Глава 1667: Место 366 в конце

Когда Тан И вошел в Рубин-холл и заглянул внутрь Рубин-холла, десятки глаз также были направлены на Тан И.

Тан И не был первым, кто пришел в зал «Рубин». До того, как Тан И пришел сюда, многие представители округа пришли в зал Рубина и сели.

Поэтому, как только Тан И прибыл, эти представители графства, сидящие на сиденьях, посмотрели на Тан И.

Хотя места у всех далеко друг от друга, ближайшие хоть на 100 метров друг от друга, а дальние на несколько километров, но для воинов класса самураев это пустяки.

На таком расстоянии все хорошо видят.

Глаза представителей этих уездов бросали взгляд только на Тан И, а потом отводили взгляд.

Он не сосредоточился на Тан И.

Obviously, representatives of these counties are not very interested in Tang Yi.

Even, there is still some contempt.

Faced with the attitude of these county representatives, Tang Yi did not care, anyway, he did not care about these people.

In his view, these people are just some warriors of the level of the priest, and they are of no importance at all.

If it is not necessary to complete the task, or if the lottery on this trip represents the Tianwu Kingdom, Tang Yi does not even want to gather with these county representatives.

You know, Tang Yi's opponents are at least the Holy Emperor level, but also completely crushed the Holy Emperor level.

Some samurai-level warriors are certainly not in his eyes.

These county representatives despised Tang Yi, and Tang Yi looked down on them.

Not paying attention to the eyes of others, after entering Rubin Hall, Tang Yi asked the waiter who led him: "Where can I sit?"

Tang Yi saw that the guest seats arranged in the Rubin Hall were numbered, and these numbers ranged from one to three hundred and sixty-six.

The number of counties participating in the Grand Tournament of the counties is exactly 366, exactly one seat per person.

Since there is a seat for one person and there is a number on the seat, it is naturally not a random seat.

Whoever sits, I am afraid that the Principality of Kamikaze has already made a decision.

Therefore, Tang Yi did not find a place to sit, but asked the waiter, wanting to know where he should sit.

Hearing Tang Yi's inquiry, the waiter who brought Tang Yi into Rubin Hall slightly pointed to seat 366, and said towards Tang Yi: "Tang player, your Tianwu Kingdom seat is in the 300th On the sixty-sixth, you can sit at the number 366 and wait."

"The 366th? The last one?"

After hearing this, Tang Yi frowned.

Although Tang Yi does not know how this seat is arranged, it is obviously not very good to sit in the seat at the end of the ranking.

Not farthest from the theme, the number is still the last number, which is very unlucky.

Doesn't this mean the tail of the crane?

Tang Yike is the heir of the system, how could it be at the end?

If it were not for the waiters to be respectful from beginning to end, good manners, and no meaning for Tang Yi, arrange such a seat for Tang Yi, Tang Yi may have started to get angry.

Хотя это место отведено Королевству Тяньу, но теперь оно представляет Королевство Тяньву, почему мы должны располагать позицию немного впереди?

Устроить последнюю позицию, что это значит?

Тан И был очень недоволен.

Когда официант сказал, что Тан И был участником королевства Тяньву, место должно было занять 366-е место. Некоторые представители графства, такие как уже сидящие в Бин Холле, тут же усмехнулись.

«Хахаха, я думал, кто придет, это оказался представитель округа Тяньу в хвосте крана».

«Глядя на него, кажется, что он очень недоволен расположением сидений».

«Это место, которое Камикадзе Роял устроил на основе прошлых достижений. А как насчет неудовлетворенности».

"Oh, Tianwu Kingdom, who has been at the end of the year, actually wants to sit in other positions? Don't look at his own achievements."

"The county at the end of the year is seated at the end of the 366th seat. There is nothing wrong with it."

"No wonder I felt very mediocre when he came in. It turned out to be the representative of the Tianwu Kingdom."

"Yes, everyone in the other county has a unique temperament. I will look twice when I come in, and when the representative of the Tianwu Kingdom comes in, I feel mediocre, and I don’t want to look at it. ."


The messenger ignored the ridicule of the representatives of the county, but explained to Tang Yi seriously: "Tang player, this is the case. His majesty was made according to the achievements of the previous county competition, not a small intention. Tang player was assigned a last position, but the previous year's Tianwu country's score was ranked last, so His Majesty arranged for Tianwu country at the end of the 366th."

Tang Yi didn't pay attention to the ridicule of the representatives of the counties. After all, in Tang Yi's view, these people were just clowns, not enough.

Seeing the waiter's attitude is so good, and explaining it to him so seriously, Tang Yi was not angry, nor was it embarrassing the waiter, but asked the waiter: "Can I change a seat."

After hearing this, the waiter respectfully apologized to Tang Yi and said, "I'm really sorry for player Tang. The position is set by His Majesty. No one has the right to change. If you are small, you don't have player Tang. The replacement will not only cause dissatisfaction in other counties, but also be punished by His Majesty. But..."

"But what?" Tang Yi asked.

The waiter lowered his voice and whispered to Tang Yi: "However, there is no opportunity to change. After the dinner starts, there will be an opportunity to change seats. If Tang players really want to change seats, seize the opportunity. It is natural to be able to change positions, as for which position can be changed, it depends on the ability of Tang players."

"Oh? What is the chance to change seats later?" Tang Yi asked curiously.

«Что касается возможностей, Танские игроки, естественно, знают, что малыши здесь мало разговаривают~www..com~ Официант ответил с улыбкой.

— Ну, тогда я знаю.

Тан И кивнул и больше не задавал вопросов.

Поскольку официант не хотел говорить больше, Тан И, естественно, не стал спрашивать слишком много.

Ведь отношение официанта достаточно хорошее, и все, что он должен сказать и суметь сказать, тоже сказано. Тан И не нужно смущать его.

Если вы можете это сказать, официант обязательно это скажет. Поскольку вы не говорите этого в данный момент, это определенно неудобно раскрывать.

«Если больше ничего нет, то первый пойдет маленький».

После разговора официант уважительно выгнул руку в сторону Тан И, а затем удалился, оставив Рубин Холл.

Увидев, что официант уходит, Тан И немного подумал, а затем направился к последнему месту 366.

(Конец этой главы)

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