Chapter 1213: I’m here to pick up the bride

Chapter 1213 I'm here to pick up the bride

Major media are reporting on this wedding. Because the wedding is too luxurious, it also attracted the attention of many netizens who eat melons.

Although both the Chu family and the Feng family have left China for many years, there is still the shadow of Chinese customs in the wedding arrangement. Although the wedding is a Western-style wedding, the beauties and dowry on both sides are real gold.

The gold, all kinds of pearls and gems in the room made the netizens look bewildered.

【Is this the world of local tyrants? ? I was shocked. People wear gold bracelets when they get married. Good guy, they get a house of gold when they get married? 】

【The eldest lady of the Feng Family is a big beauty, but it's a pity that she actually wants to marry a coal digger. Alas, money can make ghosts push her. 】

【Coal mining? true and false? This is too much, I have seen photos of Miss Feng Family, she looks really beautiful, and a flower is about to be inserted on the cow dung again. 】

At this time in the famous church of Magnesium, the guests have gradually entered, Xia Wanyuan took Jun Shiling's arm and walked slowly in, "Do you think that this year has only passed so little time, we have all attended two weddings? Up."

Jun Shiling looked down at Xia Wanyuan, "Yeah."

"The decoration of their wedding scene is very beautiful." Xia Wanyuan looked around. The church was decorated very beautifully, and it was gorgeous in the simplicity and solemnity. It can be seen that the Chu family had spent a lot of effort.

"Hmm." Jun Shiling responded simply again.

This time Xia Wanyuan finally realized that something was wrong, she raised her head and said, "What are you doing?"

Jun Shiling's eyes were faint, "Aren't you cold?"

Xia Wanyuan only then knew what Jun Shiling's yin and yang was doing. Today is Feng Wuyou wedding, which is a formal occasion. Xia Wanyuan wore a tube top dress.

"When someone is holding a wedding, don’t be here to make trouble with me again," Xia Wanyuan gave Jun Shiling angrily.

"." Jun Shiling had to look away, what can be done? Although he has some opinions, he dare not mention it to Xia Wanyuan.

The guests are all seated, just waiting for the wedding to begin.

At this time, the Feng’s family, Feng Wuyou has been dressed up and is sitting on a chair eating sweets.

"Miss, the Chu family eldest master has come to pick you up, you should pack up and get ready to go out." The butler opened the door and sat leisurely when seeing the wind.

"I see, I know, what are you doing in such a hurry?" Feng Wuyou stood up, took off the veil, bowed his head and arranged the wedding shoes.

At this moment, the butler’s arm was suddenly slapped, and the butler turned around. Before he had time to speak, Chu Yi made a gesture of shutting up, and then Chu Yi entered the door and closed them.

The butler is a little confused, why did this uncle just go in without paying attention to the rules? ?

Hearing the sound of footsteps, Feng Wuyou thought it was the housekeeper, "I said, go right away, what's your hurry?"

The shoes were arranged, Feng Wuyou stood up, and when he turned his head, he saw Chu Yi who was looking at her with a smile.

Feng Wuyou was surprised, "What are you doing here?"

The words fell, and Feng Wuyou pulled Chu Yi over, "You go, if my parents see you, you will be dead."

Chu Yi didn't move, just smiled and watched Feng Wuyou wearing a wedding dress, "You look good in a wedding dress."

"Do you not understand me when I talk to you? Do you know what will happen to my parents if they know you are here? Go away."

Halfway through speaking, Feng Wuyou only noticed the clothes on Chu Yi. She glanced hesitantly, "Why are you wearing a groom's suit?"

The corner of Chu Yi's mouth raised, "Because I'm here to pick up the bride."

"?" Doubts flashed in Feng Wuyou's eyes. Suddenly, Feng Wuyou's mind flashed, "Chu Yi?!"

Chu Yi coughed slightly, "What's the matter? Madam?"

"!!!" Feng Wuyou's eyes widened, "Are you the one who digs coal in F State?"

