Chapter 1895: are you crazy

In order to maintain his position, this bitterness, Wei De is fully affordable. At this time, Wei De, the brain is very clear, knowing what to do in their home, he can be in a relatively favorable position.

Although the mother-in-law was not willing, the husband agreed, and the son himself proposed it. To be honest, after so many years of life like a wife, the mother-in-law is reluctant to give up the good days of Pingcheng. The mother-in-law did not forget that the house she lived in now was bought by Yan Hua, and it was bought by Yu Hua before she married her son. What was the pre-marital property?

At this time, the guardian regretted it. To know that there will be today's situation, it should not be for the son to pretend to be in front of Yuhua, and he is not allowed to leave the house in his own name.

When I bought this suite in the past, Yan Hua was really single-minded about Wei De and wholeheartedly considered for Wei De. She was afraid that the defenders would live uncomfortably, so she made a suggestion to buy the house in the name of Wei De. At first, Wei De was also heart-warming. With his salary as a soldier, it is not bad to let parents build a good building in their hometown. It is impossible to buy a large suite in a city like Pingcheng.

Can have a family, who wants to be naked?

However, in order to prove that he and Yanhua are totally out of love, and have no relationship with the interests, Wei De first did a good job in the parents' ideological work, and then resolutely disagreed with the practice of Yu Hua, insisting that Yu Hua write his own name. .

Yan Hua refused, and Wei De was deliberately angry.

Sure enough, when I finally bought a house, I fell in my own name. After that, Yan Hua was more eager to go to Wei De, and treated Wei Wei as his son before Huai Jiajia. After all, it is not only the guardian father and the mother who can see that Wei De attaches importance to Wei Wei. Before he got married, Yan Hua also saw it.

At that time, Yu Hua was stupid and innocent. Only when Wei De was sympathetic and responsible, facing Wei Wei, such an unidentified child, was willing to pay so much care and love. Then, waiting for them to have children in the future, Wei De is definitely better and more loving to their children than Wei Wei.

In this way, before the Jiajia, Yuhua really had no intention of Weiwei.

Waiting for Yu Hua gradually felt that the atmosphere of the Wei family was not right. The Wei family’s goodness to Wei Wei was far better than that of Jia Jia. When the mood began to rise, some things had already been settled, and the head of the house could not be changed anymore. That set falls in the name of Yuhua. Later, Yan Hua bought another set, but he left his mind.

Before marriage, she offered to write the house in the name of Wei De, that is her willingness. After the marriage, she is the same person who took the money to buy a house. She is willing to remember who she is, and she is willing to do so. The Wei family forced her to remember in the name of Wei De or Wei Wei. The more people in the Wei family did this, the more they refused to agree.

Don't look at the time when the guardian is confused and confused, and there is a little bit of savvy. Yesterday, I have been looking for Jiajia, but the mother-in-law has no direction at all. I don't know where I can find Jiajia. Taking advantage of this time, the mother-in-law spent some money to consult the lawyers and asked the relatives to have such a situation. What should the relatives do now to maximize the benefits.

The other lawyer told the mother, unless the man won the custody of the daughter. Then the house in the name of the daughter, the man can be kept as a guardian and temporarily occupied.

The problem is that the man first concealed the fact that he was married and said his son to be a nephew. Really count, this is a scam. Moreover, the fault is the man, and many factors are added together. If you really want to go to court, the lawsuit is extremely unfavorable to the man. Based on the dishonesty and bullying of the man, the judge really wants to judge, and there is a great possibility that the child will be awarded to the woman.

Lawyers are also personally sophisticated, and they can understand that some of the guards did not say anything. As the guard said, the lawyer also boldly asked whether the child had a good relationship with his father or a good relationship with his mother. The guard did not answer, but her expression already stated everything. The lawyer said that if even the children are toward the mother, then the lawsuit has nothing to do, and the man will lose.

If the man wants to lose less, it is best to negotiate with the woman and resolve it peacefully. Can not divorce, this is the best result for the man.

The lawyer has never seen anyone. When he heard the situation, he guessed that this man is a Phoenix man. Afraid to be like this, it is obvious that this Phoenix man still relies on his wife's family and does not dare to offend his wife. Did not dare to offend his wife, but also carrying his wife to steal, daring can be really fat, living the man and the money.

The mother did not know the lawyer's psychological thoughts, but after getting such an answer from the lawyer, she understood, unless Jia Jia followed Wei De, otherwise, if Wei De divorced Yuhua, their defenders would You can roll and cover, and go back to the countryside to farm.

The mother-in-law did not want this, so I heard the son’s bitterness and heard that it would not cause human life. The mother’s face was not willing, but the mouth did not stop.

After the three people of the Wei family discussed it well, they carried a fire-stricken face and rushed to the people in the courtyard of the family to see the family. In the courtyard of the family, Wei De is not the first time. When the two lived in the capital with the two, the courtyard was a bit of something, and it was handled by Yu Hua. On several occasions, Wei De accompanied him, so Wei De was not a stranger to the people in the courtyard.

But when Wei De habitually rushed in, but was stopped by the people at the door, Wei De was circled, especially when the other side was blocking himself, he also encountered a wound on his body, hurting Wei De hair. They are all erected: "It's me, you don't know me, I am the son-in-law of my family. I am in a hurry, let me go."

Anxious to save Huanhua, this time, Wei De is too lazy to put on the long spectrum, no temper.

He didn't lose his temper, and Xiaobing brother had to explain: "Sorry, you don't have the power to go directly. If you have something to do, I will ask you a question. People who look at the decapitation will not want to see you."

The mother is not happy, a watchdog in the district, dare to stop her son: "You are sick, the girl of my family is my daughter-in-law, my son's wife, my family is our family. We are friends, What are you outsiders?"

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