdom seems to be fighting each other, lining up for inspection.

The Principality of South Vietnam just left, and another Principality of Seeds came to the inspection stand.

The Zijin strong who is in charge of the inspection is very experienced. He took the Eternal Crystal from the leader of this seed Principality, then counted, identified, and a set of actions was lucky. results of this Principality team were also calculated.

"Prince Anchu, 67 Eternal Crystals!"

Similarly, the Principality of Anchu is also the seed Principality of Tianshui!

And their achievements exceeded the number of fifty, reaching a horror score of 67!

At this moment, the ranking changed again.

With the 67 eternal crystals, the Anchu Principality rushed directly to the first place, and the original South Vietnam Principality was squeezed to the second.

The original second principality of East Korea was squeezed into third.

The original Longyun Principality was squeezed to the fourth moment!

In just a moment, the Principality of Longyun was squeezed into fourth place!

Seeing this scene, Longyun Mocheng froze.


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