Chapter 2644: The Real Strong (4)

2644: Wordscapes Uncrossed Winter-Flake 5 Answers

Everyone has no choice or worry.

They all took a sigh of relief, clenched their teeth, and were ready, waiting for the adults to come close enough in front of them to start in one fell swoop!

Master Zhan has been frustrated many times today. Under the anxiety, he has lost the calmness in normal days. He has no time to think carefully, and never thought that Bai Liufeng and others would choose to explode.

Seeing him rushing forward unguarded, everyone felt relieved.

"Even if you die, pull him back! Everyone prepare ..."

Bailiu Feng whispered, about to announce a move.

But at this moment, a loud bang came!

In the center of the Blood Moon Formation, the blood in the blood pool suddenly turned into a red water column, sprayed from the ground, and rushed directly into the air!

This powerful force, as if with the courage to break through the obstacles together, bounced Bai Liufeng and others who were already seriously injured on the side of the large array!

Master Zhan is closer to the blood pool, and the impact he suffers is also more intense.

He was hit by a bloodstream on his back, his body lost his balance, and he flew out!

However, after all, the Master Zhan was superior in strength. Although he fell to the ground, he was hardly injured and soon stood up again.

At this point, he couldn't care about them anymore, and his heart was terrified, and he turned tremblingly and looked back at the blood pool behind him.

Кровь в луже крови хлынула, но это было лишь короткое мгновение.

Кровь в центре лужи крови начала вращаться в фиксированном направлении, и скорость становилась все быстрее и быстрее. Через некоторое время образовался вихрь.

Этот вихрь обладает мощным всасыванием и начинает поглощать силу крови, которая только что пролилась внутрь!

Вскоре вся энергия в массиве кровавой луны была исчерпана, но всасывание в луже крови не ослабело, а становилось всё сильнее и сильнее!

Он даже начал поглощать энергию кровавой луны в небе!

Not only that, the sky and earth enveloping over the Arctic Icefield also began to surge toward the blood pool at an amazing speed!

"This ... what the **** is this! Why does the blood pool pour the energy of Vampire Moon? No, stop, stop now! In this way, Blood Moon will fall down soon! No, you must let it Stop! "

Master Zhan was shocked and afraid, "Yes, this must be because there is not enough energy in the Blood Moon, so you must hurry to throw those cheap people into the blood pool!"

He remembered them again, and turned to catch someone.

However, he had just taken steps, and suddenly a thunderbolt fell from the sky!

This thunderbolt with dazzling purple light was amazingly powerful. It suddenly penetrated the blood moon array and split directly into the middle of the blood pool!

"How ... what happened? Why ... why is there a thunder and lightning?"

The Holy Phoenix is a protoss known for its fire attribute talents. The formations around Fengxue Palace are all used to condense the mystery of fire attributes and will repel all other attributes!

If the energy of thunder and lightning were not strong enough, it would be impossible to split the defense of Fengxue Palace and pour into the palace!

However, this is just the beginning.

Before waiting for the adults to think clearly, the thunder and lightning began to fall down one by one, and each one fell into the middle of the blood pool accurately.

(End of this chapter)

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