Chapter 1616: Imperial Guardian (1)

Chapter 1616 Imperial Guardian (1)

The brow of the king could not help but wrinkle slightly. When I saw the 10,000 intact soldiers, the doubts in my heart were even worse.

"What happened? They didn't have a fortress to fight?" The King sighed.

The soldiers on the side snorted and immediately said: "The Alliance Army has lost, they are back..."

Strange, they clearly won, how is the expression of the squatting so strange?

Can the king’s expression be strange?

He sent 10,000 people to fight, and also assigned a team that Ye Qingqi, who had never been to the battlefield, led the team to face the army of 500,000 people.

Several soldiers came to inform, and they all said that they won.


How to win?

How can I win?

"Oh." The king saw Ye Qingyi in the crowd and immediately began to speak.

Ye Qingyi stepped forward and said to the king: "Your Majesty."

"Have you won?" King said.

"Yes." Ye Qing nodded.

"Where is the Alliance Army?"

Ye Qingyi nodded to the soldiers who were at the gate of the city. The soldiers immediately opened the gates.

The commander-in-chief of the reinforcements saw that the soldiers were able to open the gate of the fortress easily during the war. The face was not very good at the moment and they wanted to stop, but it was already late.

The gate of the fortress was slowly opened, and the endless plains outside the door appeared in front of everyone, and there were half of the Alliance Army.

"The Alliance Army has withdrawn its troops?"

"What?" The commander-in-chief of the reinforcements was confused, and looked up at the girl in front of her eyes. She could not help but raise a dissatisfaction.

Where are the little devils, come here to make trouble.

Ye Qingxiao smiled and said nothing.

The imperial knights, such as Joseph from the wall, rushed to the front of the king and bowed.

"His Majesty, marry her... yes, the Alliance is here."

The brow of the king wrinkled slightly, and there was no one outside the fortress. Where did the Alliance Army come?

"Under the beginning of the squad, the 500,000 army of the Alliance Army has been burned to ashes, blowing ... everywhere..." Joseph opened his head and spoke openly. When he spoke, his eyes could not help but look at Ye Qingyi.

Prayer can forgive their previous ignorance!

Rao is a calm-minded king, and at this moment he can't help but widen his eyes.

At the moment, Joseph and others directly told Ye Qingyi how to single-handedly, and the process of killing the army of 500,000 troops was painted to the king.

After some words, the face of the king has changed, and the look of Ye Qingying has also been shocked by the perfunctory.

The reinforcements commander standing on the side was even more shocked and almost blinded.

One person, destroyed 500,000 troops?

Среди них ас-кавалерия льва славы и дюжина черных ведьм?

Ну и шутка? !

Король и другие не осмелились легко в это поверить, но когда они увидели «подложку» Армии Альянса, возвращенную солдатами, выражение лица стало чрезвычайно тонким.

500-тысячная армия действительно была сожжена дотла одним Е Циньи? !

В этот момент главнокомандующий подкреплением не презирал вас Циньи. Он тайно проглотил рот и посмотрел на девушку, которая была необычайно миниатюрной и красивой, и сглотнула:

«Ваше Величество... Неужели она — Хранительница Империи, которую мы ждали много лет?»

(Конец этой главы)

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