"Это значение падения горы немного интересно!"
«Но это не так хорошо, как мои рухнувшие звезды!»
Глаза Ван Тэна ярко сияли, и [Глубокая Истина Бэнсин], которую он постиг в начале, всплыла в его сознании.
Жаль, что его [Глубокий смысл Бэнсин] осознал только 20%, что намного меньше, чем смысл другой стороны в разрушении горы.
Если [Глубокую истину Бэнсин] можно будет продвигать, Ван Тэн определенно сможет положиться на эту силу, чтобы напрямую сокрушить противника.
Первоначально он недооценивал это [глубокий смысл Бэнсин] и никогда не обращал на это внимания, но теперь, увидев значение Вань Дуна обрушения горы, он внезапно понял, что такая сила определенно не является досугом.
Он окинул взглядом и поднял несколько пузырей с атрибутами, которые только что бросил Вандонг.
Если это нормально, он дождется окончания боя, прежде чем подобрать пузыри атрибутов.
Но в этот момент его очень интересовал смысл обрушения горы, и он хотел увидеть, есть ли какое-то восприятие значения обрушения горы в этих пузырьках атрибутов.
[Звёздная сила земной системы *3000]
【Коготь Земляного Дракона*1200】
【Бокс из семи оползней*1500】
【Бэншаньское восстание*300 (10%)】
3000 единиц значения атрибута силы звезд земной системы напрямую слились с телом Ван Тэна, в результате чего сила его звезд земной системы мгновенно увеличилась на небольшую величину.
[Звездная сила Земной системы]: 25700/30000 (три уровня вселенной);
Затем появились два пузыря атрибутов боевых навыков!
Один из них — боевая техника уровня мастера домена — коготь земляного дракона!
Ван Тэн испытал на себе силу когтя этого земного дракона, но это было неплохо.
Если вы сталкиваетесь с воинами из того же царства, этого боевого навыка достаточно, чтобы получить преимущество.
В основном это боевой навык типа земляного когтя. Такого боевого навыка у Ван Тэна нет, но он может заполнить вакансию.
В это время в голове Ван Тэна возникла картина. Острый коготь, сгущенный силой звезд земной системы, появился вдруг, как коготь дракона, острый, но с тяжелым смыслом, яростно. Схватил.
Под одним когтем на участке земли зацепился глубокий след когтя, который был чрезвычайно мощным.
[Коготь земляного дракона] (уровень мастера домена): 200/3000 (опытный)
Значение атрибута в 1200 очков позволяет Ван Тэну напрямую продвигать эту боевую технику до уровня мастерства.
Еще один боевой навык сильнее этого [Коготь Земляного Дракона], это вершина боевого навыка мастер-класса!
Семь оползней кулак!
Этот боевой навык Ван Тэн был все еще довольно жадным. Увидев выступление Ван Дуна только что, он почувствовал, что этот боевой навык был хорош, и теперь он сразу же усвоил его.
В голове Ван Тэна внезапно возникла картина!
Следы кулаков сгущаются, и из пустоты появляются призраки семи гор. Призраки гор необычайно загадочны, как настоящие горные вершины, величественны и внушительны.
Следы кулаков прошли мимо, и фантомные тени семи гор были подавлены, как будто небо и земля были разорваны на части, чрезвычайно ужасающие.
Это настоящая сила Цишань Бэнцюань.
Такому нападению обычные воины никак не могут противостоять!
"Призрак семи гор!" В глазах Ван Тэна загорелся странный свет. Отпечаток кулака, который только что показал Вандун, был всего лишь призраком одной горы, что, очевидно, было намного хуже.
Я не знаю, сколько максимум фантомов гор может показать противник?
Ван Тэну было немного любопытно.
Противник в любом случае является мастером домена, невозможно овладеть только фантомом горы!
Затем Ван Тэн посмотрел на свою панель атрибутов.
[Семь гор Бенг Цюань] (Мастерский уровень): 500/5000 (опытный);
Уровень мастерства Ван Тэна [Боя семи гор] также достиг уровня мастерства, который может сгущать фантомы двух гор.
В это время у него было ясное понимание в его сердце.
