Глава 1177: Чемпион по фехтованию

Глава 1177. Чемпион по фехтованию.

Капитан национальной сборной по фехтованию Баба так долго ждал и, наконец, дождался ответа Ся Ваньюаня. Он был так взволнован, но когда он услышал о маршруте Ся Ваньюаня, он почувствовал, что что-то не так.

«Профессор Ся, скажите честно, вы сначала согласились на интервью с Магнезиумом или сначала подумали обо мне?»

Ся Ваньюань слегка кашлянул: «Капитан, не беспокойтесь о таких деталях».

У капитана было сердце, разбитое, разбитое,

"Я так и знал, ты действительно согласился следовать за нами на соревнование!!"

Ся Ваньюань улыбнулась: «Капитан, это не важно, мы можем просто выиграть игру?»

Капитан воскрес полной кровью. Он видел, как Ся Ваньюань использует меч.

Хороший парень! ! Те, кто не знал, думали, что Ся Банъюань собирается сражаться, чтобы убить врага! Аура вне его досягаемости,

Поскольку он видел, как Ся Ваньюань однажды использовал меч, капитан был потрясен небесами, поэтому он подумал о том, чтобы включить Ся Ваньюаня в национальную команду.

«Вот что ты сказал, — капитан с нетерпением посмотрел на Ся Ваньюаня, — ты обещаешь вернуть мне чемпионство».

Ся Ваньюань подумала о видео о фехтовании современного общества, которое она смотрела.

Хоть это и звучит несколько высокомерно, но, честно говоря, с точки зрения Ся Баньюаня, эти трюки очень просты.

Ся Банъюань не очень часто использует меч.

Ведь главное в ее прошлой жизни было сидеть сзади, и она редко нуждалась в том, чтобы лично выходить на передовую, но это не значило, что фехтование Ся Банъюаня было плохим.

Ее отец, королева и мать, в отличие от других членов королевской семьи, позволяли дочери учить только стихи, песни и женские вышивки знаменитостей.

Для Ся Баньюань они пригласили самых талантливых людей в мире, чтобы обучать ее, в том числе фехтованию,

Унаследованный от меча ****, который был лучшим фехтовальщиком того времени, Ся Баньюань, естественно, не мог сравниться с навыками обычных людей.

Поэтому, столкнувшись с капитаном по фехтованию, Ся Ваньюань естественно кивнула: «Хорошо, тогда я достану тебе чемпиона».

"Потрясающий!" Капитан был так счастлив.

Вы должны знать, что с тех пор, как пять лет назад Китай выиграл чемпионат, национальная команда с тех пор переживает спад и редко добивается хороших результатов.

«Тогда мне есть чем заняться, поэтому я уйду первым». Поговорив с капитаном обо всем, что следует сказать, Ся Ваньюань уже собиралась уходить.

"это хорошо!"

У капитана тоже были дела, поэтому, отослав Ся Ваньюаня, он также отправился в другие места.

Так никто из них не заметил, что после того, как они вышли из тренировочного зала, из раздевалки вышла женщина со сложным выражением лица, а в ее мобильном телефоне работал диктофон.

Это Лю Цянь, член команды по фехтованию.

Ее навыки не могут угнаться за средним уровнем сборной. Она долгое время была запасным игроком.

This time, one of the girls in the team finally fell ill and couldn’t take part in the game again. The captain was helpless and had to pull in Liu Qian and barely make up the number.

For this hard-won opportunity, Liu Qian didn’t know how long she had been looking forward to.

She trained for so long, just to be able to stand on the world stage and receive everyone’s attention.

But where did she think that she had just heard the conversation between Xia Wanyuan and the captain in the dressing room,

Originally, there was no place for Xia Banyuan. If Xia Banyuan were to be added, wouldn't it mean that she would give way?

After all, the captain has never looked at her very much. Now looking at the captain's attitude towards Xia Wanyuan, she can already predict that she will be replaced.

Looking at the recording in her hand, Liu Qian gritted her teeth, "Why do you always get in my way?"

She saved the audio of the recording and walked out of the training room.

It’s only more than a week before An Lao’s wedding. Her belly is getting bigger, her pregnancy is serious, and her mood is often bad. Recently, Xia Wanyuan will take a little time to see her.

"Yuanyuan, do you think I am pregnant with a son or a daughter?" An Lao touched her stomach, looking at Xia Wanyuan with some curiosity.

