Chapter 425: Secret law, no ancient people

"Boss ..." Emperor Gou said restlessly.

Di Fu glared with anger, "Boss! Come on! What else is more important than your stay now?"

The emperor Gouyou who heard the words was so moved that he was about to burst into tears, and had to say weakly:

"it is good!"

Knife to knife! Flash of blood!

Di Fuya didn't even blink his eyes, so he cut his palm with a green snake machete.

Blood sprang up instantly.

Amazingly, blood was stained on the blade, but not stained with blood.

Instead, his blood was absorbed.

"Is that enough? There isn't enough!" Di Fuyao forced another blood to drip on the knife.

"You-what are you doing ?!"

Suddenly, a surprised voice came from behind, and I saw Xun Junxie looking at her in surprise.

"Xiao Fuyao, wouldn't you want to commit suicide?"

Di Fu shook the corner of his mouth slightly, before answering, Master Snake said angrily again, "How can you have this kind of thought ?! Besides, you can't die by smashing your palm! You have to cut into the heart to die You don't call suicide, you mean self-harm! "

"Who told you I was going to commit suicide?" Di Fuya said angrily.

Xun Junxie noticed at this time that she deliberately forced blood to be absorbed by the green snake scimitar.

"Good spiritual power ..." He paused, staring at Emperor Fuyao as if he was horrified, and said in a horror: "The Death Continent has the power to restrain human warriors, how can you let this green snake machete emit such a strong force? Spiritual power? "

She didn't bother to listen to Brother Xiao's shock, and continued to drip blood on the green snake machete.

Emperor Gouyu became the war spirit in the green snake machete and absorbed her blood. She has officially recognized the Lord successfully.

You don't need to talk face to face, you can communicate with your mind.

"Boss, that's enough!" Emperor Gou couldn't stop laughing.

These days, the boss is already anaemic in order to catch colorful crystal fish.

Unexpectedly, now he has sucked so much blood from the boss, and if he goes on like this, he will probably **** the boss into it!

"Really enough?" Di Fuyao was dubious.

In the past, she was all alone and lonely. The family friendship and even love that had not been experienced in previous lives have been experienced here. She understands that the most precious thing in the world is this. You really treat me, and I treat you sincerely. Trade your heart for your heart.

Therefore, even if she lost too much blood, just let Di Gouyou stay.

"Enough!" Emperor Gou vowed his promise, the clear voice sounded a lot stronger than just now.

Emperor Fuya then closed his hand, and wanted to tear a piece of cloth to wrap it up.

Who knew Xun Junxie pulled her hand in disgust.

"Dirty or dirty ?!"

Gorgeous and soft light overflowed from his palm, slowly lingering on her wound.

After a while, the wound healed automatically.

"Brother, you are actually a light spirit beast?" Di Fuyao was shocked.

Xun Junxie rolled her eyes at her, "Who told you that the deity is a spirit beast?"

"Isn't it?" She blinked innocently, and it was good that she didn't say that the elder brother was Warcraft!

"Forget it." Wu Jun hummed evilly, "Do you really want to go to the Dark Lake with the Tattered King?"

"Aren't you going?" Emperor Fu shook his lips with a smile.

"You two are so furious!"

Xun Jun was so angry that his glaucoma appeared on his body, "If you meet Jiuyin, please ask for blessing!"

"Jiuyin?" Di Fuya followed up with interest, "Who is Jiuyin?"

Obviously, the arrogant snake snake didn't want to bother her, and she just shook her body and transformed into a snake-shaped body and climbed up to her shoulder, lazily lying down.

"Brother? What about?"

"In short, when I went to the dark lake, this deity went!"

Xun Junxie really ignored her after she said that she was lying motionless.

Di Fuyao had to talk to Di Gouyou with thoughts.

"Have you heard of Jiuyin said by Brother Xiao?"

"The name is a bit familiar, boss, let me think about it and tell you when I remember it."

The emperor's face in the machete is not very good. I don't know why. This man named Jiuyin always gave him a feeling of horror. As if he encountered this person, the real danger was coming.

"Boss, have you ever thought about what to do if you can't go out in this life?"

He asked suddenly.

Emperor Fu's heart sank, his heart was breathless as if pinched by a big hand.

Since coming to the death continent, she has not faced this fact face to face.

She has always been afraid of heaven, and when she heard Di Gouyou asking, she would be afraid!


She was afraid. She was afraid that she would never be able to go to the death continent in her life. She was afraid that she would never see her little companion and her second son again.

"Boss, I'm sorry ... I shouldn't ask." Di Gouyou felt that she was emotionally wrong, and said quickly, "Although no one has been able to get out of the dead continent since ancient times, but I believe that you will definitely be the oldest one who can go First person! "

At this moment, Di Fuyao didn't know whether to cry or laugh.


Bitian continent.

North brake country.

In the huge bookcase, the supposedly neat bookshelf was turned upside down.

The ground is also full of ancient books and books. Bai Su was digging around day and night to find all the books about the space mage. She had not eaten or drank for days.

When Fu Jiu rushed back from Nanxuan to Beicha, as soon as he pushed the door, he saw Bai Su sitting in a pile of books with two dark circles.

"You should take a break, too?"

Bai Su said without raising her head, "Where is the boss?"

"Still looking on overseas islands."

When mentioning this, there was a hint of helplessness on Fu Jiu's stern face.

В прошлом император был своенравным, но теперь император действительно оставляет за собой весь северный тормоз.

Боюсь, что в этот момент сердце императора — единственное, что имеет значение.

Он только что прибыл из Наньсюаня, чтобы исправить императора за императора, иначе северный тормоз закончится!

"Я нашел это!" Су внезапно в экстазе подпрыгнул.

Фу Цзю заметил, что в руке у него был сломанный сверток из овчины, а запись на нем, похоже, была каким-то секретным методом космического мага.

"что это?"

«Не волнуйтесь об этом. Поторопитесь вернуть босса с помощью передающего камня!»

Fu Jiu had to take out the tone stone and hand it to Bai Su, "You and the emperor!"

Bai Su took the transmission stone, input spiritual power, opened the contact channel, and quickly said: "Boss, I found useful information about space transmission!"

В это время Е Чжунюань, находившийся на небольшом заморском острове, выглядел счастливым и спросил: «Давай!»

"As long as enough space elements are collected and the spiritual power of the space mage himself is transmitted, it can be transmitted to the place where Emperor Fu Yao is located, so there is no need to find it without aim!

"Gather all the Wutians and wait for Wu to return, and immediately attack the Jade Maiden and catch the gods alive!"

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