: The first six hundred and fifty-six returns to Budo

The key points pointed out by Feng Zhi suddenly made everyone speechless. Although everyone still didn't believe that Tang Yi was really a Samsung emperor, everyone could not think of anything to refute Feng Zhi.

Except for the phrase "Samsung Saint Emperor can't beat the Nine Star Saint Emperor", everyone seems to have nothing to refute.

Indeed it is!

According to common sense, how could the Samsung Emperor defeat the Nine-Star Emperor?

But is it really impossible?

This is not necessarily!

The world is so big, there are no wonders. Who dares to say that within the entire Paladin Continent, the warriors of the Samsung Holy Emperor level cannot defeat the warriors of the nine-star Holy Emperor level?

No one dares to say!

The probability is low, but it does not mean that there is no!

The reason for negation is only because I have not seen it.

The reason I haven’t seen it is because I didn’t encounter it.

So, after hearing Feng Zhi's words, although everyone still did not believe it, they could not refute it.

But after Jinfeng, the main wind of the Kamikaze Kingdom, heard his words, his sadness stretched a little, and if he thought about it, he didn't know what to think about.

Feng Zhi said at this time: "Your Majesty, the Emperor of Clothes has something to tell my Majesty."

"Oh? What?"

Feng Jinrong returned to God, curious.

"The clothes emperor said that he was just a passer-by, that is, he was interested in the Kamikaze battlefield, so he came in to play, and left after having fun, and would not have any impact or threat to the Principality of Kamikaze. In addition, he doesn’t want us to investigate his identity and origin. He said he doesn’t like trouble, so he hopes we don’t investigate him. Presumably that’s all.”

Feng Zhi conveyed Tang Yi's words intact to the main **** Feng Fengrong and all the people present.

Hearing Feng Zhi's words, Feng Jinrong thought about it again: "The clothes emperor let you talk, it seems that he doesn't want to deal with us. But also, such a strong person, the general character will be very weird, do There is no guideline for anything, and it’s not a strange thing to not want to deal with us. Anyway, since that’s the case, then we don’t have to disturb him. I originally wanted to see him, but now it seems that this is not necessary. Now."

Feng Jinrong looks a bit regretful.

At the same time, there is also some peace of mind.

After all, such a strong man guarantees that it will not cause any trouble to the Principality of Kamikaze, which is naturally better.

This is what Feng Jinrong wants to see.

Aside, the great prince Feng Jiarong also said: "Just now the sons also had plans to investigate him. After all, such a strong man is in my Principality of Kamikaze. We have to figure out his identity and origin. One has strength. The mysterious strongman in my Principality of Kamikaze is always a factor of instability, but since he told us not to investigate, and said that it will not cause us trouble, then I also gave up the idea of investigating him. It’s a good thing not to disturb each other."

"But it's a pity, I still want to know the emperor of clothes, but who knows he doesn't want to meet us."

"Yeah, it's a pity that we can't see people like this at close range, which is really regrettable."

"It would be nice if you could get acquainted, and drink with such a strong man. Chatting is definitely a big blessing in life."

"What a pity, I don't know when I will see the emperor of clothes again."

Hearing that Tang Yi didn't want to meet with the big brothers, all the big brothers were filled with emotion, regret, sighs.

Seeing Zhao Haodang's smile, Ying Tianlei understood Zhao Haodang's meaning all at once, and snorted coldly: "It's still Zhao Sect Master Hui's vision to recognize talent, and he is willing to gamble to lose."

With that, Ying Tianlei flicked his hand, took out the Tianying sword, and tossed it gently towards Zhao Haodang.

Without any trace of hesitation, it seemed very calm.

"Then I thanked the eagle helper."

Zhao Haotang reached out and took over, catching the Tianying sword thrown by Ying Tianlei, thanking.

On the other side, I did not care about the game between Zhao Haodang and Ying Tianlei. The eldest prince Feng Jiarong asked towards the main wind of the **** of wind: "Father prince, then we really don't want to see this clothes emperor. Is he still in the battlefield now? If we pass by, we should still be able to see each other. After all, we are the master of the battlefield. It is not excessive to see him."

"If you don't see it, you will disappear. After all, everyone has let Feng Zhi talk. This is obviously that I don't want to meet with us. In that case, why should we bother others? As long as he doesn't cause any harm to my Principality of Kamikaze, we don't need it. Go and harass him. And, now that he may have left the battlefield, we should not have seen anyone in the past." said Feng Jinrong, the **** of the wind and the country.

"Yes, the minister there understood."

The crown prince Feng Jiarong nodded and said, "Since this is the case, there will be no more officials there. The sons will take the wind to stop, and now the county contest is about to start, and the sons have to make some preparations as soon as possible. Yes."

Wen Yan, Feng Jinrong nodded and said: "Well, you go. I'm very relieved to leave this matter to you."

After being affirmed by Feng Jinrong, Feng Jiarong was very happy, and once again arched his hand, he retreated.



the other side.

Tang Yiru said that Fengfeng Rong, leader of the Shenfeng Kingdom, left the Shenfeng Fighting Field with the surprise and admiration of the staff of the Shenfeng Fighting Field after the trial of Hefeng Zhibi.

And after leaving the Kamikaze battlefield for the first time, he went to an alley and changed his appearance back, instead of being a scarred face, but back to the original childish appearance.

After changing back to his original appearance, Tang Yi returned to Budo Prefecture.

The experience has also been experienced, and the power of the Yulong Phantom Double Gun has also been tested. Tang Yi has no need to continue to stay in the Kamikaze Arena.

Moreover, after the test of Hefeng Zhibi, Tang Yi has also risen to the first place in the ranking of Shengfeng Battlefield Shenghuang Rankings, and has topped the Shenghuang Rankings.

After all, Fengzhi is the strongest of the nine-star Saint Emperor, and its strength is much stronger than that of Nie Haoran, the leader of the Kamikaze rankings. If you win Fengzhi, you win Nie Haoran.

Since he can win Nie Haoran, then Tang Yi's first place ~www..com~ is well deserved.

In short, the fact that Tang Yi topped the ranking of the Holy Emperor's rankings is truly deserved and no one questioned it.

Tang Yi ascended the ranking of the Holy Emperor, which is actually equivalent to saying that he climbed the entire Kamikaze battlefield ranking.

Because the Holy Emperor ranking is the highest list of the Kamikaze Battlegrounds ranking, and the first place on the top of this list represents that he is the strongest among the Kamikaze!

I won the first place, and I have experienced it. What's the point of continuing to stay?

Continue to fight Nie Haoran at the top of the leaderboard?

This is not necessary at all.

Feng Zhi was stronger than Nie Haoran. Tang Yi even defeated Feng Zhi. The first place in the ranking of the Holy Emperor was also won. What did he do to challenge Nie Haoran?

Yes, but not necessary.

(End of this chapter)

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