"I don't know," it sounds strange. An Rao still liked to eat sour a few months ago. At that time everyone thought she was pregnant with a son. Until recently, An Rao started to like spicy food again. "Maybe , Is it a fetus of dragon and phoenix?"

An Lao blinked, "Really?"

But An Lao thought for a while, "Actually, both sons and daughters are good, I like them very much."

Bo Xiao said that he wanted a son, but An Lao saw it. Bo Xiao prepared a whole set of things for his daughter, which was more diligent than preparing for his son.

Speaking of this, An Lao leaned in front of Xia Wanyuan, "Yuanyuan, you and President Jun, are you not going to have a second child?"

Xia Wanyuan was questioned for a moment, and she thought about Jun Shiling being forced to drink soup every day by Uncle Wang. It was a bit funny, "Let's go with the flow."

In fact, children are also spiritual. If he wants to come into this world, he might show up one day.

For a whole afternoon, Xia Wanyuan and An Lao were chatting together. When Xia Bangyuan left, An Lao grabbed Xia Wanyuan's hand reluctantly, tearful, "Sister, otherwise you take me away, I want to go home with you." "

Behind him, Bo Xiao forcibly pulled the person over, and he waved at Xia Wanyuan, "Bye bye, ignore her, she's convulsed again."

"You're just getting a wind." An Lao turned her head and glared at Bo Xiao, "Huh."

Bo Xiao closed the door and started his daily routine of coaxing his wife.

Leaving An Lao’s house, Xia Wanyuan drove back to the manor and walked to the intersection of Xingtan Road and waited for the traffic lights. He caught Su Yueran off guard.

Seriously, if it weren’t for looking at the facial features, Xia Wanyuan really couldn’t believe it, the figure walking by the side of the road was Su Yueran.

Every time Su Yueran appears, she is very calm and elegant with delicate makeup.

Now, she seemed to have suffered some blow, and she looked very withered.

A man in a suit walked beside Su Yueran. It was not Lin Qingyuan, but a very handsome and gentleman.

At this moment, the green light was on, and Xia Wanyuan retracted his gaze, stepped on the accelerator and drove forward.

By the roadside, Lin Qingdai looked at this nominal sister-in-law, very helpless.

He heard about Lin Qingyuan and Su Yueran’s marriage as early as when he was on the road.

Su Yueran, he is naturally familiar,

When he left China ten years ago, Su Yueran had been adopted back to the Lin family. The two of them had been together as brothers and sisters for nearly two or three years.

Now when he returned to China, his sister became a sister-in-law, and seeing Su Yueran’s state, Lin Qingdai felt that something was wrong, but he didn’t ask too much.

When Lin Qingdai was in a dilemma, Su Yueran raised her head, "Don't you still go to the blind date party? Go ahead, I can go back by myself, no need to see me."

Lin Qingdai waved his hand, "I'll leave my sister-in-law after you go back."

"No," Su Yueran insisted, "I want to stay by myself, you don't have to send me anymore, you go back."

"Okay, then." Lin Qingdai stopped the car for Su Yueran before heading towards the Imperial Capital Hotel.

In the Imperial Hotel, Jiang Kui and Jiang Yun were already waiting in the box.

«Какое у тебя лицо? Ты собираешься позволить второму молодому господину из семьи Линь прийти на похороны?» На утренней встрече в компании Цзян Юнь позволил Цзян Кую снова потерять лицо. Цзян Куй затаил обиду, и теперь он будет насмехаться над Цзян Юнем, когда представится такая возможность. Что-нибудь.

Цзян Юнь взглянул на Цзян Куя: «Никто не хочет, чтобы ты приходил, разве ты не занят?»

Цзян Куй налил себе бокал вина: «Отец попросил меня прийти, позволь мне присмотреть за тобой, чтобы ты хорошо провел этот брак, иначе ты знаешь методы его отца».

Цзян Юнь, не отводи взгляд и не обращай внимания на Цзян Куя.

Цзян Куй улыбнулся, эй, хотя Цзян Юнь заставил его потерять лицо в компании, но если Цзян Юнь женщина вне компании, может ли она все же сделать ее из неба?

Как только назначенное время подходило к концу, дверь ложи внезапно открылась, и вошел красивый мужчина.

«Извините, я не очень хорошо знаком с маршрутом имперской столицы. Я немного опоздал». Линь Циндай шагнул вперед и вежливо кивнул Цзян Кую.

«Все в порядке», — Цзян Куй взглянул на время. «Линь Шао очень вежлив. До оговоренного времени осталось пять минут. Просто мы пришли раньше».

