Chapter 3538: Rankings that have changed drastically


"Li Chong? Isn't Li Chong seventh? Why did he fall to eighth?"

"Yes, and his grades are very stable, no one will catch him in three days. What is going on? What happened?"

"The seventh and eighth difference is tens of thousands of points. Who surpasses Li Chong so much?"

"Usually, there was basically no change in the last three days. What happened to this year? Why did such a big change happen in just three days?"

"What happened this year? You asked this question well! I think it was because of that person that caused a series of chain reactions."

"That person? You mean..."

"Yes, I was talking about that person!"

"It turned out to be that person, no wonder! Indeed, everyone may indeed have some chain reactions because of him. After all, the movement he made was too much and his performance was too shocking. Under his influence, the players of the Jiezhizi Competition were affected. Influence is also normal."

"Yes! Because of his influence, everyone's results have changed. The ranking will only change in the last three days."

"What and what! What are you talking about? What that person? What is affected by him? What shock? What chain reaction? Why can't I understand?"

"Yeah, inexplicably, I can hear it in the mist."

"What the gods are doing mysteriously, is there anything wrong to say clearly? Whatever that person is that person, just say what you know."

"Yes! It's weird!"

"You don't know what we are talking about? Didn't you watch the Son of the World Competition?"

"I haven't watched it, how can I have time to watch it!"

"No wonder. I didn't watch the Son of World Competition, this is your loss! If you don't understand what we are talking about, who can you blame?"

"That is, I didn't watch the Son of World Competition, so who can be to blame!"

"If he doesn't understand it, let's talk about us!"

"Yes, we talk about ourselves, not with him."


Yudi continued to announce: "The seventh place is from the world of Shenxi, Wu Xi."

"Wu Xi? Wu Xi the seventh? I heard that right, right."

"He... isn't he twenty years away? He actually broke into seventh! That's an exaggeration!"

"I have made countless guesses and counted all those who might have taken Li Chong's seventh place, but none of them are right!"

"What did Wu Xi do? How come he is seventh! His strength hasn't reached seventh!"

"Another amazing change! What a surprise!"


Hearing that the seventh place was actually Wu Xi, everyone at the scene talked a lot.

and Wu Xi stepped onto the platform happily.

No one else understands why he is seventh, only he knows why he is seventh.

That's for life!

If it were not the last three days, he would have worked hard with his life and done a difficult task, and obtained hundreds of thousands of points. Now he can't achieve such a result.

All of this was obtained by his life.

is his glory.

No matter how others question, only he himself knows his efforts!

Only he knows how he made it to seventh!

"The sixth place, comes from the obsession of the lost family in the misty forest!"

Yudi continued to announce.

"The obsession is still a steady effort, and the ranking has not changed!"

"Nonsense, his strength is there, and his score is extremely high. It is impossible to surpass him. In fact, there will not be much change in the top ten. Maybe it is because this year is quite special, so the seventh and the seventh. The eighth and the ninth changed."

"I don't know if the top five will change!"

"Keep watching!"


"Fifth place, from the royal family of the great wine world, the wine is not immortal."

"The fourth place, from the Void City, Feng Tianyue."

"The third place..."

The fifth and fourth place, there is no change, they are all expected.

is the same as in twelve days.

But when I read the third, Yudi suddenly paused.

Seeing the jade flute pause, everyone did not know why they suddenly became nervous.

And Yudi continued to announce: "Third, from the imperial family of the godless world, there is no way."


"Why isn't Sun Yong? Isn't Sun Yong always third? What's the matter?"

"God has no great world? Nowhere? Where did it come from? Why haven't I seen it before!"

"Yeah, I have never heard of it. This has no way. It did not enter the top 100 on the twelfth day."

"On the twelfth day, he didn't enter the top 100. In just three days, how did he make it to the top ten? This is too strange."

"It's incredible, it's incredible! The original third Sun Yong is gone, but there is a stranger who has never seen it before. This year's Son of the World Contest is simply incredible."

"This is the strangest one I have ever seen! On the twelfth day, the top ten has clearly opened the gap. In just three days, four people in the top ten have changed. Originally ranked third. Sun Yong, even more disappeared."

«Не обращайте внимания на то, что Уфан рвется на третье место, давайте посмотрим на Сунь Юна, где именно находится Сунь Юн. Определенно нельзя сказать, что он выпадает из первой десятки! Ведь очки есть». ,стартуя с четвёртого.Превысить его баллы с десятого невозможно.Разумеется,из первой десятки он точно не выпадет.Но теперь с десятого на третье его нет.Так куда же он делся ?"

«Сунь Юн должен был рвануться на второе место, верно?»

«Если Сунь Юн рванет на второе место, что насчет Чжоу Тяня, который изначально был на втором месте? Где Чжоу Тянь?»

«Чжоу Тянь... был номером один?»

«Хе-хе! Как ты думаешь, это возможно? Сможешь ли ты сначала превзойти его?»

«Э-э, это невозможно!»

«Может быть… Сунь Юн не вернулся? Итак…»

"This is possible!"

"Let’s see if the second is Sunday!"


Yudi continued to announce: "Second place in this world's son!"

"Sunday has not changed, still second!"

"If Sunday is the second, then Sun Yong has indeed fallen out of the top ten."

"Fell out of the top ten? I'm afraid he didn't come back this time."

"No way, with Sun Yong's strength, as long as you don't go to a nightmare-level battlefield and want to come back, isn't it a very simple thing. How can you not come back!"

«Хех! Возможно, он был слишком агрессивен и хотел попасть в список за последние три дня, поэтому он был в опасности. Ищите его на месте, где вы можете увидеть Сунь Юна? И, с учетом очков Сунь Юна, наконец, Эвен если ничего не делать три дня, то из первой десятки не выпадешь, а сейчас его нет в первой десятке. Разве это не объясняет проблему?"

«Кажется, Сунь Юн не вернулся! Жаль, что такой талантливый игрок действительно проиграл в соревновании Сына Мира!»

«Он еще слишком молод. Он вошел в десятку лучших, нет необходимости идти в десятку лучших, если он потерпит неудачу, его будущее безгранично».

(конец этой главы)

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