Chapter 686: Thunderbolt

Chapter 686 The Power of Thunder and Lightning

Everyone took it for granted that Mo has always been loyal to Zongmen, and of course he will obediently accept the disposition of the young lady and dare not defy it.

As a result, some inner disciples also put down their vigilance and gradually lost their minds.

Mo Yi has been observing the performance of the people who escorted him in secret. When he saw many people relax, he narrowed his eyes. When several people walked around a corner, Huo Ran ran into trouble!

From the space ring, he took out the two thunderbolts and several smoke bombs that Huang Ying had given him some time ago, and threw them towards the crowd unexpectedly.

"I'm going! What's the matter, it's on fire?"

"Oh my god, why don't you see it all of a sudden! Everyone should be careful to avoid it, don't hit yourself!"

No one thought that a sudden explosion would occur around him, and the smoke bombs from Huang Yanli were very effective. Several of them were superimposed, and suddenly a thick billow of smoke rolled around, and it was impossible to see the position of others.

In the chaos, Mo Yi cut the rope with a ray of soft swords, and took advantage of the opportunity for everyone to run around to show his fastest speed and ran away.

He doesn't have much time. As long as the smoke is gone, everyone will find him running away.

At that time, the incident will be reported to Murong Ye, and she will definitely catch him again, and she already knows that Mo Yi is going to Li Mo Ying. As long as enough staff are deployed in Houshan to inspect, he doesn't want to see Li Mo Ying!

Therefore, Mo dare not waste any time, and rushed towards Houshan for the first time.

This time, he didn't dare to enter through the main entrance, only to sneak in from the mountain path.

Mo Yi knew that the place where Li Moying was usually closed was under the sword wall of Tianhengu, so he ran straight in that direction.

However, Houshan was heavily grounded with organs everywhere, and he didn't run far enough to step on one of them.

With a few beeps, Mo Yi shot a row of poisonous arrows, all of which were easily avoided by Mo Yi.

However, it was easy to avoid the arrows, but after the organ was touched, it made a harsh scream that led all the guards around.

"Who is there??"

"Come on, Hou Shan has entered the thief!"

The guards shouted, and came around in the direction of Mo Yi.

As soon as Mo bite his teeth and ignores them, he continues to fly towards the destination with his own will!

The more organs he touched, the more riots caused, and the guards chasing him ... also became more and more!

Someone even recognized him.

However, he is getting closer and closer to Tianchen Valley!

"Stop! Mo Yi, you are so brave! How dare you disobey Miss Ben's order and escape from the water prison without permission!"

Even Murong Min chased him, snapping sharply, "You stand still for me!"

However, at this time Mo Yi had already ran to the periphery of Tianchen Valley, and saw the thunder field flashing with electricity from afar!

He didn't dare to pause at all, speeded up again, and rushed towards the thunderbolt!

"Stop! Do you think I entered Tianchen Valley, and I dare not arrest you?"

Seeing that there was only a distance of less than one hundred meters between them, Murong Yu also stormed into the periphery of Thunderfield. At the same time, a sharp ice arrow shot at Mo Yi's back!

Mo Yi's speed has been mentioned the highest, but the speed of Bingjian is faster! Seeing that he was about to be passed through by Ice Arrow!

But at this moment, there was a sudden loud noise in Tianchen Valley!


A bluish-purple electric light soared into the sky!

(End of this chapter)

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