Если вы хотите уплотнить фантом семи гор, вы должны овладеть им хотя бы до уровня завершения.
В то же время необходимо интегрировать смысл обрушения горы, и можно сгущать реальную тень горы.
Итак, Ван Тэн посмотрел на последний пузырь с атрибутами.
Бенгшан Упанишада!
Несомненно, в этом глубокий смысл обрушения горы!
А это 10% обвала горы!
Огромные чувства сразу же растворились в сознании Ван Тэна, и его понимание глубокого смысла Бэншань быстро улучшилось и, наконец, достигло 10%.
В одно мгновение в сердце Ван Тэна появилось понимание.
Камень горы можно использовать для нефрита!
Гора рухнула, гора рухнула!
Звезды рушатся, звезды рушатся!
В начале глубокий смысл Бэнсин Ван Тэна был преобразован из Глубинной Истины Бэншань, и теперь у него есть ясное понимание, и эта 10% Глубинная Истина Бэншань также может быть преобразована!
Вы должны знать, что его текущее понимание находится на уровне мастера, а талант элемента земли также достиг уровня святости. Такого рода таланта достаточно, чтобы ему было легче трансформировать понимание глубинного смысла.
Даже если это займет определенное время, вы можете использовать пустой атрибут, чтобы стереть разницу во времени!
С другой стороны, когда Ван Тэн поглощал пузырь атрибутов, Ван Дун увидел, что Ван Тэн фактически заблокировал его намерение разрушить гору, и его глаза были недоверчивы.
Первоначально он думал, что демонстрация своего самого гордого намерения разрушить гору будет достаточно, чтобы сокрушить Ван Тэна, но противник все еще сопротивлялся ему.
Такой результат для него действительно неприемлем!
Ван Тэн действительно космический воин?
Этот вопрос всплыл в его голове, сделав его лицо еще более уродливым.
Звёздные ядовитые звери в окружающем ядовитом всплеске снова ринулись ко всем, слабые звёздные звери не осмелились приблизиться, а вот звёздные звери на пике среднего императора не испугались ни малейшего.
Ван Дун был раздражен, его глаза мерцали, и он прямо до смерти ударил пикового звездного зверя среднего ранга.
Однако прибывает все больше и больше ядовитых звездных зверей, и вокруг них ядовитый туман. Вы должны все время сопротивляться и не сметь отвлекаться.
Выражение лица Ван Дуна было встревоженным, так как они сражались всю дорогу до этого места, они были измотаны и не могли больше медлить.
"Сломали строй!"
Плохие условия вокруг Ван Дуншэна подавили гнев в его сердце, и он тут же повернул голову и закричал на остальных.
Когда остальные услышали это, они были готовы немедленно принять меры.
Выражение лиц Змеиной Королевы Людей и других немного изменилось.
"Я хочу сломать строй, я спросил, есть ли он у меня!" Ван Тэн усмехнулся и махнул большой рукой. В небе появилось несколько огромных фигур. Это были Сяобай и Железный Бронированный Скорпион.
Несколько огромных духовных питомцев парили в небе, глядя на Ван Дуна и других холодными глазами.
бум! бум! бум……
Змее-человеческая королева, а также несколько змее-человеческих территорий, включая Мэлоуна, также вырвались из своих сил в этот момент.
Такой сильный состав заставил Ван Дуна и других внезапно измениться.
Первоначально они думали, что противником будет не более нескольких местных мастеров домена плюс Ван Тэн.
Полный вычислений, боевая мощь менее пяти доменов мастер-уровня!
Такая сила совершенно не может им противостоять.
Уровень мастера родного домена несравним с ними, и каким бы гением ни был Ван Тэн, он всего лишь уровень вселенной.
Хотя он только что заблокировал атаку Ван Дуна, почти все не поверили, что Ван Дэн может победить Ван Дуна.
Разница в силе все-таки есть.
Но в это время появление этого могущественного духовного питомца заставило их почувствовать давление.
Хотя двухголовые питомцы-призраки являются императорами среднего ранга, с их свирепой аурой трудно справиться на первый взгляд.
В них Ван Донг и другие почувствовали иллюзию, будто они стоят лицом к гигантскому звездному небу.