Chu Yi took off his glasses, Feng Wuyou only realized that after taking off his glasses, Chu Yi had added a little bit of evil, and a bit more handsome than before, "Yes, I am the one who digs coal."

"You bastard! Then you lied to me before?!" Feng Wuyou started to beat Chu Yi, and was hugged by Chu Yi. To get married."

"." Feng Wuyou struggled for a while and did not struggle away. Looking at Chu Yi's evil side face, she always felt that she had been deceived by Chu Yi.

What about the gentle and innocent boy who said good? How does she feel that Chu Yi is like a big-tailed wolf with a stomach full of bad water?

The butler stood at the door, watching Chu Yi take Feng Wuyou out, how weird it looked,

According to his understanding of Feng Wuyou, the eldest lady is very hot-tempered, how could she accept Chu Yi holding her out so quickly?

Seeing that the two have gone away, the butler hurriedly followed.

In the church, Xia Bangyuan was studying the surrounding decorations, but caught off guard, a suit jacket was put on her shoulders.

Xia Wanyuan turned around, "Mr. Jun, you are making trouble for no reason, and I won’t go out with you next time."

"." Jun Shiling pointed to the door, trying to change the subject, "Look at the bridegroom."

Xia Wanyuan looked in the direction of Jun Shiling's fingers, and his eyes flashed with surprise, "Isn't this Feng Wuyou's boyfriend in China?"

"Well, he is also the young master of the Chu family and future heir."

The wedding proceeded according to the established procedure. Except that Feng Wuyou seemed a little angry, everything else was normal.

After the two parties exchanged the rings, the press release prepared by the Chu family and the Feng family began to be released to the world.

Looking at the photos of the wedding, everyone felt that the local tyrants were rich, but they were also a little surprised. Jun Shiling and Xia Wanyuan also attended this wedding.

There is no news that Jun Shiling has friendship with the Chu family and the Feng family? Why is this inexplicable, Jun Shiling and Xia Wanyuan were at their wedding?

Jiang Kui deliberately asked people to check the clues. The information received showed that Xia Wanyuan and Feng Wuyou are actually very good friends.

"I'm so angry," Jiang Kui tossed the information aside, "Why does Xia Wanyuan always have such good luck!"

If you make friends casually, it is the eldest lady of the Feng family. Why does Zou Man have no such ability? !

It was hard for him to hit the Junshi Group on the real side of the magnesium country, and now he is back to the original point!

At this time, Zou Man brought a plate of fruit over. Jiang Kui was angry, and he knocked the fruit plate out as soon as he reached out, "Can you do something serious? I know how to cut the fruit here every day. Isn't it annoying?"

Liu Tanyu walked over with the file at this time, "A Kui, this is the information I asked for Mrs. Lin, do you see if you need it?"

Jiang Kui took a look and looked a lot better, "You are still sensible, let’s go, go upstairs and I will read the information with you."

"Yeah." Liu Tanyu took Jiang Kui's arm upstairs and gave Zou Man a triumphant look before leaving. The provocation in his eyes was really obvious.

Zou Man bent down and slowly picked up the fruit plate, his face was calm.


In the country of magnesium, after attending Feng Wuyou's wedding, seeing Chu Yi take Feng Wuyou away in front of everyone, Xia Wanyuan felt that Feng Wuyou had escaped from the marriage for so long, and now it is considered a good marriage. .

Outside the church, as soon as Xia Bangyuan went out, someone sent a letter from Fang Jin with the address of a cemetery.

"You said, should I take a look?"

The original owner is indeed gone, but Mr. Bulu is the original owner's biological father. In fact, when we meet, she can be regarded as helping the original owner to do her part.

"You are not suitable to come out in public," Jun Shiling took the letter, "but it's okay to check it in the past."

Speaking, Jun Shiling took Xia Wanyuan to the direction of the cemetery.

There are many people in the cemetery at this moment, but it is very peaceful.

