Chapter 1208: Show

Chapter 1208 Show Field

Xia Wanyuan was originally a physique that can’t eat fat. Jun Shiling can hold her waist with one hand. Now she has lost five kilograms, and she can feel it with a light grip.

Just after dinner that day, seeing Xia Wanyuan going to work in the study again, Jun Shiling stretched out her hand to hold her, "Are you going to die? Are you going to weigh how much you have lost?"

Xia Wanyuan stopped and looked at Jun Shiling with a smile, "There is a little left. I'll go to sleep when I'm done."

"No." Xia Wanyuan's chin became thinner and sharper, and Jun Shiling looked angry.

Xia Wanyuan tugged at Jun Shiling's sleeve, "One hour, can I give you a surprise after finishing it?"

"No." For Jun Shiling, all the surprises are useless,

"You guy" Xia Wanyuan smiled and punched Jun Shiling, "All right, go to sleep."

The things will be done tomorrow. Let Jun Shiling be happy first. This uncle has been sulking for five days. Xia Wanyuan felt that if he ignored Jun Shiling, he might be about to blow up his hair.

Jun Shiling stuffed Xia Wanyuan into the quilt, and then imprisoned her in his arms, “Tonight, if you don’t sleep for eight hours, you won’t be allowed to get up tomorrow.”

Xia Wanyuan tilted her head secretly and kissed Jun Shiling’s clavicle, the wet heat puffed on Jun Shiling’s skin, "Okay, good night."

"." Jun Shiling's body instantly stiffened, "You really have no conscience."

He said that it was not because of Xia Banyuan's body, but Xia Banyuan came to this abruptly. Isn't it just revenge against him for not letting him sleep well?

Xia Wanyuan had closed her eyes at this time, but the corners of her mouth were slightly tilted, "I didn't."

Xia Wanyuan was talking, and leaning against Jun Shiling in a dependent manner,

Jun Shiling had no power to resist, so he could only sigh and tighten Xia Wanyuan, "Go to sleep."

The next day, Xia Wanyuan was awakened by the sunlight on her face. She took her phone to see that it was already nine o’clock in the morning.

Xia Wanyuan quickly got up to wash, and then she was sent to a show in the suburbs.

The show field at this time, backed by the landscape, coupled with the construction of various shows, has already had a rough shape.

"Mr. Xia, can you see if it meets your requirements?" Shen Qian has been supervising the work on site, and when he saw Xia Wanyuan, he respectfully reported the situation to Xia Wanyuan.

"Let’s go and take a look." With that, Xia Wanyuan walked around the show, she was very satisfied, and Shen Qian did things very reliably.

"Good job," Xia Wanyuan nodded, basically in accordance with her assumptions, "When things are over, I will give you bonuses."

Compared with the bonus, the affirmation from Xia Bangyuan made Shen Qian more happy, "Thank you, Mr. Xia for your affirmation,"

After watching the show, Xia Wanyuan went to embroider and looked at the costume again.

Actually, starting last year, Xia Wanyuan had a preliminary idea for this clothing show, so one after another, the design drawings were handed over to the embroidery factory.

Nowadays, many complex advanced customizations have also been made.

Looking at those exquisite costumes, even Xia Wanyuan couldn’t help but be amazed.

Everything is proceeding in an orderly manner. Xia Banyuan left Xiuyi with satisfaction. When passing by Chengxi Market, Xia Banyuan walked into an antique shop.

The owner of the antique shop is a fat white man in his forties. Seeing Xia Wanyuan, the man’s eyes narrowed with a smile.

A big customer is here!

Updated before two o'clock, everyone will watch it tomorrow morning.

(End of this chapter)

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