Линь Циндай мягко улыбнулся, затем достал из кармана фланелевую коробочку и протянул ее Цзян Юню.

«Мисс Цзян», — в этот момент Линь Циндай впервые увидела Цзян Юня. Его глаза загорелись, а уши слегка покраснели. «Здравствуйте, меня зовут Линь Циндай. Я впервые вижу вас. Это подарок от меня».

Хотя Цзян Юнь очень противится замужеству, Линь Циндай по-прежнему относится к ней очень нежно. Она протянула руку и взяла коробку: «Спасибо».

Линь Циндай улыбнулась, бессознательно глядя на Цзян Юня.

Цзян Куй наблюдал за этой сценой рядом с ним, чувствуя гордость. Казалось, что брак был завершен. Он протянул Линь Циндаю сигарету.

Линь Циндай махнул рукой: «Спасибо, но я не курю».

«Хороший человек», — Цзян Куй откинулся на спинку кресла и усмехнулся. «Похоже, моя сестра — благословение. Интересно, Патриарх Линь рассказал вам о свадьбе?»

Линь Циндай взглянул на Цзян Юня. Раньше он немного сопротивлялся, но теперь он кивнул: «Я сказал это».

"Okay, then we won’t be oblivious. My father and Patriarch Lin mean to set it down as soon as possible. Ten days later, it will be an auspicious day. Otherwise, how about the engagement on that day? Ten days will be enough for us to prepare."

Lin Qingdai nodded, "Okay."

Although he said he has been abroad for many years, his relatives are still in China.

In other words, his relatives are all controlled by Lin Qingyuan. Although Lin Qingdai resisted, he had to obey Lin Qingyuan’s instructions.

What's more, now that after seeing Jiang Yun's appearance, Lin Qingdai feels that he is not so resistant anymore.

"Okay," Jiang Kui glanced at Lin Qingdai, and saw that he had been looking at Jiang Yun, "Then I will leave first, please trouble Master Lin to send my sister back."

"Okay." Lin Qingdai stood up and sent Jiang Kui out.

After Jiang Kui left, Lin Qingdai walked to Jiang Yun's side, very gentle, "Miss Jiang, I will send you back."

Jiang Yun glanced at him, "Okay."

Lin Qingdai knew at a glance that he was a person with a good education.

He is personable, gentle and considerate. He will help Jiang Yun open the door, and will carefully let Jiang Yun walk on the inside of the road. Even when he speaks, he will care about people’s emotions. Once he finds that Jiang Yun is not interested in the topic, he will remain calm another.

In all fairness, Lin Qingdai is a very good person.

If Jiang Yun hadn’t met Xia Yu,

Although Xia Yu is immature, Xia Yu has the vigor that Jiang Yun always yearns for.

"Miss Jiang, here it is," Lin Qingdai's voice pulled Jiang Yun out of his contemplation.

"Thank you." Jiang Yun nodded slightly at Lin Qingdai, and then walked through the door.

Lin Qingdai stood there watching Jiang Yun enter the door, and then got in the car and left.

On the way back, Lin Qingyuan called over, "How about? Are you still satisfied with your fiancee?"

Lin Qingdai’s ears are slightly red, "Thank you, brother, for your concern. We have already negotiated the engagement."

"That's good." Lin Qingyuan was satisfied, "Your sister-in-law is in the Imperial Capital alone. Remember to help me take care of her."


After hanging up the phone, Lin Qingdai walked through the night sky alone with the steering wheel.

In fact, he didn’t know Lin Qingyuan’s use of him,

But is there any way?

Born in such a big family, all the roots are in the Lin family, which is equivalent to saying that Lin Qingyuan held the neck and throat.

If he is ruthless enough to leave all his family and friends and leave his hometown, it’s good, and then he won’t be coerced by Lin Qingyuan in any way.

But he is soft-hearted, he is not so ruthless, he hates his weakness, but he is helpless.


When Xia Wanyuan returned to the manor, she told Jun Shiling about Su Yueran she saw on the road. Seeing Jun Shiling looked unsurprised, Xia Wanyuan knew that Jun Shiling must have known about it a long time ago.

"Why didn't you tell me?" Xia Wanyuan patted Jun Shiling on the shoulder.

Jun Shiling took Xia Wanyuan’s hand along the way, pulled her down, and circled her to sit on her lap.

Xia Wanyuan glared at him, "What are you doing?"

Jun Shiling put one hand around Xia Wanyuan’s waist, and the other hand moved on the keyboard, "Tell you why? Su Yueran is not an important person."

