Chapter 681: First command

Chapter 681: The First Order


This time, the shocked person became Liu Mu.

He looked down and saw that Huang Yanli's face did not have any surprise or shame he expected.

On the contrary, she had a calm face on her face, and her tone of speech was smooth. It seemed that her emotions were not affected by him at all, but she was just saying something very ordinary.

Liu Buyan frowned. He had made this request with many young girls, but this was the first time he had encountered it. He promised to be so crisp, he didn't seem to take his own manners into account at all!

Generally, when a girl hears such a request, she must understand that he wants to get their body, so when he agrees, he will hesitate again and again.

What is this little girl thinking about right now?

In fact, Huang Yanli promised to be so straightforward, naturally she had reason.

When she was alive in the previous life, Liu did not like to let the girl stay with him to accompany him. At the beginning, Huang Yanli disdain him for this kind of character. He felt that he was using fake medical treatment to force the girl.

But later, after an accident, she found out that Liu did not leave the girls with her, but she never did anything excessive to them, just treated them as dolls and asked them to dress up according to his requirements, and then Accompany him for dinner or something.

Although I don't understand why the divine first doctor has such a strange hobby, this is not difficult to accept.

If he is a doll for a few days to accompany him for food, chat, or sleep, he can still owe his life-saving grace, which is actually very simple.

It's just ... Three months is too long for her.

Liu Buyan frowned, "What are you kidding? Seven days? My life-saving grace is only worth seven days? I can tell you that a woman who wants to climb into this master's bed can row from the Arctic Icefield. It is your pleasure to see you in Darkmoon Forest! How dare you bargain? "

This is saying ... It's evil enough. If it weren't for his nature, I would have thought he was a big pervert.

Huang Yan gave him a glance and said: "In three months, it was not impossible, but I have very important things. I must leave here after seven days at the latest. If you want, I can also use gold and silver vase Come to the rest of the time, or come back to me after I finish my work. "

Liu Wuyan asked: "What can you do?"

"I have to rush to Yunkong City within twenty days. For specific reasons, I can't tell you. Anyway, it's time, I must leave!"

Twenty days later, it was the day when the major colleges enrolled in Yunkong City.

And from here to Yunkong City, in her footsteps, it took more than ten days.

Therefore, staying here for another seven days is already her limit, otherwise, she will not be able to catch up with the admission exam of Xingying College.

Liu Muyan stared at her for a while, then nodded.

"Okay, but in these seven days, you must be with you, you must not violate any of my requirements!"

"Yes, the deal!" Feng Huang nodded.


When the contract was reached, Liu stood up and let go of Huang Yanli.

He turned and pointed to a suit on the stone table, and said to Huang Yanli, "Now, the first order, go and change this suit!"

Thank you [Youjunjunjun.], [Butterfly Love], [Ru] for your rewards, good night (*  ̄3 ̄) ╭

(End of this chapter)

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