Chapter 2997: Fruit and vegetables 59

Chapter 2997 Green Fruit 59

But the fact is that the so-called smog is nothing but an illusion.

I won't be smouldering.

In a sense, this can be regarded as a terrible capital punishment, and it is like a brutal delay. The fate will not kill me, but it will torture me until the next layer of flesh and blood.

I am like, I am probably guilty of retribution.

"Xia Chun, what happened to you?"

Probably awakened by my swaying shoulders, Han Han opened the light, but saw me biting the quilt, biting my teeth, holding back, tears, pieces, and the whole pillow.

She hugged me, probably trying to give me the greatest warmth possible.

I greedily want to take the warmth of her, hug her, and gently say: Han Han, I am afraid...

I am afraid, I am afraid that this thing will be exposed to the sun in the morning and evening.

I am afraid, I am afraid that after I know this, Dongyu will look at me with a look of disgust.

I am afraid, what I am most afraid of is abandoned by the world.


The whole night passed, and the next day, Han Han got up, and I woke up with ignorance. When she saw me woke up, she called me to go to school.

I didn't dare to step into the school.

I said, I am not going, let's go.

She asked me why not go to school?

I didn't talk anymore.

She advised me around, I still refused to go, wrapped in a quilt, curled up in the corner, and hugged myself.

At that time, I was desperate as if the sky would fall.

But I don't know, if the innocence falls down, who will support me.

I know that only knowing how to shed tears is too weak.

But like me, except for crying, I don’t know how to face it. I have already created a thousand white buckles.

I don't feel hungry when I don't eat for a day.

I don't feel thirsty when I don't drink water one day.

So in the afternoon, I heard footsteps coming from outside the door. It seems that who is back, holding her shoulders and shaking.

Then, someone knocked at the door. I didn't dare to speak. I didn't dare to make any movements. I was afraid of Han Han's father and mother, but I heard Han Han's voice, Xia Chun, me, Han Wei.

I just walked down from the bed, went to the door, unlocked, and then opened the door, but I saw Dong Yu's straight figure standing at the door, seeing the door open, waiting for me to react, broke into the door.

The door is instantly open.

I was scared to retreat, and looked at him with a pale face. His face was anxious, angry, worried, worried, and rushed!

"How come you didn't go home!?"

Dongyu approached me, angry and asked me, "Where did you go the night before? Do you know that Mom and Dad are looking for you crazy?! They have already called the police, and thought you were missing, what happened!"

I looked at him with a stunned look, and then, from the heart was poured out a kind of betrayed anger!

I looked at Han Wei, her thin body, shrinking aside, seems to be afraid of being angered by me, afraid to look up at my eyes.

"You don't want to see her! This thing has nothing to do with her!"

Dongyu said, reaching out to grab my arm.

I shrank a little on my shoulder, slammed back, and evaded his movements. "Don't... don't touch me..."

(End of this chapter)

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