"Who is the man next to Su Yueran?"

"The young master of the second room of the Lin family, Lin Qingdai, who married Jiang Yun."

"...Marriage?" Xia Wanyuan was dumb, she thought of Xia Yu, "Does Xia Yu know?"

She could see that Xia Yu still liked Jiang Yun very much. Now Jiang Yun is getting engaged. If Xia Yu comes back and finds that the girl she likes is engaged, what would Xia Yu think?

Speaking of Xia Yu, Xia Wanyuan glanced at Jun Shiling, "Why haven't Xia Yu come back? Are you hiding something from me?"

Half a month ago, he said that Xia Yu's formation was about to return to China. It has been half a month, and no information has been received.

Hearing Jun Shiling's vowed words, Xia Wanyuan felt a little relieved, "Then believe you for the time being, let go, I'm going to take a bath."

Jun Shiling didn’t move his hand, he embraced Xia Wanyuan, “You accompany me to read the documents, and I accompany you to take a bath, it’s fair, isn’t it?”

"Fuck you." Xia Wanyuan laughed at Jun Shiling.

"Okay, stop making trouble," Jun Shiling calmly patted Xia Wanyuan's waist, "Will you stay with me?"

Xia Wanyuan has always been unable to bear whether Jun Shiling is using it well, is it okay to talk to her with such a tone, she surrendered, "OK."

Jun Shiling smiled and kissed her, and then looked at the file seriously.

Xia Wanyuan watched with him for a while, only then did he remember that he seemed to have something to say to Jun Shiling.

That’s what she is going to Magnesium,

Xia Wanyuan feels a headache when he thinks that this is another tug of war.

So, when Jun Shiling was dealing with work, Xia Wanyuan was thinking about how to make Jun Shiling happy.

So when it came time to go to bed at night, Xia Manyuan spent a long time in the fitting room, until Jun Shiling came to urge her at the door, and Xia Manyuan returned to the bedroom.

"What are you doing, I came back so late?" Jun Shiling helped Xia Wanyuan warm up the quilt. Seeing Xia Wanyuan entering the door, he moved aside.

Xia Wanyuan didn’t speak, she wore a coat and walked towards Jun Shiling.

"What's wrong?" Jun Shiling gave her a puzzled look.

Xia Wanyuan reached out to turn off the light, and then took Jun Shiling’s hand and peeked into his coat.

In the darkness, Jun Shiling’s breathing suddenly became heavy,

His voice is a little hoarse, "Let's talk, what do you want me to do?"

Xia Wanyuan smiled, "Why is President Jun so smart?"

"Don't come to this set." Although Xia Wanyuan's tricks tonight were very attractive, Jun Shiling knew that it would definitely not be a good thing to let Xia Wanyuan take the initiative to tease him.

Xia Wanyuan posted it, in the dark, the coat fell to the ground,

Jun Shiling's rational string could not be stretched, "Go back, don't give me this set, you first tell me what it is.

In spite of that, he held Xia Wanyuan's waist with his hand, but he did not relax at all. The temperature in his palm almost burned people.

"I'm going to Magnesium, five days."

"." Jun Shiling reached out to turn on the light, but Xia Wanyuan stretched out her hand to stop her, she took the initiative to go to school, and tried the tricks that Jun Shiling had never tried before.

Sure enough, it has a miraculous effect,

Наконец, Ся Ваньюань воспользовалась опасностью и добилась обещания Цзюнь Шилин не злиться.

Рано утром следующего дня Ся Ваньюань открыл глаза и пнул Цзюнь Шилин: «Придурок, ты не можешь встать?»

Цзюнь Шилин улыбнулась: «Где ты этому научился? Позвони мне в следующий раз, давай научимся вместе».

". Вы не можете позволить себе это?"

"Вставать." Удовлетворенный Цзюнь Шилин радостно встал, но он все еще немного беспокоился о том, что Ся Ваньюань пойдет в Магний.

Ся Ваньюань отправился в Магний, его не волновали другие вещи, он беспокоился о семье Бру.

Подумав об этом, Цзюнь Шилин все же решила сопровождать Ся Ваньюаня.

"...Что делать с домашними делами?" Сейчас богатая событиями осень, а императора Шилин нет в имперской столице, а имперская столица все еще не может перевернуть небо.

«Не беспокойтесь об этом, просто позаботьтесь о себе».

"." Ся Ваньюань был забавным, ладно, довольно свирепым.


