Chapter 422: Treacherous

After so many days in the dead continent, she understood.

The heavenly treasures and precious medicinal herbs not available on the Bitian continent are countless on the death continent!

And, the deeper you go to the middle of the dead continent, the more treasures there are!

Xun Jun heard the evil words and gave her a grimace, "You do n’t want this scaleless fruit to be the colorful crystal fish of the lake, and all the forests have it? Tell you, the scaleless fruit blooms for a hundred years, a hundred It took years to get it, but in order to get this fruitless fruit, it took a lot of dedication! "

"Tough work for you!" Di Fu shaked his shoulder in a good mood. "How do you know that the fruitless fruit is good for my body?"

"The Tattered King said that when you are here, you will be suppressed, and your constitution will be worse every day. Only the innocent fruit will make you human beings fit and healthy." After finishing Jun Xie, his smile was treacherous.

Di Fu shook the corner of his mouth slightly, and went to meow!

She finally understood that the younger brother was so diligent in picking her fruit for the hair club.

Dare to keep her full and strong, and then continue to catch colorful crystal fish for him!

Why is this stupid brother more cunning than a fox? !!

Not being a traitor is really a curse!

However, there are still fruits on Death Continent that are unexpected to her.

Her first task is to repair the broken spirit veins.

"Isn't it necessary to eat raw fruit like this?" Di Fuya asked.

She really didn't know how to eat the things from the ancient wasteland.

Xun Jun evilly shook his head, "I don't know, this has to ask the shattered king."

"When will he show up at Qicai Lake?" These emperors Fu Yao also noticed that Yu Cangqiang did n’t come to Qicai Lake to fish every day. He came to Qicai Lake, which was irregular, as if he would feel good and would come. Will not come.

"You don't have to find him at Wanjutian Cave."

Emperor Fu shook his face and blackened, "Don't you tell me not to go?"

With her current strength, to go to Wanjutian Cave, you must make good preparations.

After all, the people living in the Ten Thousand Beasts Cave were once the most vicious people on the Bitian continent.

She confessed that she was not a good person, but she wasn't bad enough. Compared with a group of big evil people, she still gave up.

The so-called strong dragon can't beat the ground snake.

She still understands this point.

"Yell." Xun Jun thought for a while, "then you can only wait for him at Qi Cai Lake, and the deity does not know when he will come."

Emperor Fuyao had no choice but to come to the shore of Qicai Lake holding the innocent fruit, and found a huge piece of bluestone to sit down and wait patiently for the emergence of Yu Cangqiang.

"Brother, can I ask you something?"

Li Jun, who was lying aside, nodded lazily, "said."

"Why are you afraid of water?"

As soon as she said it, she felt that the temperature around her had dropped suddenly.

Brother Xiao kept his mouth shut and pretended to be asleep.

"Don't pretend to be dead?" Di Fuyao kicked his long legs with his toes.

Xun Junxie still looks like a dead man.

"He almost drowned before." Suddenly, a cold, hoarse voice came.

I saw the Emperor Dome stepping out of the dense grass without expression, and seemed to have slept there for a while, but neither of them found it.

"Your dog can't vomit ivory in your mouth! Don't talk nonsense!" Xun Jun was furious. "The deity is just not watery!"

Lord Snake didn't fight by himself, this Cola bad Emperor shook his head. "You're a clever snake, you can't be watery, hahaha ..."

"It's your kindness." Yu Cangqiang stared at her suddenly.

Emperor Fu shook his face, "What the hell?"

When did she let him return?

In a word, is she back?

Then this kind of relationship is also very good, right?

"Royal sky, you're called strong words!"

"Oh? Then what you want to ask me next, I can only say, I don't know, I don't know, I don't understand." Yu Cangqiang smiled coldly, and that sharp sharp black eyes seemed to see her through.

Emperor Fu was so mad that he was almost mad. People here are more treacherous than others!

He ignored her after speaking, and took the fishhook container to go to the shore to fish himself.

"It's just a relationship." Really people have to bow their heads under the roof! !!

Di Fu came to him with a smile, "It seems you already know what I want to ask you, right?"

"I know." He answered coldly.


"Reduce one more debt."


Di Fuyao almost couldn't restrain the urge to throw innocent fruit on his face.

Take a deep breath, calm down the turbulent heart, smile on your face, and mmp in your heart: "Okay, minus one more and minus one more."

Yu Cangqiang raised her eyes and glanced at her with a light glance, then fell on the innocent fruit in her hands, her reputation was hoarse, and her tone was flat. The effect of fitness is otherwise useless. "

"What's the introduction?" She looked happy and hurriedly asked.

"One more minus." Yu Cangqiong's expression was blank, but he was shocked to death.

"Okay." Di Fu shaking his face with a brighter smile and scolded louder in his heart.

Nineteen personal feelings, I used three at once, not to mention being aggrieved!

It's also Qucai that the Yu Cangqiang didn't go to be a traitor!

"Serve with the water of a dark lake."

This time, not only the Emperor Fuyao was shocked, but even the unscrupulous Xun Junxie jumped three feet high and exclaimed: "You are so deceived!"

«Любовь, хотите верьте, хотите нет». Юй Цанцян начал проводить свободное время после того, как поддержал удочку.

Ди Фу трясла печаль в своем сердце, кажется, Бог просто намеренно исправил ее!

«Куда уходит темное озеро?» Чтобы удержать бедный человеческий долг, ей пришлось повернуть голову и спросить моего брата.

Лицо Сюнь Цзюня стало немного тяжелым, и властная боковая утечка прекратилась: «Нет!»

«Не уходи, тогда ты найдешь мне воду из темного озера?»

«Просто идите на запад отсюда до конца». Сюнь Цзюнь злобно указал путь!

Лицо Ди Фуяо немного потемнело, и казалось, что человеку, который правил темным озером, было нелегко, так как он боялся стать таким.

«Сяо Фуяо, ты действительно хочешь пойти на Темное озеро?» Сюнь Цзюньси посмотрела на нее очаровательными глазами, и ее глаза смотрели немного неохотно, как будто она не вернется, когда уйдет.

«Эм». Император Фу кивнул.

Плод без чешуи может промыть мышцы и укрепить вены, что полезно для вен духа. Даже если шанс восстановить вены один из десяти тысяч, она должна попробовать!

Ди Фуя лучше, чем кто-либо знает, божества внезапно телепортировали ее на континент смерти.

В это время они с Бай Зе, должно быть, в замешательстве, не зная, как далеко им придется пройти, чтобы найти ее.

Есть еще вторая собака в ее семье. Как только два человека оказываются вместе, они вынуждены расстаться. Судя по ее пониманию Е Чунюаня, в этот момент он, должно быть, беспокоится, что будет сломлен, и будет игнорировать отчаянные попытки правительства найти ее.

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