Mr. Bu was buried, other members of the Bu Bu family stood aside, and Jun Shi Ling and Xia Wan Yuan also arrived, but they did not step forward, but looked at that side from a distance through a thicket of trees.

Xia Wanyuan took off his hat and prayed for the original owner very religiously in his heart.

The wind is blowing gently, the ceremony not far away has been completed, Jun Shiling and Xia Bangyuan also quietly left,

On the way back, Xia Wanyuan was a little low, "You said, should I have a look at Mr. Bulu for the original owner?"

"Do you think he hasn't seen you?" Jun Shiling said quietly.

"Что ты имеешь в виду?" Ся Ваньюань поднял голову.

«Во время гала-концерта Весеннего фестиваля он спрятался ото всех, он посетил имперскую столицу и уехал, увидев ваше выступление, так что не жалейте об этом. Ему приятно видеть вас».

В то время, когда г-н Булу покидал имперскую столицу, он однажды оставил сообщение Цзюнь Шилин. На нем было всего четыре слова: «Я дам его тебе».

В то время Цзюнь Шилин знал, что господин Булу уже ушел, но все его сожаления исчезли.

Ся Ваньюань взглянула на Цзюнь Шилин: «Значит, ты все знаешь и все скрываешь от меня».

Цзюнь Шилин улыбнулась и коснулась волос Ся Ваньюаня: «Я просто не хочу, чтобы ты беспокоилась обо всем. Я помогу тебе решить многие проблемы».

У Ся Ваньюань и Цзюнь Шилин было слишком много вещей. Вернувшись с кладбища, оба они вернулись в имперскую столицу без пребывания.

Пресс-конференция была не за горами, но на шоу случилась очередная неразбериха.

Причина кроется в 400 моделях, выбранных из Интернета,

Ведь это не профессиональная модель, тренироваться уже очень долго, и тяжело тренироваться день и ночь, и тренировать людей для выступления на сцене.

В шоу произошла утечка,

Модели вышли на репетицию сцены в специально сшитой одежде. Поначалу все не находили ничего плохого, пока сотрудники стадиона не пересчитали одежду.

на самом деле пропустил полные 200 наборов.

Эти 200 комплектов были последовательно потеряны из примерочных ежедневных репетиций моделей.

Потерять одежду — пустяк. Дело в том, что эта одежда еще не вышла на рынок. Они подготовлены для показа зрителям на шоу. Теперь утечка секретов эквивалентна целой конференции без какой-либо тайны.

Как только Ся Ваньюань вышла из самолета, человек, ответственный за шоу, поспешил сообщить об этом Ся Ваньюаню.

«Тогда иди найди этого человека, это дело останется за тобой, а остальное будет происходить как обычно». Ся Ваньюань остановил ответственного одним словом.

Ответственный вернулся с грустным лицом. Легко найти человека, который украл одежду. Ведь отгрузить столько штук непросто, а вот как продолжить эту конференцию — большая проблема.

Как и ожидало ответственное лицо, стили одежды участников конференции быстро просочились наружу. Вкупе с увеличением количества заинтересованных людей, вся сеть не заставила себя долго ждать новости о новых вышитых летних одеждах.

【Это новый продукт? Это довольно красиво, с нетерпением жду этого, но один вопрос: почему вся одежда закончилась до начала конференции? 】

【вам еще нужно спросить? Слил это, Ся Ваньюань выстрелил ей в ногу камнем, поставил профессиональную модель не выбирать, выбрать этих мобов, хорошо на этот раз, даже просочилась информация о новом продукте, на этот раз все зависит от того, что она будет делать. 】

Призраки в шоу вычищены, всякие слухи в интернете просматриваются всеми, а оставшиеся модели молча дышат в сердцах и тренируются более серьезно.

Время постепенно идет вперед,

Конференция по одежде компании Camellia была за день до Embroidery.

Когда здесь, в Вышивке, проходила последняя генеральная репетиция, компания «Камелия» провела презентацию своей летней новинки.

(Конец этой главы)

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