Даже если есть разрыв со взрослым звездным бегемотом, это как минимум детеныш звездного бегемота!
Два других еще более возмутительны. Один из гигантских питонов — высший император, а последний странный духовный питомец — на самом деле суперимператор!
Одной головы класса супер кинг им достаточно, чтобы выпить горшок.
Не говоря уже о добавлении других, боевая мощь определенно не слабая.
На какое-то время выражения лиц Ван Дуна и других людей полностью застыли.
Это... собачья тошнота!
Атмосфера замирает!
Люди в команде Wandong замерли один за другим, ни они этого не сделали, ни не сделали, это было очень неловко.
Фэн Мо в шоке уставился на эту сцену, его сердце бешено колотилось, он чувствовал, что все еще недооценивает Ван Тэна, даже его духовный питомец был настолько ужасающим, этот парень действительно извращенец, и в будущем лучше его меньше провоцировать.
«Иди сюда, разве ты не хочешь сломать строй? Продолжай сломать сейчас!» Сяобай поддерживал Ван Тэна, стоя на голове и глядя на Ван Дуна и остальных.
Ван Донг и другие: "..."
Как ММП может сломаться?
Немногочисленных духовных питомцев перед ними достаточно, чтобы сражаться в течение длительного времени.
Проблема в том, что это пока невозможно.
Now they are in the midst of a poisonous wave. If there is another battle, the original force in their bodies will definitely be low. How will they face the poisonous wave then?
Wan Dong and the others turned green and white, they looked at each other, and they all hesitated.
"Captain, what should I do?" A domain master-level warrior asked in a low voice towards Wan Dong.
"..." Wan Dong wanted to scold his mother in his heart.
How to do?
How does he know what to do!
But seeing everyone watching him, Wan Dong also knew that there was no time to hesitate at this time and that he had to make a decision as soon as possible.
So he gritted his teeth and said cruelly: "Hit!"
"I don't believe in the domain masters of several of our Star Academy, and I can't beat the other natives and spirit pets!"
"Fight with them!"
"Let this Wang Teng know the strength of our seniors!"
The other people were holding a breath in their hearts, and at this time, their faces were full of cruel colors, and their eyes were full of murderous intent to look at Wang Teng.
"Very well, I admire your backbone!" Wang Teng smiled.
The next moment, his face changed suddenly, and a burst of shout came from his mouth:
boom! boom! boom……
Xiaobai, Ironclad Scorpion, Elizabeth, and Blackman Python erupted together and rushed to Wandong Team and others.
The snake-human queen and the domain master-level powerhouse of the snake-human tribe were not idle either, and they all shot.
Their strength may not be as good as the alien race, but one can't beat them, can't they deal with two against one?
Now they are dominant in number. Two people deal with one, and they can always resist it.
And Wang Teng's help.
As long as they are given time, these alien races will be destroyed one by one sooner or later.
In the past, when they faced the alien race, they always felt fear, but at this time they didn't feel the slightest fear.
On Wang Teng's side, the momentum was like a rainbow, and the fighting spirit was extremely strong.
The two sides collided in an instant.
With a hideous look on Wan Dong's face, he rushed towards Wang Teng. He wanted to deal with this person first.
Those few spirit pets were obviously tamed by Wang Teng, as long as this person was defeated, those few spirit pets would naturally destruct themselves.
"Wang Teng, die for me!"
Wan Dong burst into tears, and his fist marks broke out again.
"Seven landslide fist!"
In an instant, the phantom shadows of the two mountains appeared, and 10% of the collapsed mountains were condensed in them, and they fell toward Wang Teng's suppression.
It was the same kind of boxing technique just now. Wan Dong was obviously extremely confident in this boxing, and he didn't exert his full strength just now. Now he has directly exploded with two phantoms. He doesn't believe that Wang Teng can still stop this punch.
When he saw the phantoms of the two mountains, Wang Teng knew that he had a good guess. Wan Dong had not only mastered the phantoms of a mountain.
"Let me see if your meaning of Bengshan is stronger, or my Bengxing Profound meaning is stronger!" A strange light flashed in Wang Teng's eyes.
