Глава 1663: Кандидаты на лотерею

? «Поэтому я подозреваю, что сильный человек, стрелявший в нас, — это сильный человек, который тайно защищает Тан И».

— сказал Чжан Лянцзи.

«Если вы так говорите, это действительно возможно».

Тан Боюань немного подумал и сказал: «Похоже, что этот Тан И из округа Цзюпинь обладает несколько необычной личностью, и в темноте может быть сильный охранник уровня святого. Брат Чжан, что, по вашему мнению, нам следует делать с это? Что? Разве ты не хочешь найти проблемы Тан И? У него есть святой силач уровня короля, который тайно защищен, и его немного трудно спровоцировать».

«Герои не терпят потери перед собой. Зная, что у него есть защита сильных, мы все равно идем беспокоить его. Разве это не обречено на провал? Но…»

Чжан Лянцзи заметил и сказал: «Однако этот вопрос нельзя игнорировать. Этот Тан И заставил меня ждать. В этот момент у нас такое большое безобразие, забыть его невозможно. Лян Цзы уже устроился. Если это не имеет значения, это позор для нас. Сердце боевых искусств также будет затронуто. Так что не забывайте об этом. "

После паузы Чжан Лянцзи подумал немного или два, а затем сказал: «Таким образом, давайте сначала посмотрим на одного или двух, поймем правду и реальность Тан И и посмотрим, действительно ли он сильный человек в темноте. Если нет, то Находим возможность снова найти его беды, А если есть, то потерпим и дождемся окружных конкурсов.

«На соревнованиях графства, если они встретят нас, мы сможем научить их правильно. Если они этого не сделают, то мы можем попросить доброе графство жестоко с ними расправиться».

«Соревнование по боевым искусствам префектуры было организовано королевской семьей Камикадзе. Даже если сильный человек, который тайно прятался, чтобы защитить Тан И, не был бы сильным, он не посмел бы вмешиваться в соревнование. Как отомстить кольцо в то время не наше. Настроение идет? На кольце нет ни глаз, ни ног, а убить или убить инвалида — это нормально. Брат Тан, ты так говоришь?"

When Tang Boyuan heard it, he immediately lit up and said, "It's so good! Well, I don't want to forget it. After all, this kid dared to provoke me to wait. It was really a bear heart leopard gallbladder. If he couldn't breathe, My heart of martial arts will indeed be affected."

"Okay, since Brother Tang also agreed to my plan, then we will observe and observe, and then make plans. If we can’t see anything, then wait until the county martial arts competition begins, and teach him about the big competition, anyway, no Need to rush." Seeing Tang Boyuan agree with his ideas, Zhang Liangji said again.

"it is good."

Tang Boyuan nodded.

The leaders of the two major second-tier counties reached a consensus. Decided to observe the situation first to see if there was a strong man behind Tang Yi who was protecting it. If there was, he would stop for a while and wait for the county government to contest before taking action. If not, find an opportunity to take action.

However, the leaders of the two second-ranking counties knew that behind Tang Yi, there was no strongman secretly protecting them.

The reason why the forty warriors of the four major counties all flew away was that Tang Yi's right foot shocked Wei Li, and then this gave everyone Zhen Fei.

All of them lost control of their bodies, and Tang Yi shot secretly.

Tang Yi is, after all, a samurai of the saint emperor level, and with a little pressure, it can be done.

Under the pressure of Tang Yi, not to mention the warriors of the level of the priest, even the Holy Spirit and the Holy King, can't move half a point.

Of course, these things are not known to the warriors of the four major counties, and the leaders of the two second-rank counties.

They are not qualified to know.

the other side.

Tang Yi didn't even know the discussions of the two leaders of the second-ranking county, nor did they want to know their discussions. After entering the Budo House, Tang Yi went back to his room to rest and slept until dawn.

The next day, Tang Yi was called to the meeting hall by Yu Wenguanhong.

Hearing Yu Wenguanhong's call, Tang Yi immediately came to the meeting hall.

When Tang Yi came to the meeting hall, all the soldiers who participated in the contest of the county, including Yu Wenguanhong, the principal, had arrived, and Su Jingsheng was among them.

"Tang Yi, you sit here."

Seeing Tang Yi coming, Yu Wenguanhong showed a polite smile and pointed to the chair next to him, beckoning Tang Yi to sit down.

According to Yu Wenguanhong's instructions, Tang Yi sat down.

Seeing Tang Yi sitting down, Yu Wenguan suddenly said, "Okay, now that the people are here, let me talk about the purpose of coming to you."

Hearing the words, everyone immediately sat upright and listened quietly, wanting to see what Yu Wenguan Hong was going to say.

Yu Wen Guanhong solemnly said: "In fact, it is an important thing to come to you. This matter is related to the honor of our Tianwu Kingdom, and it is also related to our Tianwu Kingdom’s achievements in the county competition, so it is very important. ."

Su Jingsheng asked: "Master Guanhong, what is so important? You don't want to sell the key, just tell us."

"Okay, then I won't sell it.

Yu Wenguanhong nodded and said, "In fact, this important thing is the draw of the county martial arts contest! The lottery is extremely important for our Tianwu kingdom. Better results than martial arts. If unfortunately a lottery is drawn, such as the first or second rank county, or the seed county directly, it will be a fatal blow to our country. The NUS National Tournament will also be ruined."

After hearing this, everyone nodded their heads, thinking that Yu Wenguanhong said that agreeing to draw lots was an important thing.

In the eyes of everyone in Tianwu Kingdom, the lottery is indeed extremely important.

Although the warriors of this year's Tianwu Kingdom are extremely confident and stronger than they were in previous years, they feel that they can achieve good results this year.

However, no matter how confident they are, they are not confident enough to feel that they can win the first and second ranks.

It's even less self-confident when it comes to seed county.

Therefore, although the warriors of the Tianwu Kingdom are confident that they can achieve good results, they are not confident to face the first and second ranks, and the seed counties, so ~www..com~ they need a good sign to avoid These powerful county teams.

"The county martial arts will officially start in three days, and before the start, 366 counties will be drawn. The draw ceremony will be held tonight. I called you today and I want to be selected. A representative, come to the Kamikaze Palace on behalf of our country to draw lots."

After turning over, Yu Wenguan Hong finally stated the purpose of convening the crowd.

"A lottery tonight?"

"It turns out that it was originally necessary to send representatives to the Kamikaze Palace to draw lots."

"Isn't this representative a bad choice? Naturally, it is undoubtedly Sheng Ge. Apart from Sheng Ge, who else can represent our Tianwu Kingdom? To send, naturally, Sheng Ge will be sent to draw."

"Yes, in fact, Master Guanhong does not need to summon me, just send Brother Su to the Kamikaze Palace to draw lots."


(End of this chapter)

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