Chapter 683: Phoenix Jade

Chapter 683: Phoenix Jade

It turned out that when she came here, Liu said nothing about it, this is the jade ...

Huang Yanli's eyes glanced at the sister-in-law, and she was attracted involuntarily, and looked at it a few more times.

I have to say that Liu Buyan's aesthetic is still outstanding.

Just look at the carving, design, and fineness of this jade jade, all of which are beautiful, and can not find any shortcomings. Although this colorful soul crystal is small, it is a real finishing touch. The whole Phoenix is alive Get up, as if about to fly!

More importantly, she remembers that the colorful soul crystal that was circulated in previous lives was not embedded in the jade jade. This zongzi ... should be specially created later and then used as the carrier of the colorful soul crystal.

I don't know ... Is it Liu Liu's handwriting?

Huang Yan looked at her eyes for a moment, Liu Liu suddenly said, "How's it? It looks good?"

"Good-looking! So beautiful!" Huang Lili was telling the truth, and he praised, "This carving worker is so outstanding. I don't know what a great craftsman is to make such a beautiful jade !! There is only this kind of Craftsmanship is worthy of the colorful soul crystal inlaid on the mule! "

"Do you know this is a colorful soul crystal?" Liu Muyan raised an eyebrow.

"Uh ... well ..."

Huang Yuanli suddenly realized that she seemed to have forgotten her current identity and said she had missed it. After all, such colorful soul crystals may not even be heard by many warriors in the Five Realms and Six Realms!

She hurried to find a reason, "I just ... I've seen it before in a map that records mainland treasures, and I'm not sure if it's ... Is this really a colorful mystery?"

Liu Buyan didn't delve into it, just glanced at her again, and then handed the jade to her.

"Put on this, let me see."

Feng Huang was almost dumbfounded and thought he heard it wrong!

Isn't Liu's mind bad? Such a precious soul crystal jade, he just so casually gave it to a strange little girl who basically did not know?

Treasures of this level, even in the gates of Emperor Lingcheng, are treasures of Zhenzong, and they are not willing to let outsiders look at them!

So he just took it out? Will it be a bit too bad?

Feng Huang frowned involuntarily, and worked hard to think back, was the alchemist really richer than the alchemist?

After she got the colorful soul crystal bracelet in her last life, she cherished it and kept it very carefully! How rich is money like Liu Buyan?

Liu did not say that she looked dull, and there was a smile in her mouth.

"What's the point? I told you to put it on, didn't you hear it? Was it at a young age or didn't understand people?"

What he said was not human! !!

Since Liu Buyan was so embarrassed, why did she feel bad for him?

Fenghuang gave him a glance away, reached for the Phoenix jade, and slanted it into the corner.

She has always been clever in her mind and good at taking care of her appearance. She just turned her wrists a few times, and pulled out her long, black and supple hair with a jade pinch, exposing her whole fair and delicate face.

A few strands of hair on her forehead hung down the corners, adding a touch of charm to her.

And the jade pendant was slanted among the flowing black hair, and the colorful soul crystal on the phoenix was shining with dazzling light, which made her a little more immortal.

(End of this chapter)

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