Глава 690: Осмелитесь ли вы выйти за ворота

Глава 690: Вы осмелитесь выйти из горных ворот?

"Ты... ты сумасшедший, чтобы быть учителем!" Муронгде открыл глаза и печально сказал:

В глазах Ли Мойинга был намек на вину, но он нисколько не вздрогнул и не передумал, по-прежнему спокойно стоя в горах, его тон был предельно твердым.

«Мастер, это моя вина. Если Цзунмэнь пострадает из-за того, что я не могу заниматься боевыми искусствами, я готов взять на себя всю ответственность! Но… я должен идти сейчас, и я не могу оставить свою женщину одну в опасности! !"

Затем он отсалютовал Муронгу кулаками.

Сразу после этого она развернулась и вышла за ворота.

"Ты стоишь на месте!"

Mu Rongde did not expect that his master's face was not good at all, and Li Moying said nothing in front of him, just a few words of explanation, and he was ready to leave.

Li Moying heard the sound behind him, without any pause under his feet.

Murong morale yelled angrily: "Li Moying, you are the pride of our ancestors, how much effort and resources the entire ancestors have spent on you, so that you can have today! When you need you, do you want to disregard so many honors of the same and the same for a woman of unknown origin? "

Li Moying didn't speak.

After hearing this, Li Moying's footsteps stopped.

Mu Rongde was pleased, thinking that this sentence hit the point and caught Li Moying's dead point.

Although he said all the good and bad things, it was not as effective as saying that the woman was very depressed. However, at least Li Moying was threatened and he was willing to stay.

However, although Li Moying paused, he did not turn around.

He spoke again, a little cold in his tone.

"Master, I always respect your elders, so I want to bring back the woman I like to show you, but I do n’t have to ask for your consent! I would be happy if you would marry us, but you are not willing, Even opposing our marriage has no effect on me! Amazingly, I left Zongmen with Xiaolier. Tianling is so big in the mainland that there is always a place for us! "

"You ... have misunderstood you as a teacher for many years! It turns out that you are also such a stunner! Do you know what you are talking about? You want to betray the teacher for a woman ...?"

Murongde was so blocked by him, his face was blue, his fingers were shaking.

In fact, he didn't intend to let Li Moying marry Huang Lili from the beginning. In his opinion, the little girl from South Vietnam country, whether in status or talent, was not worthy of Li Moying. Only his baby was big. Daughter Murong Ye can match up with a genius like Li Moying.

Moreover, by marrying his daughter to Li Moying and forming a marriage, he can better control Li Moying in his hands.

Otherwise, although they are teachers and apprentices in the name, in these years, Murongde has long discovered that Li Moying is actually completely different from ordinary disciples. He did not regard Zongmen and the relationship between apprentices and apprentices. It's just respect.

(End of this chapter)

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