In the next moment, he decided to use the blank attribute to accelerate the transformation of Bengxing's profound meaning.
add a bit!
Bengxing's profound meaning is instantly improved!
Wang Teng's original 20% of the collapse of the stars has rapidly improved, and he is progressing towards 10%.
In just a short breath, Bengxing's profound meaning was completely transformed, reaching 10%!
Originally, if it was increased from 20% to 10%, 46,000 blank attributes were needed!
But because it was transformed from 10% of Bengshan Profound meaning, Wang Teng finally only spent 12,000 points of blank attribute to increase Bengxing Profound meaning to 10%!
And it is 10% perfect!
【The Profound Meaning of the Falling Star】: 10000/10000 (10%);
Then Wang Teng's eyes flashed, the corners of his mouth were curved, his fists were clenched, and he assumed a punching posture exactly like Wan Dong.
Seven landslide fist!
With a punch, the phantoms of the two mountains also appeared, and 10% of the collapsed stars were condensed in it.
"What???" Wan Dong lost his voice in amazement. When he saw the exact same boxing technique, he could hardly believe his eyes.
How could Wang Teng's seven landslide fist?
But, don't wait for him to think about it.
In the next moment, two horror fist marks slammed together, and a terrifying roar erupted, as if two mountains crashed into each other.
In fact, the phantoms of the two mountains are also colliding, and the momentum is terrifying!
Wan Dong's expression was ugly. He didn't expect Wang Teng to perform his most proud Qishan Bengquan, and he also condensed the phantom of two mountains.
This is simply a provocation!
But soon, mockery appeared in his eyes, because he saw Wang Teng's shadows of the two mountains shaking violently, and cracks appeared.
"Hahaha, you haven't grasped the essence of Qishan Bengquan at all, the classmate is making an axe! It's a joke!" Wan Dong laughed triumphantly in his eyes.
"Really?" The arc of Wang Teng's mouth became more and more weird!
Wan Dong frowned, wondering why he still laughed now, and the smile is so... unpleasant!
In the next moment, he knew the reason.
Wang Teng's condensed mountain phantom exploded, and the bright ocher light burst out suddenly, and a big star emerged from the void, far more terrifying than his mountain phantom.
Immediately, Daxing Phantom was suppressed!
It's totally incomparable!
The phantom of the mountain that Wandong condensed only trembled violently, and then exploded in an instant, and the power in the big star vented out and rushed towards Wandong.
Wan Dong's complexion changed drastically, and his figure retreated, but he was obviously too late. He was hit by the big star and spit out a mouthful of blood.
His figure flew upside down for hundreds of meters, and stopped very embarrassed, his eyes trembled, his pupils contracted, and he looked at Wang Teng in disbelief.
He is actually injured at the moment!
The first time he fought, he was only downwind, but this time he was actually injured.
This simply makes him intolerable!
"It seems that you haven't learned the Qishan Bengquan Fist well!" Wang Teng stepped into the void, with long black hair and no wind, he said, looking at Wan Dong from a distance.
"You!" Wan Dong's eyes were eager to breathe fire, and he was so ridiculed that he almost went crazy in his heart.
The most important thing is that his Seven Mountain Beng Fist was indeed in the previous match, and he lost to Wang Teng's Seven Mountain Beng Fist.
Qishan Bengquan was his most proud combat skill, but he lost to others, this feeling is undoubtedly extremely uncomfortable.
"No, there is a problem with your Qishan Bengquan Fist!" Wan Dong thought of the great star phantom just now, and stared at Wang Teng coldly.
"If there is any problem, if you can't learn it at home, you will say that there is a problem with my Qishanbengquan. I think it is the problem with your Qishanbengquan." Wang Teng pouted.
"Seven landslide fist condenses the meaning of collapsed mountains, what you just displayed is definitely not the meaning of collapsed mountains! You are just imitating my seven landslide fist!" The light of "wisdom" flashed in Wan Dong's eyes, and he seemed to have regained a trace of confidence.
Since it was not the same boxing technique, his Qishan Bengboxing had not yet been defeated.
"Come again!"
