Chapter 110: Large Sunday

Seeing that dreadful cold mang, Chu Yan exulted: "It's done!"

A thunderous sound came, the furnace's gate opened completely, and a long black pistol glided slowly from the inside.

At this moment, Lie Yan Gun gave Chu Yan a deeper feeling, and the surface was sharper and sharper, making it impossible for people to look directly. Even if the corner of the eye was swept away, they would feel sore eyes and tears.

Chu Yan stepped forward, holding Lie Yan's gun in his hand, and suddenly felt that his arm sank.

The weight of Lie Yan Gun, which was 570 pounds before, was more than half of it.

That is to say, under the condition that the volume of the Lie Yan gun has not changed, the weight of the Lie Yan gun now exceeds 800 kilograms. When Chu Yan depicts the inscription of the heavy device, this weight will be more than doubled!

The change of Lie Yan Gun is not only weight, but its toughness has also been greatly enhanced.

Chu Yan can bend it into a bow shape and then release it.

Suddenly, the pistol straightened again, the air at the tip and end of the gun was scattered, and there was a crackling sound, as if it were a flat piece of steel Baozha, almost shaking the human heart.

As for the sharpness, it goes without saying.

Now as an eight-grade weapon, it is generally easier to pierce a piece of thick steel plate and pierce a piece of thin paper.

And after forging, a deep blood groove appeared on both sides of the gun blade.

In this way, no matter whether the enemy is poked or scratched, it will cause massive bleeding instantly.

"Lie Yan Gun's forging is completed. In this way, I am even more powerful." Chu Yan felt the Li Yan Gun being promoted carefully, and his heart rose with satisfaction.

This is, after all, the weapon of his first refinement promotion, which is of great significance.

"The next step is to choose the inscription to be painted on the face."

After selection, the two inscriptions first depicted on the face have been decided by Chu Yan, which are the heavy device inscription and the thunderbolt inscription.

The heavy device inscription can once again increase the weight and toughness of the Lie Yan gun, which is suitable for Chu Yan's battlefield, which has been tempered by sweeping thousands of troops.

At that time, when the flame gun approaching two thousand catties was added, and Chu Yan's wielding force was swept out, it was really hurt when rubbed, and died when touched.

The effect of the flashing thunderbolt is to release a small amount of lightning. When the opponent is hit, the body will be paralyzed for a moment.

The masters are over, and the winner is often divided between the slightest.

Although the numbness of the body is only instantaneous, it is enough to die.

These two inscriptions, one is to increase the properties of Lie Yan gun, the other is to add a lightning property to Lie Yan gun.

For the remaining inscription, Chu Yan intends to choose a high-level inscription from memories that have not been absorbed before.

Going down one floor, Chu Yan came to the fifth floor of Guixu Tower.

There are more than ten shining light spots floating in the mid-air level of this layer, and each light spot has a different number of inscription memories.

But of course, the later, the higher the level of Mingwen.

Chu Yan groaned for a moment, gritted his teeth, and touched the memory spot of the last inscription directly.

Since you can only add one more inscription, why not add the most powerful one you can master?

This is what Chu Yan thinks at the moment.

However, Chu Yan suddenly felt a little regretful when the light flew along Chu Yan's fingers and suddenly fell into his body.

Because of an indescribable severe pain, it seemed that he would be stripped of his skin, and his bones would be ashes and dust.

Almost instantly, Chu Yan felt that his brain had become blank.

That terrible pain was more like a huge stone mill that crushed his flesh and viscera into a mud, and his bones were crushed into powder.

And this process, it takes a long time to absorb the inscription memory.

In order to hold back the pain, Chu Yan gritted his teeth, and his mouth was full of sweet blood.

After a full quarter of an hour, this indescribable horrible pain slowly pulled away from Chu Yan.

At this time, after receiving hundreds of bottles of blood marrow to condense the body, and to reach the five true words of Zhenwu Realm, his face was pale, his body was lying on the ground with a "big" character, and his body was soaked as if it had just been taken from the water Normally, I didn't even have the strength to move my fingers.

At this time, Chu Yan was a little scared.

If his body is a little weaker now, even if it is just a little bit, the pain just now, I am afraid there is no way to survive it.

At that time, I am afraid he died directly.

This time, Chu Yan was fully rested for half an hour before he got up from the ground.

Even after so long, his head was still a little dazed, as if the hangover had just woke up.

But looking for the memory of the inscriptions that came out of the brain, and thinking about it, Chu Yan's mouth suddenly turned up.

Although the process was very thrilling this time, the rewards were also amazing and very satisfying.

"Higher inscriptions-Sunburst Dragon."

Chu Yan carefully recalled the memories of his brain, and his face smiled even more.

Originally his hope was to obtain a memory of higher inscriptions.

But higher inscriptions are also graded.

The inscriptions of the seventh, eighth, and nine grades are collectively referred to as the higher inscriptions.

Chu Yan had good luck this time, because the big sun dragon was the eight-pin inscription, and his expectations were even higher.

И что еще более важно, независимо от ранга, функции или силы, Солнечный Дракон очень близок к стилю Ли Ян Гана и Чу Яна.

В определенной степени продвинутая надпись солнечного дракона создана специально для Чу Яня, у которого есть раскалённое ружье, и это идеально!

Однако, если вы посмотрите на процесс описания и необходимые материалы для большого солнечного дракона, бровь Чу Яня внезапно слегка морщится.

Надписи простой формы и надписи с тяжелыми устройствами, ранее нарисованные Чу Яном, являются второстепенными надписями, и сложность их гравировки, естественно, намного ниже, чем у солнечного дракона.

Если надписи надписей и надписи на тяжелой технике нарисованы на бумаге в виде круга, то сложность изображения большого дракона в солнечных часах эквивалентна рисованию гор и рек.

Но это приемлемо.

В конце концов, приняв надпись памяти большого солнечного дракона, Чу Янь также унаследовал более глубокую технику записи.

И если в это время у вас возникнут какие-либо трудности, вы также можете попросить Су Юцина о помощи. Кстати, большему вы можете научиться у Су Юйцина.

Что действительно заставляет Чу Яня чувствовать головную боль в этот момент, так это материалы, необходимые для изображения большого дракона с солнечными часами.

Большинство из этих материалов невидимы и неслыханны.

И глядя на название, оно кажется дорогим.

«Цзю Чжуань Шен Хо Му, Тянь Чжэн Чжэн Ян Цао, Тай И Инь Ян Цюань… Что это… Что за…»

На мгновение Чу Янь почувствовала легкую боль, огорченную денежным мешком, которому она собиралась снова поддаться.

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