Chapter 685: With favorite girl

Chapter 685: I Have A Girl I Like

The original intention of Fenghuang Li is just to ridicule him. There are already girls who like it, and they are staring at other girls! This is a mental derailment!

But who knows, Liu said nothing, his face sank immediately, and his eyes became cold.

"My business ... you better not ask more! According to the agreement, you just have to obey and do what I want! If you let me hear this kind of problem again, be careful I will chop you up and bury it in the medicine field in the backyard. fertilizer!"

He suddenly changed his face, holding on to the corner of his evil smile just now, and now he squinted tightly. The tone of his speech was also full of the harshness of the superior.

Huang Yeli was a bit surprised, "Oh", a look of fear, and didn't ask again.

However, although she didn't say anything on her mouth, she was extremely confused.

Speaking of which, I will sculpt the jade cymbals with my own hands, definitely for the sake of sending girls, so that Liu Buyan really has a favorite woman?

However, she didn't seem to have heard of someone he liked in previous lives. Did it come out in these ten years? Who will it be?

There were also many women around Liu Buyan in previous lives, but on the surface he was smiling hippie to everyone, but in fact no one looked down on it! Who will make Liu say nothing about her, or even make jewelry for her personally?

To be honest, she really has a little bit ... No, she is very, very curious!

It just seems that I can't ask anymore.


A team of guards escorted Mo Yi and walked along the mountain road in the direction of the water cell.

However, these inner disciples only tied his hands and were not rude to him.

Because there are only one or two hundred disciples in Zongmen, Mo Yi is also one of them. Everyone looks up but does n’t see their heads.

Mo Yi is the most trusted subordinate of the Young Sovereign. It is difficult to guarantee that when the Young Sovereign becomes the Sovereign, he will become an important elder of the Sect. Such a person is actually less willing to offend.

However, they did not dare not listen to the orders of the young lady.

Some disciples who are familiar with Mo Yi can't help but persuade, "Brother Mo Yi, look at you, why is this so hard! Since the young lady won't let you go into the back mountain, you shouldn't go! Why should you fight her? This time I went into the water cell. The water in the cell was all frozen groundwater for thousands of years. If I stayed for a long time, it would hurt the meridians and affect my practice! It ’s really impossible! "

Mo sighed and said, "You don't understand, I really have a very important thing. If the master goes out of customs and knows that I didn't sue him in time, he will be furious!"

"Really? Is there anything more important than arranging martial arts with Xitianyu Zongmen?"

"Yeah ... you didn't knowingly don't report it, but you were stopped by the young lady. Anyway, you push it to the young lady. It's not your fault at all! The young master trusts you so much and won't blame of!"

Everyone, you persuaded me.

As soon as Mo shook his head, he did not refute, it seemed that they were really convinced.

Mo Yi ’s cultivation is actually much higher than a few of them. They rely on more people to barely win. Therefore, at the beginning, everyone was more alert.

But after walking for a long time, Mo didn't mean to resist, and talked to them, and everyone gradually became relieved.

(End of this chapter)

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