With a burst of shout, Wan Dong's eyes were cold, and he punched again, saying: "Seven Shan Beng Fist has seven shadows of the mountains. I can now use the shadows of the four mountains. I want to see how much you can imitate! "
"Imitate?" Wang Teng smiled faintly.
This guy is still too naive!
He didn't know that besides imitation, there was another word in this world called cheating!
I add attributes to add to your crash!
Since the opponent wanted to cast the Shadow of the Four Mountains, Wang Teng had no choice but... to pick up an attribute first!
His gaze swept over, and only then did Wan Dong cast the phantom of the two mountains, and he dropped a lot of attribute bubbles. At this moment, he just picked up a wave.
【Seven landslide boxing *3200】
【Bengshan Uprising*2100】
The attributes of Qishan Bengquan increased by 3,200 points, but unfortunately it was still unable to break through the proficiency level. Wan Dong had to reach the proficiency level at least to compete with the Shadow of the Four Mountains.
Fortunately, the same is the same, just add 1,300 points is enough!
However, Wang Teng still intends to raise it to the mid-range level of proficiency.
Wang Teng’s direct blank attribute added points, and Qishan Bengquan instantly rose to the proficiency level.
【Seven Mountain Beng Quan】 (Master Level): 4000/8000 (Proficient);
At this time, there was a roar in the sky, and Wan Dong slammed his fist out, majestic, and four large mountains phantoms emerged from behind him, setting off his body extremely tall, with a majestic momentum.
When the shadow of the mountain emerged, the surrounding void showed signs of collapse, and the cracks in the space spread around like a spider web.
Wang Teng's eyes narrowed slightly, facing the shadow of the Four Mountains at this moment, he did not dare to neglect the slightest.
He also punched, Beng Xing's Profound Truth was completely integrated into it, and the same four great mountains phantom appeared, slowly condensing from the void behind him.
"not enough!"
Wang Teng's eyes flickered, and the shadows of these four mountains were only second, and the more powerful was the power among them, not only the profound meaning of collapsed mountains, but also the power of the domain.
This Wan Dong is obviously playing tricks with him!
He thought it was good to hide, but he couldn't find it.
But Wan Dong would never have thought of how powerful Wang Teng's talent was.
That trace of weak domain power can't escape his perception at all.
A sneer appeared at the corner of Wang Teng's mouth.
By this time, both of them were naturally moved.
Wang Teng directly integrated the domain of the sixth-order soil into the four mountain phantoms. This is also a helpless move. His domain power is destined to be different from the other party. After all, the wool has not yet been gathered, so he can only replace it with his own domain at this moment. NS.
With the integration of the domain power, Wang Teng’s shadow of the great mountain suddenly felt a sense of heaviness. In fact, the real attack is still the big star hidden behind the shadow of the mountain, and the heaviness of the planet is undoubtedly far beyond that of a mountain. !
Wan Dong had completely condensed the attack at this moment, and a trace of sarcasm flashed in his eyes.
"Seven landslide fist!"
"Shadow of the Four Mountains!"
The roar suddenly came from his mouth, his eyes were cold, and his awe-inspiring momentum!
The shadows of the four big mountains slammed out with the fist marks, and came to suppress Wang Teng.
Wang Teng's eyes were like electricity, and he stepped out without any hesitation.
The attacks of the two sides crashed together, bursting into a roar.
Wang Teng's shadow of the mountain exploded, turning into four big stars, and the majestic power burst out like a tide.
Wan Dong snorted coldly.
"The same trick is useless to me."
"Ball Mountain Domain, open!"
When the voice fell, the phantom shadows of the four mountains seemed to be infinitely magnified, in the shape of four elephants, revealing a mysterious meaning.
The area between the four mountains has instantly turned into a special field!
An extremely mysterious force swept away.
The four big star phantoms will all be included in that special field.
"How did the four ordinary stars escape from the palm of my hand?" Wan Dong sneered and stretched out his palm, as if the palm of his hand formed a world by itself, and the four planets could not escape at all, and then he shook his hand suddenly.
The power of terror erupted in that special field!
boom! boom! boom……
The four big stars vibrated violently, cracks appeared on the surface of the big star, and dazzling light radiated from the inside of the big star.
"Wang Teng, you are defeated!" Wan Dong sneered.
