Chapter 1610: I am afraid to move (1)

Chapter 1610 is afraid to move (1)

The people of the Alliance Army naturally saw the 10,000 soldiers who came out of the fortress of the Super League.

Only one glance, the shabby force, caused the ridicule of everyone in the Alliance Army.

"One thousand people? Is the Super League empire joking with us? This is a person who is afraid that it will not be enough for us to sew."

"Hah, guess what I saw? Look at the poor little girl. Is she the commander of the Super League? The Super League is really no one, and actually sent such a little guy out to die."

The knights of several glory lions saw Ye Qingyu on the horse. After seeing the appearance of Ye Qingying, they almost turned over without laughing.

"How old is she? Is she at the age of fourteen? She looks like she hasn't had a long gun in my hand. Can such a person still lead a war?"

"The Super League is making jokes with us, brothers, scaring them."

In the next second, the screams of the 500,000-strong army shook the sky, as if the earth had trembled with it, and the high-pitched weapons shimmered in the sunlight, and they were densely connected. The scalp is numb.

The 10,000-strong army of the Super League empire saw his legs soft, knowing that he was coming to death, but they could not suppress the fear of death in their hearts.

Ye Qingyan looked at the soldier who was trembling and shivering to the back, and there was no expression on his face.

"Hey, this is the first time you have participated in the battle, but don't humiliate us." On the wall of the fortress, Joseph screamed maliciously. He couldn't wait to see Ye Qing's screaming. It looks like it.

Joseph’s words attracted the laughter of many imperial knights.

And the 10,000 soldiers, after hearing this is the first time Ye Qingying entered the battle, he was even more desperate.

"It turned out to be someone who has never participated in the battle..."

"Sure enough, it was sent to death."

"We have to die with her."

This shows that it is to let them die together.

Ye Qingying turned a deaf ear to those cynicism, and she turned her head slightly to see the soldiers who had given up the struggle.

"Are you afraid?"

The soldiers who prepared for the death did not put Ye Qingyi in their eyes at the moment. Anyway, they are all dead, and now they still need to control whether she is an imperial knight?

"Who is not afraid? Ten thousand to five hundred thousand, who can play, we are simply coming to die."

"Knight, you are so powerful, why don't you get on?"

A group of people sneered.

Ye Qing’s mouth slowly smirked a smile, “I’m afraid, stay here and don’t move.”

Ye Qing’s words made the soldiers a bit dumbfounded. They all doubted whether this knight was a bad brain.

Let them stay here?

Stay here and wait for you to die?

However, before the soldiers reacted, Ye Qingyi suddenly slammed the whip and went straight to the direction of the Alliance Army.

For a time, all the soldiers were a little embarrassed.

"This knight, this is not really a fool? What does she want to do? Is it rushing to find death?"

At this moment, the eyes of the soldiers on the side of the Super League were dumbfounded. When the Alliance Army looked at Ye Qingyi who came alone, he also stunned and immediately gave a burst of laughter.


I went home and overslept yesterday. This is an update yesterday. There are still six chapters today.

(End of this chapter)

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