Chapter 2996: Fruit and vegetables 58

Chapter 2996 Green Fruit 58

Han Yu’s family is in a high-end residential area, and I don’t know how long it will wait on the steps.

I saw a five-year-old **** the path of the intestines. Under the guidance of her father, I practiced riding a bicycle.

I remembered again. When I was learning a bicycle as a child, Dongyu carefully watched the weight of the car behind me and looked at me nervously.

At that time, I was only six years old, stepping on the pedals, holding the handlebars nervously, and looking dead.

Dongyu shouted that I should not be nervous, relax, and push the car forward.

I just started to practice, I am not very skilled, often fall, but every time I want to fall, Dongyu always rushes up, thin body, always able to withstand my focus.

One fell, he was under my body, I fell in his arms, and when I got up, I laughed with no heart. When I went home at night, I found that there were several worn skins behind him, but I didn’t have a little bit of it. Instead, joke his fine skin tender meat.

I don't know how, I began to miss the childhood boring when I was young. I always felt that after I grew up, everything changed, and the burden on my shoulders became more and more heavy.


In the evening, Han Wei came home from school and walked to the door with her bag. When I saw it, I was scared and my face changed.

"Xia Chun!"

I looked up and saw her and stood up cramped.

"How are you here?" She was a little surprised. "You didn't go to school today. Your parents came to the class teacher and looked anxious! When I passed the class teacher's office, I heard your mother said, you last night too. Did not go home. They have already gone to the police station to report the police!"

"Han Han, I want to live in your house tonight, can I?" I asked cautiously.

Han Han is even more surprised. "You are crazy? Why don't you go home?"

"I..." I bite my lip and think about what it is like to go back. My tears can't help but fall down.

"Han Han, except for you, I don't have anywhere... I can go..."

"Xia Chun, where did you go last night?"


"Tell me, tell me!"

Han Han clenched my shoulder and eagerly asked, "Have you been with Su Qi last night? You didn't go home, where have you been?"

"Don't ask, okay?"

I am desperate, "Don't ask again... I beg you..."


Han Han hid me in my room.

Because I was worried that her parents found out, I was even careful when I spoke.

Han Hao finished dinner, returned to the room and brought me a box of milk.

"Only this. Sorry, Xia Chun..."

She put the milk aside, but I have no appetite.

Я думаю, мое лицо должно быть очень уродливым, поэтому Хан Хан, вероятно, напуган, сидит рядом со мной, облизывает мое плечо, плачет и говорит: «Ся Чун, ты меня не пугаешь, ладно? Хорошо. Ты такой. .. Мне так грустно..."

Однако как она может понять мою печаль.

Однажды ночью мой мир рухнул.

Вечером я лежал в постели, не боясь закрыть глаза только потому, что, когда мир был темным, всегда оставался кусочек сцены, появившейся прошлой ночью.

Я чувствую себя такой грязной, но когда я принимаю душ, я попробовала вымыть свое тело, мне хочется смыть с себя все это зло, смыть дыхание человека и оставленные следы...

Болезненный вкус подобен ожогу огнём. Я вот-вот сгорю.

(Конец этой главы)

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