"You're too early to be happy." A curve of contempt appeared at the corner of Wang Teng's mouth.
The next moment, seemingly to cater to his words, a powerful field power suddenly burst out of those four big stars.
As soon as the power of this domain appeared, it swept all around, breaking away all obstacles.
boom! boom! boom……
The violent roar echoed, the shadows of the four big mountains suddenly vibrated, and the power of the domains impacted on them, causing the special field formed in them to show signs of collapse.
"Sixth-tier domain!" Wan Dong's complexion changed slightly, and his pupils shrank suddenly.
It should be known that even he has only raised the domain to the sixth rank, and this Wang Teng is only the cosmic rank, and he has actually raised the domain power to the sixth rank, being at the same level as him, it is simply unimaginable.
"But it's also Tier 6, and my Bengshan domain is in the forefront of most domains. You can never break it with brute force." Wan Dong showed a trace of confidence on his face, and said coldly.
He has absolute confidence in his [Bengshan Domain]. In previous battles, his Bengshan Domain has defeated many of the same-level powerhouses in the Starry Sky Academy.
Therefore, what he said was not groundless.
"It seems that the glory of the Star Academy makes you too forget-me-not." Wang Teng shook his head and yelled, "Break me!"
As soon as the voice fell, the four big stars suddenly shined, and there seemed to be lines of mysterious lines appearing on them, and a force far beyond the domain's power permeated.
That is the power of origin!
It was also an insurance that Wang Teng added to himself.
Leave everything alone, super steady!
It turns out that it really came in handy.
Wang Teng will never underestimate a domain master-level warrior, especially in battle.
The shadows of the four big mountains finally couldn't bear it, and with a bang, they collapsed and turned into countless light spots.
"Puff!" Wan Dong was full of amazement, but at this moment he didn't have time to think about it. The domain was broken, and the force of backlash caused it to suffer a heavy blow, and a big mouthful of blood spurted out.
Afterwards, the four big star phantoms descended on him and exploded completely.
The horrible force wave swept away, and the violent explosion turned into an extreme khaki beam on the spot, rushing straight into the sky, the endless black mist formed by the poisonous wave was washed away, many poisonous star beasts suffered, and it was too late to send out The scream was instantly shrouded in a beam of light and disappeared directly.
The people in the distance were attracted by the fighting situation here, and their faces showed shock.
It seems that their captain has suffered... a heavy blow!
But Wang Teng had the absolute upper hand.
They stared nervously at the khaki light beam, for fear that they would see a picture of their captain's body in the next moment.
The Queen of the Snake Race and the others all looked over, with a different color in their eyes.
Although they knew that Wang Teng was very strong, they were still shocked when they saw the scene caused by that powerful attack.
Under the roar of the beam of light, the surroundings seemed to be plunged into an extremely solemn atmosphere.
Time passed under such an atmosphere, and the ocher beam finally slowly dissipated, revealing the situation.
Standing on the ground, Wan Dong was covered with scars, coughing up blood constantly, looking extremely miserable.
"How can it be!"
The Wandong team and others watched this scene in disbelief, unable to accept the result.
Their captain was still defeated!
And the defeat was quite miserable!
A cosmic martial artist was able to defeat their captain, and everyone fell into silence, shaking their hearts.
Standing in the crowd, Feng Mo was even more shocked.
Originally, he thought that he had joined the veteran cadets to do the task, and he was already a step faster than the others, and he couldn't help but feel a little complacent.
But now it seems that someone has gone further than him.
And the other party doesn't need to rely on anyone, just relying on their own strength can live more moisturized than him.
On the battleship that left the Star Academy before, they were even afraid that Wang Teng would want to join them and drag them back.
Wan Dong hurriedly pulled him away, for fear that Wang Teng would stick to him.
Thinking about it now, it's a bit ridiculous.
Do people need to join the team?
No need at all!
Even veteran students like Wan Dong are not his opponents. If Wang Teng joins their team, who will be the hindrance?
The situation at this moment fully explained one thing, how short-sighted Wan Dong was at the beginning, and couldn't see what kind of strength Wang Teng had in the end.