В последние несколько дней в стране было тихо, но в Интернете незаметно распространилась запись.

«Вау, я не ожидал, что китайцы будут такими самоуверенными? Или они подкупили своих противников? Это Ся Ваньюань, тот, кого мы знаем?»

[Это она, я знаю ее голос, что за человек Ся Маньюань? Как я чувствую, что она должна получить ногу везде. 】

[Забавно, а у команды Хуа Го по фехтованию есть международная репутация? 】

[Хахаха, предыдущий, скажу я вам, нет, фехтование самое популярное в штате О. Где можно по-настоящему фехтовать в Китае? 】

Наконец-то уловив тему, кучка холодных людей со скрытыми мотивами в интернете играет в ритм, а мутная вода спровоцировала противостояние между иностранцами и Китаем.

Какое-то время насмешек в Интернете было полно,

Некоторые люди даже включили тему «Чемпион Ся Ваньюань» в список горячих запросов.

Нажмите и посмотрите, это, естественно, смешно.

[Посмотрите сюда, подождите, пока Ся Ваньюань выиграет чемпионат, я здесь, чтобы дать вам 100 ударов, хахахаха. 】

[Тогда я тоже приду. Если Ся Ваньюань выиграет чемпионат, я дам десять юаней всем, кому это нравится, хорошо? 】

[Это токсично, ребята, у меня тоже есть тема специально для Ся Ваньюаня, все они скучные, может люди просто передают привет, это обязательно так выходить в интернет? 】

[Before, our cold country just said that the Lantern Festival is ours, so why are you still chasing us? 】

Soon news spread to China, netizens silently,

Everyone’s first reaction is that this recording must have been forged by others.

Xia Wanyuan doesn’t know how to fencing, how could he participate in any fencing competition?

But soon, some netizens discovered that the official Weibo of the National Fencing Team posted a news,

This dynamic shows that the national fencing team is about to go to the magnesium country to participate in the world fencing competition.

And in the list of participants, there is the name of Xia Bangyuan,

【Excuse me, this Xia Banyuan, is it the Xia Banyuan we know? 】

Netizens are a little confused,

Soon, the official Weibo of the fencing team replied to netizens’ comments, “Yes, it’s the well-known Professor Xia Wan Xia!”

Netizens teased that the official Weibo will be cute, while expressing their shock at Xia Wanyuan’s participation in the fencing competition.

【Yuan Yuan! How many surprises do you have that I don’t know? 】

【Hahahahaha, Xia Wanyuan is awesome! ! If you don’t say anything else, you’ll be done with them. Whatever is crazy or not, you won’t be ashamed even if you lose, you are the best! 】

【Ah yes! Xia Wanyuan, come on, go! ! ! Bringing a champion back to scare these eyeless things to death. When their Hua Guo father played the sword, this group of people didn't know where to dig the mud, but now they are riding on their father's head. 】

After the chat audio between Xia Wanyuan and the fencing captain broke out, the players were actually very worried.

Everyone is afraid of being ridiculed by netizens,

After all, the performance of the fencing team over the years is indeed not very good, and the international reputation is not good. Everyone has no confidence in themselves.

But the reaction of netizens surprised everyone, and even a little moved.

This is the first time, everyone has not been like a stadium, they are beginning to feel passionate,

This time, I have to do my best to compete anyway,

For the strong support of the Chinese people, everyone should work hard.


F Continent, after rescuing Lin Yi from those people, Xia Yu and Lin Yi took the stones and walked along the southeast direction towards the coastal city.

Along the way, there will always be wars in various places. They can only rest during the day and hurry on the road at night, so as to avoid being arrested to the greatest extent.

In the dark night, Xia Yu held the stone with one hand, and Lin Yi with the other hand to walk in the predetermined direction.

When passing by a shoal, the three of them stopped their steps.

This is the safest way to cross. There are people in the upper and lower reaches not far from here. They can only walk from here if they want to go to and across the road.

Lin Yi glanced at Xia Yu, "Wait for me first, I will go down to explore the depth of the water."

"it is good."

Speaking, Lin Yi tightened his shirt, picked up a long stick from the side, and tentatively walked across the river.

Самая глубокая часть воды только что миновала грудь Линь И. В прошлом не должно быть проблем.

Стоун первым поднял руку: «Сестра, я могу переплыть, я умею плавать».

— Хорошо, тогда ты следуй за мной. Линь И кивнул на камень.