On the contrary, the senior sisters of the Xuetong team tried their best to win over Wang Teng from the beginning, and they were truly discerning.
Feng Mo sighed faintly in his heart. He seemed to see an insurmountable sky between himself and Wang Teng.
There was already a pit in the place where Wan Dong was standing. He stared at Wang Teng with bitter eyes, and couldn't accept the fact that he was defeated by the opponent.
A figure flashed by, and Wang Teng appeared in front of Wan Dong, slapped him with a palm, and directly pressed Wan Dong to the ground, with blood flowing in his mouth.
"I don't like the look in your eyes!" Wang Teng stepped on Wan Dong's back and said lightly.
"Wang! Teng!" Wan Donghe had suffered such humiliation before, and he was so angry that he almost squeezed out Wang Teng's name from his teeth and screamed.
"Surrender, or die?" A long sword appeared in Wang Teng's hand, and he gently placed it on Wan Dong's neck, and his voice came out indifferently.
Wan Dong felt the cold sensation coming from his neck. He only felt that his scalp was numb and his body became stiff. The anger in his heart seemed to be extinguished by a stream of cold water, and he could no longer rise.
"Wang Teng, we are from Tianhetang. Have you ever thought about the consequences of offending us?" Wan Dong swallowed, trying to make the final struggle.
"Tianhetang? I have never heard of it. I am still the president of the Star Club. Have you ever thought about the consequences of offending me? My star will be one hundred thousand talented warriors. I only need to give an order to flatten your Tianhe Hall, you Believe it or not." Wang Teng said lightly.
"..." Wan Dong's words to his lips turned around and got stuck in his throat again, unable to say anything.
Gods and stars will be one hundred thousand talented warriors!
When he didn't know that Xingchen would be just a newly formed emerging power?
There are still one hundred thousand talented warriors, whether there are ten thousand is a question.
And they are all new students, so what kind of strength can they have.
You still want to flatten their Tianhetang, are you so funny?
"Wang Teng, my Tianhetang..."
Wang Teng stepped on Wan Dong's head, stomped his face directly into the soil, and came a dog chewing mud: "I don't want to listen to your nonsense now, ask again, surrender, or die?"
"Uuuuu..." Wan Dong struggled frantically, resting his hands on the ground, trying to get up.
However, under Wang Teng's feet, he couldn't resist at all, he couldn't even raise his head.
The Wandong team and others watched this scene, their face muscles twitching crazily.
Their captain is so miserable!
This Wang Teng is afraid that he is not a devil~www..com~ a master-level powerhouse. He stepped on his feet like this. Have you considered the feelings of others?
Shi can be killed, not insulted!
Let go of that foot!
"Wang Teng, don't deceive people too much, let go of our captain." A domain master-level warrior shouted coldly.
"Are you talking to me?" Wang Teng raised his head, looked blankly at the warrior who looked like a dog-human race in the distance, and asked calmly.
Under Wang Teng's eyes, the other party couldn't help taking a step back, but he immediately reacted, his complexion was a little ugly, he was actually frightened by a cosmic martial artist.
"If you say one more thing, I will kill your captain. You are the culprit who killed your captain." Wang Teng said.
Dogman Warrior: "???"
MMP, you are a real dog! !
"Wang Teng, my Tianhetang is not comparable to your stars..." Another domain master-level warrior with long golden hair and a shabby face couldn't help but shouted.
But at this time, Wang Teng did not give everyone a chance to react, and a sword was inserted into Wan Dong's body, and blood shot out.
At the same time, he lifted his foot.
"Ah!" Wan Dong suddenly raised his head and screamed.
Jinfa domain master-level warrior: "..."
Everyone: "..."
Everyone looked at the golden-haired domain master-level martial artist with weird eyes, as if they wanted to know if he had thoughts of being superior.
Jinfa domain master-level warrior: "???"
"Go on." Wang Teng said with a long sword in his hand gestured to Wan Dong.
"Cao Bo, do you want to kill me?" Wan Dong was frightened. He didn't doubt that Wang Teng would really kill him at this time, and he hurriedly endured the severe pain and shouted.
Jinfa domain master-level warrior: "..."
Dogman Warrior: →_→