Увидев сбоку Ся Юя, готовящегося войти в воду, Линь И пошел впереди него: «Я несу тебя. Твоя рана не должна мочиться. У нас больше нет противовоспалительных препаратов. воды. Если воспалится, то последствия будут плачевными».

Ся Юй поколебался и, наконец, кивнул: «Но я тяжелее и много работал».

"Ничего страшного,"

Линь И сказала, что сначала она попала в воду, а затем Ся Юй упала на спину, Линь И посмотрела на камень: «Следуй за моей сестрой».

"это хорошо."

Лунный свет бледнел в этих тихих водах, и водные волны уносились прочь.

Даже если в воде есть определенная плавучесть, но Ся Юй такая высокая женщина, повернутая спиной на спину, Линь И все равно немного ошеломлена.

Дойдя до середины реки, Линь Ипин пошатнулся и чуть не упал.

Но он был обеспокоен ранами Ся Юй, Линь И все же изо всех сил старалась стабилизировать ее тело, а затем медленно, шаг за шагом спину Ся Юй вынесло на берег.

Когда дело дошло до другого берега реки, все лицо Линь И было потным, Ся Юй вытянул рукав и помог Линь И вытереть его.

Линь И подняла глаза и увидела брови Ся Юй Цинцзюня, она на какое-то время была ошеломлена.

Xia Yu originally just wiped it away, but seeing Lin Yi’s eyes, Xia Yu was also a little embarrassed for a while, he retracted his hand, "Let’s continue on our way."

"Yeah." Lin Yi stood up, tidyed up the clothes on her body, and walked forward carrying her bag.

"Is it heavy? May I help you carry a bag?" Although Xia Yu was injured, she was too embarrassed to look at Lin Yi, a woman carrying a large bag.

Lin Yi hid, "Okay, in this place, what kind of men and women are there? Please take good care of the wound. I and Shishi also count on you to protect us."

"Yeah." Xia Yu didn't say any more.

Lin Yi carried a bag on his back and two in his hand.

The stone is too young to hold something very light. When Xia Yu takes something, the wound will open, and Lin Yi’s hand is not free.

Not long after she left, she started to sweat on her forehead.

Through the moonlight, Xia Yu will help Lin Yi wipe his sweat every time she walks.

Lin Yi felt that she had never been so embarrassed before.

With a patient, a young child was walking on the escape road, the dry food had been eaten, the medicine had been used up, and the three people were exhausted on dry roads and waterways.

At this time, the moonlight is quietly shining on this arid land, the air is full of unknown plant aromas, and the desert is reflected by moonlight in the distance.

is really embarrassed,

But at the same time, Lin Yi also feels that since the death of her parents, she has never been as peaceful as she is now.

Lin Yi turned around, glanced at Xia Yuqingjun’s profile, and suddenly asked the question that I had always wanted to ask, "Last time you were sick, I kept calling my sister and Jiang Yun, are they your relatives? ?"

"My sister is my relative," thinking of Xia Wanyuan, Xia Yu's eyes missed, "She is very nice, and I will prepare it for me when I go to college."

In the quiet night, Xia Yu began to talk about Xia Wanyuan.

In Xia Yu's heart, Xia Banyuan is the best person in the world, so when it comes to Xia Banyuan's goodness, Xia Yu talks endlessly, and has been talking for a long time without stopping.

Lin Yi'an listened quietly without interrupting him.

I don’t know how long it took, Xia Yu finally stopped, "Sorry, I said a little too much,"

"No, I like to listen," Lin Yi felt that Xia Wanyuan was a good person even after listening to Xia Yu's description. "It's a pity that I haven't paid attention to China for a long time. When will I have a chance? I really want to meet your sister."

"Okay, when I return home, I will invite you to dinner." Speaking of dinner, Xia Yu remembered the food cooked by the chefs in the manor. "My brother-in-law’s chef cooks really delicious food. If you have a chance, you must Give it a try."

After finishing Xia Wanyuan, Lin Yi finally asked calmly, "Who is Jiang Yun? You were sick last time, and you called that name."

Speaking of Jiang Yun, Xia Yu was obviously silent for a moment. His Qingjun's face was hidden in the dark, and he looked a little lonely, "No one, maybe you heard it wrong."

"Well, I might have heard it wrong." Although Xia Yu said nothing, Lin Yi felt that she already understood.

F Continent was still at night. At this time, Hua Guo, it was already dawn, and a plane carrying Jun Shiling and Xia Man Yuan was flying from the Imperial Capital Airport to Magnesium.

(End of this chapter)

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